
We value your AmeriCorps experience

If you are an AmeriCorps alum, we strongly encourage you to apply to the O’Neill School. Here’s why:

Our experience with AmeriCorps alumni at O’Neill has been outstanding—your experiences enhance the classroom and academic environment.

  • You possess a sense of self-discipline that comes from coping with challenging positions in the field, and having to make do with limited resources.
  • You possess maturity that such experiences bring.
  • Our AmeriCorps alums have always had a significant impact on the social and academic life of the school.

Benefits to AmeriCorps alumni

You qualify for a reduction of 3 credit hours per year of service (up to a maximum of 6 credits—this amounts to cost saving of more than $3,800 benefit per year of service, depending on residency). Your AmeriCorps service also satisfies the experiential requirement for an MPA or MSES degree.

As an AmeriCorps alum, you will also receive a graduate school application fee waiver from Indiana University, which is a savings of $70.