
What is the O’Neill School?

#1The O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs is a nationally ranked academic institution located on the campus of Indiana University and home to one of the nation’s top Master of Public Affairs programs.

We bring together management skills, science, policy analysis, and the humanities. We focus on governing, managing, and leading. We prepare students to address the complex issues that face society todayissues one field of study alone can't solve.

And the world has noticed. We’ve been recognized many times over for our unique programs and outstanding faculty.

See our rankings Take a virtual tour 

Get to know the O'Neill School

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The O'Neill School of Public and Environmental

Affairs is named in honor of Paul H. O'Neill.


Former Secretary of the U.S. Treasury.


Established nearly 50 years as SPEA, our school

was the first school of its kind in the world.


Bringing together the study of public affairs,

environmental science, and policy.


Today, the O'Neill School has more than 36,000



And our graduates are working across the globe

as leaders of nonprofit organizations,


government agencies, and in the private sector.


You may have heard that O'Neill offers top

ranked programs in public affairs and environmental science.


Did you know that you can also study healthcare

management, international affairs, and even arts administration?


We have a variety of master's degrees and

graduate certificates


that you can customize to propel your future career.


Our faculty are national leaders inside and

outside the classroom.


They teach from experience, drawing from their

own public service


and consulting with governments around the world.


Our public administration research is considered

some of the best in the world,


according to the Shanghai Rankings.


In addition, O'Neill students have access

to more than 1,600 acres of protected land


at the Research and Teaching Preserve, providing

great opportunities for research experience in the field.


And if you are passionate about making the

world cleaner and more energy efficient,


IU is home to 12 centers and institutes dedicated

to environmental sustainability.


If you want to get involved outside of class,

it's easy.


O'Neill has more than 20 different student

organizations, including the Nonprofit Management Association


and the Environmental Management

and Sustainable Development Association.


And every year, roughly 60 students participate

in our Service Corps program,


serving local organizations in the public, nonprofit, and

arts sector.


At the O'Neill School, you can also make the

world your classroom.


From a semester exchange in Australia to a

spring break trip in the United Arab Emirates,


we have over 20 overseas programs designed

specifically for O'Neill graduate students.


And the best part?


Every year, the O'Neill School awards almost

$300,000 to help students gain international experiences.


At the O'Neill School, we actively strive

to cultivate diversity, equity, and inclusion.


We use the engagement of all faculty, students,

staff, alumni, and community members in all of our efforts.


As Paul H. O'Neill once said, a real leader

hungers for the responsibility of making a difference.


If you are looking for a place where you can

develop the skills you need to change the world,


schedule a visit to see where the O'Neill

School can take you.





O’Neill creates leaders for every sector of the economy

Our programs run the gamut from public policy to environmental management and from healthcare administration to arts administration.

Our graduates thrive in governmental agencies, private corporations, and nonprofit organizations—and often move seamlessly among all three.

Learn more about our leadership opportunities

Learn more about how O'Neill can help you lead for the greater good