O’Neill Online Week

Join O’Neill Online for an intensive on-campus experience

O’Neill Online Week is a voluntary, on-campus course that allows you to meet and build lasting relationships with your fellow online classmates and professors. All students formally admitted to the online MPA program are eligible to enroll.

Discover why O’Neill Online Week is more than just a class—it’s a chance to make a meaningful impact on the community, connect with professors, and energize your educational journey. Hear firsthand from students about the unique opportunity to bridge the gap between online learning and in-person experiences, creating a memorable and impactful week at O’Neill School.

Description of the video:

We have an online week here at the O'Neill School where students who are taking classes online join other students, as well as the faculty, and work on a project for a real life client.

One of the main benefits of online week is that you can complete an entire project with a group and receive three credits just within a week.


We brought individuals from different areas together to Bloomington and for me it was important because it's not just a class, it's a way to give back to the community.

Part of the slogan for O'Neill is for the greater good, so I think you bring students to this program that are very invested in in leaving a mark in the community.

I chose to attend O'Neill Online Week because it counts as a capstone and along the way you get to experience some of the finer points of the campus and the local restaurants. So you feel like even though you've only been on the campus for just a week of your entire degree, you do feel like you're a Hoosier.

The week itself is very intense. We spent the first day really getting to know the client. We've spent the rest of the week with some really great guest lectures from O'Neill faculty and other experts. We're broken into work groups and so we have a specific part of the problem that we're trying to solve and work together on creating the final presentation for the clients, as well as the final report.

I worked with students from across the country and it was phenomenal. We did great work it was a chance to interact with multiple generations and create a really great work product. It was such an amazing experience and it reconnected me to why I wanted to go back to school and connected me to the university.

I wanted have one experience in person on this campus. I didn't want my only time to be on this campus to be when I came for graduation.

I think an online student should sign up for O'Neill Online Week because it's just such a unique opportunity to be able to get face to face with professors and also to network with other students. It's given me a real energy that I'll take back home with me.


O’Neill Online Week overview

  • Work with a community client to address a real public problem
  • Earn three credits (some coursework will be required before and after the in-residence week)
  • Meet with your advisor to discuss your progress in the O’Neill Online MPA program
  • All activities, meals, and hotel accommodations are covered by tuition and course fees
  • Network with fellow students, faculty, staff, and O’Neill alumni
  • Meet with staff from O’Neill’s Career Hub
  • Experience life on one of the country’s most beautiful college campuses

2024 projects

Course Information

SPCN-V551 section #5238
Instructor: Laura Littlepage


The Hoosier Ticket Project, Inc. (@hoosierproject) was founded by Josh Bruick (@bruick85) and Jason Gerdom (@jgerdom) in June 2021 to formalize and expand the ticket matching that Bruick had been coordinating on Twitter via the Martha the Mop Lady account (@themoplady.The mission of the Hoosier Ticket Project, Inc. is to help individuals and families experience Indiana University athletic events in person for the first time.

The organization has three primary programs:

Ticket Matching

Ticket holders for football, men’s basketball, women’s basketball, and baseball transfer tickets to the ticket project which are then matched with requests for tickets submitted through the Hoosier Ticket Project website.

Weekend at the Rock (football)

An annual event centered around a football non-conference home game. The project partners with youth organizations in central and southern Indiana to provide tickets to underprivileged families. This event is funded by a grant from a family foundation.

Ball in the Hall (women’s basketball)

An annual event centered around a women’s basketball home game. The project partners with youth organizations in central and southern Indiana to provide tickets to underprivileged families. This event is funded by a grant from a family foundation.

How can the class help?

  • Despite what the leadership team considers to be a successful first 18 months, they feel the organization lacks development strategies, particularly stewardship of donors which would lead to recurring donations.
  • Board of directors development and operations are also areas where the organization could use assistance. The current structure is difficult to manage, as the line between what is work of the board and what is work of the leadership team is easily blurred:
    • The board of directors needs policies and procedures for the board, including for board recruitment and diversity
    • As part of the above, they also need help developing a reporting structure that makes sense, including developing job descriptions and separating roles from the board (strategic) to operations.
  • Design an evaluation program of the Hoosier Ticket project, both short and long term.

Course Information

SPCN-V551 section #4622
Instructor: Trent Engbers

Project Details

O’Neill Online 2024: A project of Indiana University O’Neill School of Public and Environment Affairs and Washington County Indiana in conjunction with the Center for Rural Engagement at Indian University.

O’Neill Online Week is pleased to offer a rewarding client-based consulting opportunity focused on the development of a volunteer firefighting in Washington County. Volunteer Fire Departments are managed at the township level, so the project is coordinated by the Washington County Community Foundation and a steering committee of concerned stakeholders.  

Problem: Given the decentralized nature of township-based fire department, residents of Washington county experience inconsistent and unequal fire services. The goal of this project is to provide the resources, coordination and strategies necessary to improve rural fire response strategies. In particular, students in the O’Neill Online Residency Week class will undertake the following projects based on enrollment.

  • Grant Writing Toolkit: Township fire personnel identify funding as a consistent challenge.  The object of this project is to equip township fire departments to be more effective in identifying, securing and managing grants.
  • Benchmarking Study: In order to strengthen the volunteer fire departments in Washington County, there is a need to better understand best practices in volunteer fire departments across Indiana and nationwide. The client is especially interested in best practices related to supporting and financing fire departments. As part of this initiative, the benchmarking group will seek to inform alternative ways of managing and financing volunteer fire departments.
  • Survey Design: Many volunteer fire departments facing a declining number of volunteer fire departments and concerns related to attracting and retaining volunteer fire fighters.  The Survey Design group will develop a survey and strategy for implementation which can be used to 1) develop strategies for current firefighter retention and 2) inform a strategy to attract new firefighters.
  • Coordination Plan: Given the decentralized nature of fire department management in Washington County, there is considerable inconsistencies between townships and operational inefficiencies. The Coordination Plan group will work to identify areas of greater collaboration that could aid in improving performance, consistency and use of scarce resources.