Evann Englert
Policy Analysis
"One goal of mine is to work directly with the Medicare or Medicaid programs either within a state agency or with the federal government's Health and Human Services."
Read Evann's story
Hannah Fry
Nonprofit Management
“Knowing that I have a network of friends that will be working on the Hill or at places like the Met is really exciting.”
Read Hannah's story
Zach Kibel
“I’m having so much fun that sometimes I forget I’m here to learn. The Honors Program helps me focus and gives me a goal to work toward.”
Read Zach's story
Amani Khoury
Environmental Science
“The O’Neill School and the Honors Program have created a space where we can all lead for the greater good and make the world a better place.”
Read Amani's story
Kayla Leversen
Nonprofit Management
“I am really interested in the fields of grant writing, fund raising, and resource development.”
Read Kayla's story
Ryan Maddox
Policy Analysis
“Honors programs challenge you as an individual, but they also connect you to curious people from different parts of campus.”
Read Ryan's story
Maggie Reeves
Law and Public Policy
“Get involved with student organizations as soon as possible. You meet so many new and amazing people through clubs and IU events.”
Read Maggie's story
Kulsoom Tapal
Law and Public Policy
"The biggest benefit of the Honors program has been the confidence and the platform to cultivate my own project."
Read Kulsoom's story