We can assist you with your academic planning through scheduled appointments, drop-in hours, and phone appointments, if you're away from Bloomington. Our goal is to help you throughout your undergraduate academic career and provide you with the necessary tools to successfully plan your scholastic experience.
Some reasons to visit us include the following:
- You are thinking about studying abroad
- You are experiencing academic difficulty
- You want to apply for an O’Neill minor or certificate
- You need to discuss graduation requirements
- You are considering changing your major
And, of course, if you have questions about scheduling courses.
Pre-O’Neill students wishing to meet with an O’Neill academic advisor should schedule an appointment using the Student Appointment Scheduler (SAS) and searching for "Brett Reardon." Please indicate your intended major in the appointment reason field. Non-IU students interested in O’Neill admission should contact us at (812) 855-0635 or oneillam@iu.edu.
If you are a transfer student interested in learning more about the O’Neill School’s programs and admission, how your credits will transfer, or your timeline towards degree completion, you can schedule an appointment to meet with O’Neill’s transfer coordinator. Contact us at oneilltr@iu.edu or (812) 855-0635.
Drop-in Advising
We offer drop-in advising hours from 1-3 p.m., Monday - Friday, except during campus holidays and summer break. Sessions are both in-person and online.
Virtual Drop-ins
By Appointment
For more in-depth questions like discussing study abroad, scheduling your next semester, or general academic planning, please make an appointment with your advisor using SAS. We cannot accommodate unscheduled phone-in or drop-in advising for detailed issues. We offer appointments from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. If you are not in Bloomington, please indicate if you would like to conduct your meeting via "phone" or "Skype" or "Zoom" when typing the reason for your appointment.
Be Prepared
Review your Academic Advising Report from One.IU prior to all advising sessions—drop-in or appointment.
Review your Academic Advising Report
You must apply to graduate
IU Bloomington does not automatically award degrees once requirements are completed; you need to declare your intention by completing a graduation application.
Graduation Application Due Date
The graduation application will become available at the beginning of April. Applying for graduation by the due date ensures that you’ll receive correspondence regarding the IU Commencement Ceremony and that your name will be printed in the commencement program. Make sure that your address is correct in One.IU, so that you receive your commencement information and diploma.
Complete your graduation application
IU Commencement
The Indiana University Commencement Ceremony is held twice a year—in May for May and July graduates, and in December for December graduates. All aspects of the ceremony are coordinated through the Office of University Events and Commencement Services including times, parking, cap and gown rental, and directions for students and parents.
Get commencement information
O'Neill Recognition Ceremony
We host our own annual Recognition Ceremony at the end of each semester. Students graduating in December are eligible to participate in the winter recognition ceremony and any student graduating in May or July of the academic year is welcome to participate in the spring recognition ceremony. Our ceremonies include O'Neill speakers and the recognition of each student.
Recognition Ceremony for Students Graduating in May
In May 2025, the O'Neill Recognition Ceremony will be held on Friday, May 9th at 7:00 p.m. at the IU Auditorium for students graduating May or July of 2025. Graduating students will be individually recognized at the ceremony.
For questions, please contact the Undergraduate Programs Office, oneillup@iu.edu, 812-855-0635.
Changing your Graduation Date
What if you intend to graduate in May, apply for May graduation, and find that you need to take a summer course after all? Or you've planned an extra semester, but decide to finish early? Not to worry—simply contact the O'Neill advising office to submit a change of graduation date form—do not reapply for graduation. But, do note that we don’t automatically roll your graduation date over to the next date if you do not graduate as planned. You must apply for a change in your graduation date if you intend to graduate later than anticipated.