Indiana University Bloomington Indiana University Bloomington IU Bloomington
Please provide your contact information and information about your proposed practicum:
Student Name:
Student ID Number:
E-mail Address
Practicum Organization:
Practicum hours completed:
Please rate your improvement in the following areas:
Practical work experience related to my academic goals Increased Significantly Increased Moderately Increased Slightly No change
Practical work experience related to my career goals Increased Significantly Increased Moderately Increased Slightly No change
Understanding of how organizations function Increased Significantly Increased Moderately Increased Slightly No change
Professional network of contacts in my field Increased Significantly Increased Moderately Increased Slightly No change
Ability to apply core knowledge within my field of study Increased Significantly Increased Moderately Increased Slightly No change
Ability to take initiative Increased Significantly Increased Moderately Increased Slightly No change
Ability to follow through on tasks and projects Increased Significantly Increased Moderately Increased Slightly No change
Ability to set priorities Increased Significantly Increased Moderately Increased Slightly No change
Ability to creatively identify, formulate, and solve problems Increased Significantly Increased Moderately Increased Slightly No change
Ability to adapt to change Increased Significantly Increased Moderately Increased Slightly No change
Leadership skills Increased Significantly Increased Moderately Increased Slightly No change
Ability to function on multi-disciplinary terms Increased Significantly Increased Moderately Increased Slightly No change
Oral presentation skills Increased Significantly Increased Moderately Increased Slightly No change
Writing skills Increased Significantly Increased Moderately Increased Slightly No change
Ability to work with others to accomplish a goal Increased Significantly Increased Moderately Increased Slightly No change
Ability to make decisions Increased Significantly Increased Moderately Increased Slightly No change
Self-confidence Increased Significantly Increased Moderately Increased Slightly No change
Time management Increased Significantly Increased Moderately Increased Slightly No change
Interpersonal communications Increased Significantly Increased Moderately Increased Slightly No change
Please briefly describe how this practicum experience impacted you in the following areas:
Overall Career Development:
Development of Professional Skills:
Personal Development:
Academic Development:
What resources did you use to identify this practicum project? CDO Career Advisor Arts Administration Faculty/Staff Arts Administration Listserv Arts Administration Website Personal Network (friends or family) Other
How well did this practicum project relate to your academic focus? Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor
How well did this practicum project relate to your career goals? Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor
How well did this practicum experience match your expectations? Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor
Please rate the following statements:
I was academically prepared for this practicum experience. Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
The work environment was conducive to learning. Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
My practicum supervisor was approachable and helpful. Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
I received adequate training to complete tasks. Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
The quality of work was challenging. Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
The quantity of work was challenging. Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
I was encouraged to apply my education to my work. Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
How would you rate your supervisor? Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor
Please explain the above rating:
How would you rate your overall practicum experience? Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor
Please explain:
What changes could be made to improve the practicum project overall?
What advice do you have for other students interested in a practicum with this organization?