Faculty: Todd V. Royer
Selected Works:
Reports and Publications:
Selected Works:
- “Time to amend the US Clean Water Act,” Science, 372 (6548) 1272 (2021)
- “The case for studying highly modified agricultural streams: farming for biogeochemical insights,” (with J.L. Tank, S.L. Speir, and L.R. Sethna), Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin, May: 41-47 (2021)
- “Stoichiometry of nitrogen, phosphorus, and silica loads in the Mississippi-Atchafalaya River basin reveals spatial and temporal patterns in risk for cyanobacterial blooms,” Limnology and Oceanography, 65: 325-335 (2020)
- “Human-dominated rivers and river management in the Anthropocene,” Stream Ecosystems in a Changing Environment (ed. J. Jones and E. Stanley), Academic Press, (2016)
- Persistent, Bioaccumulative, and Toxic (PBT) Chemicals: Technical Aspects, Policies, and Practices, (with A.D.K. Abelkop and J.D. Graham) CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida (2015)
- "Dissolved organic carbon manipulation reveals coupled cycling of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in a nitrogen-rich stream," (with L.T. Johnson and D. Oviedo-Vargas), Limnology and Oceanography, 58(4): 1196-1206 (2013)
- "Manipulation of the dissolved organic carbon pool in an agricultural stream: responses in microbial community structure, denitrification, and assimilatory nitrogen uptake," (with J.M. Edgerton, L.T. Johnson, and L.G. Leff), Ecosystems, 15: 1027-1038 (2012)
- "Pharmaceutical compounds and ecosystem function: an emerging research challenge for aquatic ecologists," (with E. J. Rosi-Marshall), Ecosystems, 15: 867-880 (2012)
- "Timing of riverine export of nitrate and phosphorus from agricultural watersheds in Illinois: implications for reducing nutrient loading to the Mississippi River," (with M. B. David and L. E. Gentry), Environmental Science & Technology, 40: 4126–4131 (2006)
Reports and Publications:
- Cohle, Z., Ortega, A., Tank, J. L., Royer, T. V., Mahl, U. H., Speir, S. L., Trentman, M. T., & Gessner, M. O. (2022). Effects of climate and winter cover crops on nutrient loss in agricultural watersheds in the midwestern U.S. Climatic Change, 177, 9
- Ward, A. S., Packman, A. I., Bernal, S., Brekenfeld, N., Drummond, J., Graham, E. B., Hannah, D. M., Klaar, M., Kurz, M., Li, A., Lupon, A., Mao, F., Martí Roca, M. E., Ouellet, V., Zarnetske, J. P., … Royer, T. V. (2022). Advancing river corridor science beyond disciplinary boundaries with an inductive approach to catalyze hypothesis generation. Hydrological Processes, 36(4), e14540
- Costello, D. M., Tiegs, S. D., Boyero, L., Canhoto, C., Capps, K. A., Danger, M., Frost, P. C., Gessner, M. O., Griffiths, N. A., Halvorson, H. M., Kuehn, K. A., Marcarelli, A. M., Royer, T. V., Mathie, D. M., … Zwart, J. A. (2022). Global patterns and controls of nutrient immobilization on decomposing cellulose in riverine ecosystems. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 36(3), e2021GB007163
- Sethna, L. R., Royer, T. V., Speir, S. L., Trentman, M. T., Mahl, U. H., Hagemeier, L. P., & Tank, J. L. (2022). Silicon concentrations and stoichiometry in two agricultural watersheds: implications for management and downstream water quality. Biogeochemistry, 159(2), 265-282
- Speir, S.L., J.L. Tank, M.T. Trentman, U.H. Mahl, L.R. Sethna, and T.V. Royer. 2022. Cover crops control nitrogen and phosphorus transport from two agricultural watersheds at multiple measurement scales. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 326:107765, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2021.107765.
- Speir, S.L., J.L. Tank, M. Bieroza, U.H. Mahl, and T.V. Royer. 2021. Storm size and hydrologic modification influence nitrate mobilization and transport in agricultural watersheds. Biogeochemistry 156:319-334.
- Royer, T.V. 2021. Time to amend the US Clean Water Act. Science 372:1272, 10.1126/science.abj3438
- Hanrahan, B.R., J.L. Tank, S.L. Speir, M.T. Trentman, S.F. Christopher, U.H. Mahl, and T.V. Royer. 2021. Extending vegetative cover with cover crops influenced phosphorus loss from an agricultural watershed. Science of the Total Environment 801:149501, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.149501
- Tank, J.L., S.L. Speir, L.R. Sethna, and T.V. Royer. 2021. The case for studying highly modified agricultural streams: farming for biogeochemical insights. Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin May 2021:41–47.
- Christopher, S.F., J.L. Tank, U.H. Mahl, B.R. Hanrahan, and T.V. Royer. 2021. Effect of winter cover crops on soil nutrients in two row-cropped watersheds in Indiana. Journal of Environmental Quality 50:667–679.
- Trentman, M.T., J.L. Tank, T.V. Royer, S.L. Speir, U.H. Mahl, and L.R. Sethna. 2020. The role of cover crops and antecedent precipitation on soluble reactive phosphorus losses via tile drain flow in an agricultural watershed. Hydrological Processes 34:4446–4458.
- Trentman, M., J.L. Tank, S.E. Jones, S.K. McMillan, and T.V. Royer. 2020. Seasonal evaluation of biotic and abiotic factors suggests phosphorus retention in constructed floodplains in three agricultural streams. Science of the Total Environment 729: 138744, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138744.
- Burns, S.E., J.A. Morgan, J.R. White, and T.V. Royer. 2020. Macroinvertebrate response to fine sediment removal and streambed restoration in a low gradient river in Indiana, USA. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Sciences 128:170–186.
- Royer, T.V. 2020. Stoichiometry of nitrogen, phosphorus, and silica loads in the Mississippi-Atchafalaya River basin reveals spatial and temporal patterns in risk for cyanobacterial blooms. Limnology and Oceanography 65:325–335.
- Ward, A.S., S.M. Wondzell, N.M. Schmadel, S. Herzog, J.P Zarnetske, V. Baranov, P.J. Blaen, N. Brekenfeld, R. Chu, R. Derelle, J. Drummond, J.H. Fleckenstein, V. Garayburu-Caruso, E. Graham, D. Hannah, C.J. Harman, J. Hixson, J.L.A. Knapp, S. Krause, M.J. Kurz, J. Lewandowski, A. Li, E. Martí, M. Miller, A.M. Milner, K. Neil, L. Orsini, A.I. Packman, S. Plont, L. Renteria, K. Roche, T. Royer, C. Segura, J. Stegen, J. Toyoda, J. Wells, N.I. Wisnoski. 2019. Spatial and temporal variation in river corridor exchange across a 5th order mountain stream network. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
- Ward, A.S., J.P Zarnetske, V. Baranov, P.J. Blaen, N. Brekenfeld, R. Chu, R. Derelle, J. Drummond, J.H. Fleckenstein, V. Garayburu-Caruso, E. Graham, D. Hannah, C.J. Harman, S. Herzog, J. Hixson, J.L.A. Knapp, S. Krause, M.J. Kurz, J. Lewandowski, A. Li, E. Martí, M. Miller, A.M. Milner, K. Neil, L. Orsini, A.I. Packman, S. Plont, L. Renteria, K. Roche, T. Royer, N.M. Schmadel, C. Segura, J. Stegen, J. Toyoda, J. Wells, N.I. Wisnoski, and S.M. Wondzell. 2019. Co-located contemporaneous mapping of morphological, hydrological, chemical, and biological conditions in a 5th-order mountain stream network, Oregon, USA. Earth Systems Science Data 11:1567–1581.
- Morgan, J.A., T.V. Royer, and J.R. White. 2019. Fine sediment removal influences biogeochemical processes in a gravel-bottomed stream. Environmental Management 64:258–271.
- McLaren, J.S., T.V. Royer, R. Van Kirk, and M.A. Muradian. 2019. Management and limnology interact to drive water temperature patterns in a middle Rockies river-reservoir system. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 55:1323–1334.
- Smits A.P., C.M. Ruffing, T.V. Royer, A.P. Appling, N.A. Griffiths, R. Bellmore, M.D. Scheuerell, T.K. Harms, and J.B. Jones. 2019. Detecting signals of large-scale climate phenomena in discharge and nutrient loads in the Mississippi-Atchafalaya River basin. Geophysical Research Letters 46:3791–3801. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018GL081166
- Tiegs, S.D. et al. (152 authors in total). 2019. Global patterns and drivers of ecosystem functioning in rivers and riparian zones. Science Advances 5(1): eaav0486 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aav0486
- Hanrahan, B.R., J.L. Tank, S.F. Christopher, U.H. Mahl, M.T. Trentman, and T.V. Royer. 2018. Winter cover crops reduce nitrate loss from an agricultural watershed in the central U.S. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 265:513-523.
- Ward, A.S., J.A. Morgan, J.R. White, and T.V. Royer. 2018. Streambed restoration to remove fine sediments alters reach-scale transient storage in a low-gradient fifth-order river, Indiana, USA. Hydrological Processes 32:1786-1800.
- Kumar, P., P.V.V. Le, A.N.T. Papanicolaou, B.L. Rhoads, A.M. Anders, A. Stumpf, C.G. Wilson, E.A. Bettis III, N. Blair, A.S. Ward, T. Filley, H. Lin, L. Keefer, D.A. Keefer, Y-F. Lin, M. Muste, T.V. Royer, E. Foufoula-Georgiou, and P. Belmont. 2018. Critical transition in critical zone of intensively managed landscapes. Anthropocene 22:10-19.
- Christopher, S.F., J.L. Tank, U.H. Mahl, H. Yen, J.G. Arnold, M.T. Trentman, S.P. Sowa, M.E. Herbert, J.A. Ross, M.J. White, and T.V. Royer. 2017. Modeling nutrient removal using watershed-scale implementation of the two-stage ditch. Ecological Engineering 108:358-369.
- Griffiths, N.A., J.L. Tank, T.V. Royer, E.J. Rosi, A.J. Shogren, T.C. Frauendorf. 2017. Occurrence, leaching, and degradation of Cry1Ab protein from transgenic maize detritus in agricultural streams. Science of the Total Environment 592:97-105.
- Ghosh, S., P.A. Ayayee, O.J. Valverde-Barrantes, C.B. Blackwood, T.V. Royer, and L.G. Leff. 2017. Initial nitrogen enrichment conditions determines variations in nitrogen substrate utilization by heterotrophic bacterial isolates. BMC Microbiology 17:87 DOI 10.1186/s12866-017-0993-7
- Royer, T.V. 2016. Human-dominated rivers and river management in the Anthropocene. Pages 491-524 in (J.B. Jones and E.H. Stanley, editors) “Stream Ecosystems in a Changing Environment”. Elsevier, New York.
- Abelkop, A.D.K., J.D. Graham, and T.V. Royer. 2015. Persistent, Bioaccumulative, and Toxic (PBT) Chemicals: Technical Aspects, Policies, and Practices. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.
- Oviedo-Vargas, D. and T.V. Royer. 2015. The role of dissolved organic nitrogen in a nitrate-rich agricultural stream. Journal of Environmental Quality 44:668-675.
- Warner, D.L., D. Oviedo-Vargas, and T.V. Royer. 2015. Evaluation of passive samplers for the collection of dissolved organic matter in streams. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 187:4208
- Manis, E., T.V. Royer, L.T. Johnson, and L.G. Leff. 2014. Denitrification in agriculturally impacted streams: seasonal changes in structure and function of the bacterial community. PLoS ONE 9:e105149
- Oviedo-Vargas, D., T.V. Royer, and L.T. Johnson. 2013. Dissolved organic carbon manipulation reveals coupled cycling of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in a nitrogen-rich stream. Limnology and Oceanography 58:1196-1206.
- Griffiths, N.A., J.L. Tank, T.V. Royer, S.S. Roley, E.J. Rosi-Marshall, M.R. Whiles, J.J. Beaulieu, and L.T. Johnson. 2013. Agricultural land use alters the seasonality and magnitude of stream metabolism. Limnology and Oceanography 58:1513-1529.
- Rosi-Marshall, E.J., D. Kincaid, H. Bechtold, T.V. Royer, M. Rojas, and J.J. Kelly. 2013. Pharmaceuticals suppress algal growth and microbial respiration and alter bacterial communities in stream biofilms. Ecological Applications 23:583-593.
- Baxter, A.J., L. Johnson, T. Royer, and L.G. Leff. 2013. Spatial differences in denitrification and bacterial community structure of streams: relationships with environmental conditions. Aquatic Sciences 75:275-317.
- Johnson, L.T., T.V. Royer, J.M. Edgerton, and L.G. Leff. 2012. Manipulation of the dissolved organic carbon pool in an agricultural stream: responses in microbial community structure, denitrification, and assimilatory nitrogen uptake. Ecosystems 15:1027-1038.
- Rosi-Marshall, E.J. and T.V. Royer. 2012. Pharmaceutical compounds and ecosystem function: an emerging research challenge for aquatic ecologists. Ecosystems 15:867-880.
- Baxter, A.J., L. Johnson, J. Edgerton, T. Royer, and L.G. Leff. 2012. Structure and function of denitrifying bacterial assemblages in low-order Indiana streams. Freshwater Science 31:304-317.
- Griffiths, N.A., J.L. Tank, T.V. Royer, T.J. Warrner, T.C. Frauendorf, E.J. Rosi-Marshall, and M.R. Whiles. 2012. Temporal variation in organic carbon spiraling in Midwestern agricultural streams. Biogeochemistry 108:149-169.
- Das, M., T.V. Royer, and L.G. Leff. 2011. Interaction between aquatic bacteria and an aquatic hyphomycete on decomposing maple leaves. Fungal Ecology 5:236-244.
- Gardner, K.M. and T.V. Royer. 2010. Effect of road salt application on seasonal chloride concentrations and toxicity in south-central Indiana streams. Journal of Environmental Quality 39:1036–1042.
- Tank, J.L., E.J. Rosi-Marshall, T.V. Royer, M.R. Whiles, N.A. Griffiths, T.C. Frauendorf, and D.J. Treering. 2010. Occurrence of maize detritus and a transgenic insecticidal protein (Cry1Ab) within the stream network of an agricultural landscape. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107:17645-17650.
- Chambers, C.P., M.R. Whiles, E.J. Rosi-Marshall, J.L. Tank, T.V. Royer, N.A. Griffiths, M.A. Evans-White, and A. Stojak. 2010. Responses of stream macroinvertebrates to Bt maize leaf detritus. Ecological Applications 20:1949-1960.
- Warrner, T.J., T.V. Royer, J.L. Tank, N.A. Griffiths, E.J. Rosi-Marshall, and M.R. Whiles. 2009. Dissolved organic carbon in streams from artificially drained and intensively farmed watersheds in Indiana, USA. Biogeochemistry 95:295–307.
- Gentry, L.E., M.B. David, F.E. Below, T.V. Royer, and G.F. McIsaac. 2009. Nitrogen mass balance of a tile-drained agricultural watershed in east-central Illinois. Journal of Environmental Quality 38:1841–1847.
- Griffiths, N.A., J.L. Tank, T.V. Royer, E.J. Rosi-Marshall, M.R. Whiles, C.P. Chambers, T.C. Frauendorf, M.A. Evans-White. 2009. Rapid decomposition of maize detritus in agricultural headwater streams. Ecological Applications 19:133–142.
- McDaniel, M.D., M.B. David, and T.V. Royer. 2009. Relationships between benthic sediments and water column phosphorus in Illinois streams. Journal of Environmental Quality 38:607–617.
- Royer, T.V., M.B. David, L.E. Gentry, C.A. Mitchell, K.M. Starks, T. Heatherly, and M.R. Whiles. 2008. Assessment of chlorophyll-a as a criterion for establishing nutrient standards in the streams and rivers of Illinois. Journal of Environmental Quality 37:437–447.
- Das, M., T.V. Royer, and L.G. Leff. 2008. Fungal communities on decaying leaves in streams: A comparison of two leaf species. Mycological Progress 7:267–275.
- Rosi-Marshall, E.J., J.L. Tank, T.V. Royer, M.R. Whiles, M. Evans-White, C. Chambers, N.A. Griffiths, J. Pokelsek, and M.L. Stephen. 2007. Toxins in transgenic crop byproducts may affect headwater streams. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104:16204–16208.
- Heatherly, T., M.R. Whiles, T.V. Royer, and M.B. David. 2007. Relationships between habitat quality, water quality, and macroinvertebrate assemblages in Illinois streams. Journal of Environmental Quality 36:1653–1660.
- Arango, C.P., J.L. Tank, J.L. Schaller, T.V. Royer, M.J. Bernot, and M.B. David. 2007. Benthic organic carbon influences denitrification in streams with high nitrate concentration. Freshwater Biology 52:1210–1222.
- Das, M., T.V. Royer, and L.G. Leff. 2007. Diversity of fungi, bacteria, and actinomycetes on leaves decomposing in a stream. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 73:756–767.
- Gentry, L.E., M.B. David, T.V. Royer, C.A. Mitchell, and K.M. Starks. 2007. Phosphorus transport pathways to streams in tile-drained agricultural watersheds. Journal of Environmental Quality 36:408–415.
- David, M.B., L.G. Wall, T.V. Royer, and J.L. Tank. 2006. Denitrification and the nitrogen budget of a reservoir in an agricultural landscape. Ecological Applications 16:2177–2190.
- Royer, T.V., M.B. David, and L.E. Gentry. 2006. Timing of riverine export of nitrate and phosphorus from agricultural watersheds in Illinois: implications for reducing nutrient loading to the Mississippi River. Environmental Science & Technology 40:4126–4131.
- Figueroa-Nieves, D., T.V. Royer, and M.B. David. 2006. Controls on chlorophyll-a in nutrient-rich agricultural streams in Illinois, USA. Hydrobiologia 568:287–298.
- Morgan, A.M., T.V. Royer, M.B. David, and L.E. Gentry. 2006. Relationships among nutrients, chlorophyll-a, and dissolved oxygen in agricultural streams in Illinois. Journal of Environmental Quality 35:1110–1117.
- Bernot, M.J., J.L. Tank, T.V. Royer, and M.B. David. 2006. Nutrient uptake in streams draining agricultural catchments of the midwestern United States. Freshwater Biology 51:499–509.
- Thomas, S.A., T.V. Royer, E.B. Snyder, and J.C. Davis. 2005. Organic carbon spiraling in an Idaho river. Aquatic Sciences 67:424–433.
- Royer, T.V. and M.B. David. 2005. Export of dissolved organic carbon from agricultural streams in Illinois, USA. Aquatic Sciences 67:465–471.
- Wall, L.G., J.L. Tank, T.V. Royer, and M.J. Bernot. 2005. Spatial and temporal variability in sediment denitrification within an agriculturally influenced reservoir. Biogeochemistry 76:85–111.
- Schaller, J.L., T.V. Royer, M.B. David, and J.L. Tank. 2004. Denitrification associated with plants and sediments in an agricultural stream. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 23:667–676.
- Royer, T.V., J.L. Tank, and M.B. David. 2004. Transport and fate of nitrate in headwater agricultural streams in Illinois. Journal of Environmental Quality 33:1296–1304.
- Minshall, G.W., T.V. Royer, and C.T. Robinson. 2004. Stream ecosystem responses to fire: the
first ten years. Pages 165–188 in (L.L. Wallace, editor) “After the fires: the ecology of change in Yellowstone National Park”. Yale University Press, New Haven, Conn.
- Royer, T.V. and G.W. Minshall. 2003. Controls on leaf processing in streams from spatial-scaling and hierarchical perspectives. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 22:352–358.
- Royer, T.V. and G.W. Minshall. 2001. Effects of nutrient enrichment and leaf quality on the breakdown of leaves in a hardwater stream. Freshwater Biology 46:603–610.
- Royer, T.V., C.T. Robinson, and G.W. Minshall. 2001. Development of a macroinvertebrate-based index for bioassessment of Idaho rivers. Environmental Management 27:627–636.
- Minshall, G.W., T.V. Royer, and C.T. Robinson. 2001. Response of the Cache Creek macroinvertebrates during the first 10 years following disturbance by the 1988 Yellowstone wildfires. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 58:1077–1088.
- Thomas, S.A., T.V. Royer, G.W. Minshall, and E.B Snyder. 2003. Assessing the historic contribution of marine-derived nutrients to Idaho streams. Pages 41–55 in (J.G. Stockner, editor) “Nutrients in salmonid ecosystems: sustaining production and biodiversity”. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 34, Bethesda, Maryland.
- Robinson, C.T., G.W. Minshall, and T.V. Royer. 2000. Inter-annual patterns in macroinvertebrate communities of wilderness streams in Idaho, USA. Hydrobiologia 421:187–198.
- Royer, T.V., M.T. Monaghan, and G.W. Minshall. 1999. Processing of native and exotic leaf litter in two Idaho (USA) streams. Hydrobiologia 400:123–128.
- Royer, T.V. and G.W. Minshall. 1997. Temperature patterns in small streams following wildfire. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 140:237–242.
- Royer, T.V. and G.W. Minshall. 1997. Rapid breakdown of autochthonous and allochthonous plant material in a eutrophic river. Hydrobiologia 344:81–86.
- Minshall, G.W., C.T. Robinson, T.V. Royer, and S.R. Rushforth. 1995. Benthic community structure in two adjacent streams in Yellowstone National Park five years after the 1988 wildfires. Great Basin Naturalist 55:193–200.