Indiana University is a big place! But, whatever you need, there’s someone to help.
Forms and Policies
The Course Permission Form should only be utilized if you are getting an error message related to a prerequisite, or department permission when trying to enroll in an O'Neill course. Please fill out the form by using the button below.
Did you know that neither O’Neill nor IU can share your academic information with any third party— including your parents—without your consent? The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) protects the confidentiality of educational records. That means that if you would like a third party such as your parents or an interviewer to discuss your academic record with O’Neill, we must have a signed release form on file in the O’Neill Undergraduate Program Office.
This form outlines the process of appealing a grade for O'Neill School students. The petitioner must go through the steps in order for the appeal to be reviewed and considered. Specific information for whom to address the appeal can be obtained by contacting the Undergraduate Programs Office at, calling 812-855-0635, or stopping by our office in SPEA 240.
Any student who believes an O’Neill final course grade is in error, is based on bias, or does not follow the grading policy as outlined in the syllabus, can initiate the grade appeal process. The grade appeal must be submitted within one calendar year from the end of the semester in which the course in question was taken. Here are the steps:
- The student notifies the Director of Undergraduate Academic Affairs (Director) through email that he or she wishes to appeal a grade, and includes the course number, section number and the name of the instructor. The Director then sends an email to the instructor informing him or her that the grade appeal process has been initiated and that the instructor will soon be receiving a request for a meeting by the student.
- The student must then contact the instructor and meet with him or her to discuss the issue. At this meeting, both student and instructor should make a good faith effort to resolve the dispute to the satisfaction of both.
- If the grade dispute does not resolve at this meeting, the student then makes a written appeal to the Director. The appeal is an email to the Director that briefly describes the situation and states why the student believes that the grade is in error, is based on bias, or does not follow the grading policy as outlined in the syllabus. These are the only grounds for appeal. The student also states what relief he or she seeks.
- The Director then meets with the student and the instructor separately to learn more about the situation and understand both sides of the grade dispute.
- After these meetings, the Director may suggest a solution to the parties to see if they find it acceptable.
- The instructor makes a final decision on the grade, sending it by email to the student and the Director.
- The student may appeal the instructor’s final decision by emailing O’Neill’s Executive Associate Dean and requesting an appeal.
- The Executive Associate Dean will inform the Academic Fairness Committee (Committee) of the appeal. The Committee will then contact the student about the appeal and inform the student of next steps.
- The Committee will “consider procedural errors in assigning grades.” BL-ACA-H35. The Committee may “direct the Dean of the School/College to change grades on the basis of the Committee's findings.”
- Each School/College on the Bloomington campus shall create an Academic Fairness Committee.
- Each Academic Fairness Committee shall contain representation of faculty and students.
- The Academic Fairness Committee shall be empowered to consider procedural errors in assigning grades and to direct the
Dean of the School/College to change grades on the basis of the Committee's findings.
Indiana University Bloomington undergraduate students who complete a Withdrawal from All Subjects for two academic terms (fall, spring, or summer) will not be permitted to register for a future term without written permission of the dean of their college/school or the dean’s delegate. These students will have a Negative Service Indicator (hold) placed on their record that prevents future registration by the Office of the Registrar until such permission is obtained.
For O’Neill majors who wish to petition to resume or continue their studies, please submit the Petition to Remove a Hold due to Multiple Term Withdrawal two weeks prior to the start of the semester in which you wish to enroll.
Multiple Term Withdrawal Hold Petition
For questions, please contact
- Petitions for Late Course Withdrawal can only be submitted if you experienced an extraordinary, dire circumstance beyond your control that necessitates withdrawal.
- To drop a course after the Auto-W deadline, you must provide documentation of the extraordinary, dire circumstance beyond your control that necessitates withdrawal. Petitions submitted without documentation will not be considered.
The following are not accepted circumstances:
- Poor academic performance.
- Protecting your GPA or eligibility for a preferred major or program.
- Concern that you may be placed on academic probation or dismissal.
- Not being aware of your weekly class schedule or enrollment in a course.
- A change of plans that results in a course no longer meeting a specific major or degree requirement.
- Failure to attend class on a regular basis without an extraordinary, dire circumstance.
- Not being aware of the Auto-W deadline.
Examples of circumstances that might be accepted are:
- A serious illness that requires you to reduce your course load.
- A death in the family that requires you to reduce your course load.
- You must provide an email from your instructor confirming:
- their willingness to allow the late withdrawal and award a W,
- that there are no pending academic misconduct cases for this course, and
- you have not been awarded a grade of “F” as a result of academic misconduct in the course.
Note that this email does not mean late withdrawal will be approved.
- The deadline to submit a petition is Noon on the last day of classes in each term, prior to the start of Final Exams (see the IUB Official Academic Calendar for specific deadlines). After this deadline, you must work with the Student Advocates office.
- This petition cannot be used for a Withdrawal from all Subjects.
- Submitting a petition does not result in automatic approval. If you are currently enrolled, you must continue to participate fully in this course until you receive a decision.
- It is your responsibility to check on the impact of a late course withdrawal on your financial aid, insurance, housing eligibility, participation in athletics, student employment, Visa status, etc.
- International students should meet with the Office of International Services prior to submitting a petition to determine potential impact.
- It may take up to 1 week for your petition to be reviewed and for us to notify you of the decision. If you have not heard after 2 weeks of submitting your petition, please email the address that sent you the petition form (
- Reinstatement is only available to students who were admitted to O’Neill and subsequently dismissed from O’Neill.
- Students must sit out of IUB (not be enrolled) for at least one semester.
- For example, Students dismissed in May 2022 may apply for reinstatement for Spring 2023 (Deadline Dec. 1st). Students dismissed in Dec. 2022 may apply for reinstatement for fall 2023 (apply by July 1st).
- The deadline to apply for the spring semester is Dec.1st.
- The deadline to apply for the fall semester is July 1st.
- There is no summer application.
O’Neill abides by all University policies and deadlines, and we have our own Honor Code.
Resources for Students
We want you to excel in your studies at Indiana University. We understand that sometimes you need help with a course or two, so we keep a list of students who offer tutoring assistance. Each of these students earned a B+ or better in the courses they tutor and have a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA.
Whether or not these tutors request compensation is on an individual basis, and any arrangements are to be made between the tutor and the tutee. Below are courses for which we have tutors available—if you would like more information, you will find the full list in the student portal.
- M118: Finite Mathematics
- M119: Brief Survey of Calculus I
- E251: Fundamentals of Economics I
- B251: Fundamentals of Business Economics I
- K300: Statistical Techniques
- V186: Introduction to Public Budgeting and Finance
- V202: Contemporary Economic Issues in Public Affairs
- V246: Elements of Government and Nonprofit Financial Accounting Cycle
- V346: Introduction to Governmental Accounting and Financial Reporting
- V348: Management Science
- V361: Financial Management
- V370: Research Methods and Statistical Modeling
- V379: Performance Measurement and Program Evaluation
- V401: Financial and Cost-Benefit Analysis
- H352: Health Finance I
- H353: Health Finance II
- H354: Health Economics
Need help with registration, transfer courses, and academic policies? Check out these resources.
O’Neill Admissions is separate from IU Admissions. For information about applying to IU, arranging a campus visit, or transferring to IUB, visit:
From how to pay a bursar bill to sorting out a scholarship, these offices are here to help.
The Veterans Support Services Office is your home base on campus for questions, issues, or opportunities unique to veterans and those currently serving in the military. Visit them in the Indiana Memorial Union, room M084.
These offices will assist you when your need goes beyond what O’Neill offers.