Dissertations completed since 2012
- Craig Jackson: The Development and Application of Chromosome-Scale Genome Assemblies to Elucidate the Role of Genome Architecture and Chromosomal Rearrangements in Shaping the Genomic Landscape of Divergence in Daphnia Ecological Speciation
- Deidra Miniard: Understanding Climate Change and Energy System Perceptions and Behavior: Three Studies Examining Energy Transition Preferences, Social Distance, and Issue-Framing Communication
- Paige Price: Hydroxyl and Hydroperoxyyl Radicals: A Model Re-Assessment, Measurements in a Ponderosa Pine Forest, and Indoor-Outdoor Comparison
- Elena Solohin: The Effects of Natural and Human-Induced Environmental Change on Tidal Wetlands
- Euipyo Lee: Unpacking Public Sector Innovation: Causes and Effects of Innovation in Korea, Taiwan, and the United States
- Janet Jock: The Impacts of Cash and In-Kind Transfers on Schooling and Health Outcomes: Evidence from Cash Transfers and School Food Programs
- Trevor Memmott: Intersections and Insecurity: Measuring the Determinants, Consequences, and Mitigators of Material Hardship
- Wesley Zebrowsky: Discretion and Inequality in Agricultural Programs
- Michael Benson: Assessing the Sensitivity of Eastern United States Forests to Climate Change and Drought Through the Lens of Plant Hydraulics
- Sander Denham: Climate-Vegetation Feedbacks in Eastern US Deciduous Forests: Hydrologic Stress and Phenology
- Vinay Kumar: Characterization of OH Radical Sinks in Forested and Indoor Environments
- Ashley C Bradford: Three Essays on Health, Housing, and Risky Behaviors
- Patrick Carlin: Empirical Investigations of Indigenous Healthcare in the US
- Laura Montenovo: The Effects of Labor Market Policies on Firms and Workers: Evidence From Italy
- Tinganxu 'Crystal' Lewis-Liu: Three Essays on Performance Information Use in the Public Sector: Measurement and Testing the Antecedent in the U.S. Government
- John Stavick: The Long-Term Consequences of State Budget Balancing Decisions
- Andrey Yushkov: Three Essays on the Nature of Vertical Fiscal Interactions in Federations
- Jessica Hale: Leader Contributions to Organizational Adaptation
- Danyao Li: Three Essays on Representation, Decision Making and Bureaucratic Performance in Law Enforcement
- Kimberly Madsen: Representation and Its Boundaries in Post-Conflict Areas: Can Representation and Performance Increase Public Perceptions of Legitimacy?
- Kelli McGiverin-Bohan: Debt and Mortar Decisions: Nonprofit Borrower (and Lender) Decision-Making Mechanisms, Facilities Financing, and Nonprofit Capital Structure
- Gregory Breck Wightman: Suited for Succession: The Role of Managerial Fit in Public and Nonprofit Organizations
- Ruth Winecoff: Information Intermediation in the Primary Market for Municipal Securities
- Megan Darnley: Drivers of Interagency Cooperation and Partnership Outcomes: The Case of School Resource Officers
- Renzo de la Riva Aguero: Too Complex to Deliver? Administrative Capacity, Governance, and Waste Management in Peruvian Municipalities
- Godfreyb Ssekajja: Too Complex to Deliver? Administrative Capacity, Governance, and Waste Management in Peruvian Municipalities
- Mariana Cains: Integrating Climate Change Vulnerability, Risk, and Resilience for Place-Based Assessment of Socio-Ecological Systems: Charleston Harbor Watershed, SC, USA
- Colleen Rosales: Measurements of Atmospheric Radicals in Ambient and Indoor Environments: Outdoor-Indoor Relationships, Indoor Formation Mechanisms, and Instrumental Analysis
- Michelle Graff: Unpacking the Determinants and Burdens of Energy Assistance in the United States
- Patrick F. Hibbard: Alternative Approaches to Criminal Justice: Problem-Solving Courts and Incarcerated Peer Education
- Michelle Hung Wai Lee: Lessons from the Fossil Fuel Industry: How to Ensure a Just Transition towards a Zero-Carbon Future
- Arthur Lin Ku: Three Essays on Clean Energy Policies and Their Implications for Equity and Efficiency
- Ricardo A. Bello-Gomez: Unpacking Administrative Decentralization: Testing the Interaction of National and Subnational Government Capacity in Explaining Subnational Performance
- Joanna 'Joey' Carroll: Three Papers on the Labor Market Effects of Tax and Regulatory Policies
- Jose Alfonso Iracheta Carroll: Air Quality, Mobility and Metropolitan Policy: Empirical Evidence from Mexico City, Los Angeles and San Francisco
- Zhengyan 'Ian' Li: Truth Matters: Information Disclosure, Regulation, and Environmental Attitudes and Actions
- Felipe A. Lozano Rojas: Three Essays on the Unintended Consequences of Social Policies
- Johabed G. Olvera Esquivel: The Impact of a Home Visiting Program and Its Implementation on Mothers and Infant Health
- Qun Wang: Differentiated Government Control: Political Connections and Revenues to NGOs in China
- Zichao Yu: The Role of Institutions and Politics in China's Electricity Reform
- Julio Zambrano-Gutierrez: The Role of Sectoral Diversity on Collaborative Governance and Citizen Coproduction
- Ruodan Zhang: Three Essays on Nonprofit-Government Interactions and the Effects on Citizen Participation
- Stefan Carpenter: Unpacking the Efficacy of Community-Based Wildlife Governance: The Influence of Economic Benefit Types, Risk, and Heterogeneity on Collective Action
- Anthony DeMattee: Domesticating Civil Society: How and Why Governments Use Laws to Regulate CSOs
- Christopher Miller: Climate Policy and Political Viability: Polarization, Inequality, and the Prospects for Geoengineering
- Luke M. Shimek: ‘Escape from Patronage’: A Multi-Method Exploration of the Causes and Consequences of Bureaucratic Insulation
- Richard 'Nate' Keith: The Influence of Chemical Pollution on the Rate, Spectra, and Distribution of Genome-Wide DNA Mutation with Considerations for Health and Ecosystem Outcomes
- Koong Yi: Impact of Drought on Species-Specific Carbon Balance and Water Use
- Yilun Zhang: An Experimental and Modeling Study of Silicate Dissolution Kinetics Near Equilibrium
- Mir Usman Ali: Citizen Oversight of Police: Adoption, Impact on Racial Disparities in Policing, and Potential Side Effects
- Ngoc Thi Minh Dao: Topics on Retirement Saving, Retirement and Health in the Era of Population Aging
- Martin Louis Jean Delaroche: Policy Change or Values Change? The Evolution of the Environmental Behavior of Large-Scale Soybean Producers in Mato Grosso, Brazil
- Angshuman Gooptu: Evaluations of Minimum Wage and Health Insurance Reform Policies
- Taha Hameduddin: Three Essays on the Employee Engagement Construct: Exploring the Role of the External Environment, and Its Efficacy in the U.S. Federal Government
- Gyeo Reh Lee: Myths about Market Solutions
- Siân Mughan: A Public Finance Perspective on Local Government Revenue Policy, the Courts and Representative Democracy
- David Christopher Warren: An Empirical Examination of Carbon Tax Effects at the National, State, and Local Levels: Testing the Double Dividend Hypothesis Using Meta-Analysis and an Econometric Energy-Economy Model
- David M. Bredenkamp: Serving Alongside the Shadow: Civil Servants and Contracted Public Work
- Lindsey Rose Bullinger: The Impact of Social Policy on Child and Family Health and Well-Being in the United States
- Lauren Dula: Gender and the Governance and Performance of Nonprofit Organizations: Women and the United Way
- Maithreyi Gopalan: Examining Disparities in Non-cognitive Educational Outcomes in the United States
- Noah Hammarlund: Health Informatics and Clinical Decision Making for Priority Populations
- Yousueng Han: A Multidimensional Scale for Public Employee Accountability: Theory and Empirical Evidence
- Hongseok Lee: Examining Meanings and Consequences of Bureaucratic Representation and Workforce Diversity: The United States and South Africa Cases
- Shinwoo Lee: Determinants and Consequences of Employee Turnover in the U.S. Federal Bureaucracy
- Venkata 'Venkat' Krishna Nadella: A Passage to India: Essays on the Political Economy of Entrepreneurship
- Gabriel Piña Blanco: Federal Policies and the Poor: Allocation Decisions and Impacts of Housing Financial Assistance Programs
- Yu Zhang: Public Opinion about Shale Gas Development in China: Financial Incentives, Trust in Government and a Comparative Study of Opinion in the United States
- Yulianti Abbas: Municipalities Continuing Disclosure: Current Practices and Value Relevance in the Municipal Market
- Yuan Cheng: Understanding Government-Supporting Nonprofits and their Relationship with Governments
- Mehmet Demircioglu: Three Essays on Public Sector Innovation
- Hyesong Ha: Employee Empowerment and Organizational Outcomes in the Public Sector: A Causal Inference Analysis
- Sun Young Kim: Public Sector Whistle-Blowing: The Roles of Structure, Representation, and Managment
- Luke Spreen: An Empirical Analysis of Behavioral Responses to State Income Taxes
- Owen F. Witesman: Universality in Public Service Values: A Methodology for the Comparison of Value Structures and Content
- Shun-Wen Wu: The Welcome Mat Effect of the Early Medicaid Expansions - on Enrollment, Healthcare Utilization, and Spending
- Lang 'Kate' Yang: Fiscal Federalism and Distressed Localities: An Empirical Analysis of State Intervention and Bankruptcy Authorization Laws
- Gordon Abner: Examining the Effects of Bureaucrat Bashing on the Morale of Public Employees and Citizens' Attitudes Towards Public Employees
- NaLette Broadnax: The impacts of a novel advising intervention on the gender gap in technology education: A randomized controlled experiment
- Andrew Cloran: Shaping the Fifth Branch: Interest Representation, Campaign Contributions, and Political Support Across the Federal Advisory Committee System, 1997-2011
- Sanchayan Nath: Beyond Institutional Diversity: Studying Governance and Leadership in the Social-Ecological System of Urban Lakes of Bangalore, India
- Jessica Alcorn: Understanding Alternative Energy Realignments: A Transdisciplinary Methodological Approach
- Farzana Chowdhury: Impact of Corruption on Entrepreneurship and Social Welfare
- David Lee: Understanding Intergovernmental Mechanisms in U.S. Homelessness Policy Implementation
- Naveed Paydar: Assessing the Social License to Operate: State Reinvestment Policies for Unconventional Gas Development
- Zachary Wendling: Three Essays on Decision-Making in Energy Policy
- Joel Bolinger: Poverty Deconcentration Efforts in U.S. Low-Income Housing Policy: Impacts and Implementation Challenges
- Louis Fucilla: Does the Bureaucracy Move the Needle on Trust: An Exploratory Analysis
- Ursula Kreitmair: Observing Others: The Effect of Behavioral Information on Collective Action in Social Dilemmas
- Dae Woo Lee: Three Essays on For-profit Colleges
- Kohei Suzuki: The Effects of Government Retrenchment on Citizen Participation in Service Provision
- Elizabeth Baldwin: State Clean Energy Policies & Stakeholder Involvement: How Stakeholders Affect Policy Implementation
- Chaeyoung Chang: Empirical Evidence on Factors Contributing to the Prevalence of Childhood Obesity in the United States
- Hyunkang Hur: Three Essays on Public Job Security Theory
- Carletta Taylor Sims: Financial and Social Savvy Amongst Earned Income Tax Eligible Households: The Influence and Importance of Social Knowledge, Program Participation and Financial Capability in Household Wealth-Building Behaviors
- Shannon Lea Watkins: Trees, Communities, and Equity: Nonprofit Tree Planting and the Coproduction of Urban Forests
- Doris Navarro Barnard: The role of social capital in household economy and landuse/ land-cover change in areas of land reform in Santarem, Brazilian Amazon
- Francisco K. Souza: Examining the tradeoffs of conservation-development strategies in Amazonia: A land-use/land-cover, economic, and institutional comparative analysis of institutional arrangement regimes (abstract only)
- Jessica Vogt: Urban tree planting, tree maintenance, and the success of planted urban trees
- Kwan Chan: A Comparative Study of the Institutional Foundations of Punctuated Equilibrium
- Rachel Fyall: The Influence of Nonprofit Organizations on the Formation and Delivery of Public Services
- Lanlan Xu: What Does Healthcare Have to Do with Immigration Reform and Welfare Policy? The Impact of Legal Status on Immigrants’ Health Care Access and Health Outcomes
Stephen Griffith: Hydroxyl and hydroperoxy radical chemistry in forested and urban areas: measurements, modeling, and implications for atmospheric chemistry
Jennifer Liljegren: Experimental and theoretical studies of the kinetics of the hydroxyl radical (OH)-initiated oxidation of volatile organic compounds
Yuning Ma: Spatial and temporal trends of flame retardants in the atmosphere near the great lakes
Diana Oviedo-Vargas: Dissolved organic matter and coupled biogeochemical cycles in streams and rivers
Richard Thurau: Spatial distributions of forest resources and change in the central hardwoods region, United States
Daniel Abrams: Generating nitrate response functions for large regional watersheds
Anirban Chakraborty: Microbiology and biogeochemistry of nitratedependent, iron(II) oxidation: Bacterial growth and physiology
Monica Paulson-Priebe: Forest governance institutions, anthropogenic disturbance and forest cover change in Central American forests
Mikaela Schmitt-Harsh: Land-cover change and carbon sequestration under diverse land use systems in Guatemala
Neal Buckwalter: Mandated democracy: Information, participation, and the prospects for public empowerment
Natalia Ermasova: Capital budgeting at the state level: An empirical analysis from the economic downturn through the present
Aleksei Kolpakov: Structural development of public management networks over time: Where process meets structure
Temirlan Moldogaziev: Information economics in insurance markets for municipal debt securities: Monoline insurance in primary and secondary trades
Gwendolyn Arnold: Assessing wetland assessment: Understanding state bureaucratic use and adoption of rapid wetland assessment tools
Galia Benitez: Policy networks in trade protectionism: Government-business relationships in Brazil within Mercosul
Forrest Fleischman: Public servant behavior and forest policy implementation in Central India
Gustavo García-López: Scaling up from the top down and the bottom up: The impacts and governance of inter-community forest associations in Durango, Mexico
LeAnh Nguyen Long: Immigrant entrepreneurship and citizenship in Rome: Entrepreneurship as a predictor of political resources and integration
Scott Smitson: An assessment of the Whole of Government approach to complex operations: Historical precedent, process, and outcome
Sergio Villamayor-Tomas: Understanding robustness to distubance through the theory of the commons: Irrigation water governance and socio-ecological robustness in the Gallego and Cinca River Watersheds, Spain
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