Faculty: Jeffrey R. White
Selected Works:
Reports and Publications:
Selected Works:
- “Nitrogen cycling microbiomes are structured by plant mycorrhizal associations, with consequences for nitrogen oxide fluxes in forests,”(with R.M. Mushinski, Z.C. Payne, J.D. Raff, M.E. Craig, S.E. Pusede, D.B. Rusch, R.P. and Phillips) Global Change Biology, DOI: 10.1111/gcb.15439; (2020)
- “Macroinvertebrate response to fine sediment removal and streambed restoration in the fawn River, Steuben County, Indiana,” (with S.E. Burns, J.A. Morgan, and T.V. Royer), Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, Vol. 128, No.2, 170–186, (2019)
- “Variation in soil microbial nitrogen-cycling community structure relates to mycorrhizal dominance with consequences for nitrogen oxide emissions,” (with R.M. Mushinski, R.P. Phillips, Z.C. Payne, S.E. Pusede, D.B. Rusch, and J.D. Raff), ISME Journal, ISMEJ-19-01167A, (2019)
- “Fine sediment removal influences biogeochemical processes in a gravel-bottomed stream,” (with J.A.. Morgan and T.V. Royer), Environmental Management, DOI: 10.1007/s00267-019-01187-2; (2019)
- “Effect of permafrost thaw on plant and soil fungal community in the boreal forest: Does fungal community change mediate plant productivity response?,” (with U.M.E. Schütte, J.A. Henning, Y. Ye, A. Bowling, J. Ford, H. Genet, M. Waldrop, M. Turetsky, J.D. Bever), Journal of Ecology, DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.13139; (2019)
- “Microbial mechanisms and ecosystem flux estimation for aerobic NOy emissions from deciduous forest soils,” (with R.M. Mushinski, R.P. Phillips, Z.C. Payne, R.B. Abney, I. Jo, S. Fei, S.E. Pusede, D.B. Rusch, J.D. Raff), PNAS, 1-8 (2019)<
- “Seasonal changes in sulfur biogeochemistry of a dilute, dimictic Arctic lake: Implications for paired sulfur isotope records from ancient oceans,” (with S.A. Young, S.B. Cadieux, Y. Peng, and L.M. Pratt), Chemical Geology, (2018) DOI: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2018.08.013
- “Streambed Restoration to Remove Fine Sediment Alters Reach-Scale Transient Storage in a Low-Gradient 5th Order River, Indiana, USA,” (with A. Ward, J. Morgan, and T.V. Royer), Hydrological Processes, 1-15 (2018)
- “Spatial Variation in Stable Isotopic Composition of Organic Matter of Macrophytes and Sediments from a Small Arctic Lake in West Greenland,” (with H.A. Thompson and L.M. Pratt), Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research, 2018, Vol. 50, No 1, ID1420282 (2018)
- “Exceptional summer warming leads to contrasting outcomes for methane cycling in small Arctic lakes of Greenland,” (with S.B. Cadieux and L.M. Pratt) Biogeosciences, 559–574 (2017)
- “Variation of Stable Isotopic leads to contrasting outcomes for methane cycling in small Arctic lakes of Greenland,” (with H.A. Thompson and L.M. Pratt), Biogeosciences, 559–574 (2017)
Reports and Publications:
- “Spatial Variation in Flux, δ13C and δ2H of Methane in a Small Arctic Lake with Fringing Wetland in Western Greenland,” (with H.A. Thompson, L.M. Pratt, and P.E. Sauer), Biogeochemistry, Vol. 131, 17-33 (2016)
- “Hydrogen Isotopic Composition of Arctic and Atmospheric CH4 Determined by a Portable Near-infrared Cavity Ring-down Spectrometer with a Cryogenic Pre-concentrator,” (with Y. Chen, K.K. Lehmann, Y. Peng, L.M. Pratt, S.B. Cadieux, B.S. Lollar, G. Lacrampe Couloume, and T.C. Onstott), Astrobiology, Vol. 16, No 16, DOI: 10.1089/ast.2015.1395 (2016)
- “Unanticipated Geochemical and Microbial Community Structure Under Seasonal Ice Cover in a Dilute, Dimictic Arctic Lake,” (with U.M.E. Schütte, S.B. Cadieux, C. Hemmerich, and L.M. Pratt), Frontiers in Microbiology, Vol. 7, 1035. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.01035 (2016)
- “Large fractionations of C and H isotopes related to methane oxidation in Arctic lakes,” (with S.B. Cadieux, P.E. Sauer, Y. Peng, A.E. Goldman, and L.M. Pratt) Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 187, 141-155 (2016)
- “Passive sampling method for high-resolution concentration and isotopic composition of dissolved methane in Arctic lakes,” (with A.E. Goldman, S.B. Cadieux, and L.M. Pratt), Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, Vol. 14, 69–78, doi: 10.1002/lom3.10070 (2016)
- “Combined Flux Chamber and Genomics Approach Links Nitrous Acid Emissions to Ammonia Oxidizing Bacteria and Archaea in Urban and Agricultural Soil,” (with N.K. Scharko, U.M.E. Schuette, A.E. Berke, L. Banina, H.R. Peel, M.A. Donaldson, C. Hemmerich, and J.D. Raff), Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 49, 13825−13834 (2015)
“Unanticipated Geochemical and Microbial Community Structure under Seasonal Ice Cover in a Dilute, Dimictic Arctic Lake,” (with Ursel M E Schutte, Sarah B Cadieux, Christopher Michael Hemmerich, Lisa M. Pratt, Jeffrey R. White (Author), Frontiers in Microbiology, (2016)
- “Assessment of Branched GDGTs as Temperature Proxies in Sedimentary Records from Several Small Lakes in Southwestern Greenland,” (with D.E. Colcord, S.B. Cadieux, S.C. Brassell, S. Castañeda, and L.M. Pratt), Organic Geochemistry, Vol. 82, 33-41 (2015)
- “Evaluating Ground-level Atmospheric Methane Concentrations in Southwest Greenland Using Open-Path Laser Spectroscopy,” (with K.D. Webster and L.M. Pratt) Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, Vol. 47, 599-609 (2015)
- “A Synthesis of Methane Emissions from 71 Northern, Temperate, and Subtropical Wetlands,” (with M.R. Turetsky, A. Kotowska, J. Bubier, N.B. Dise, P. Crill, E. Hornibrook, K. Minkinnen, T.R. Moore, I.H. Myers-Smith, H. Nykänen, D. Olefeldt, J. Rinne, S. Saarnio, N. Shurpali, E. Tuittila, J.M. Waddington, K. Wickland, and M. Wilmking),Global Change Biology, 2014, Vol. 20, 2183–2197 (2014)
- Avery,B., R.D. Shannon, J.R. White, C.S. Martens, and M.J. Alperin. "Controls on Methane Production in a Tidal Freshwater Estuary and a Peatland: Methane Production Via Acetate Fermentation and CO2 Reduction." Biogeochemistry 62:19-37. 2002.
- Keller, J.K., J.R. White, S.D. Bridgham, J. Pastor. "Climate Change Effects on Carbon and Nitrogen Mineralization in Peatlands through Changes in Soil Quality." Global Change Biology 10:1053-1064. 2004.
- White, J. R., Shannon, R.D., Weltzin, J.F., Pastor, J., and Bridgham, S.D. "Effects of Soil Warming and Drying on Methane Cycling in a Northern Peatland Mesocosm Study." Geophysical Research, Vol. 113, 2008, G00A06, doi:10.1029/2007JG000609.
- Herrman, K.S. and White, J.R. "Denitrification in a constructed wetland: comparison of mass balance and stable isotopic methods." Applied Geochemistry, 2008, DOI 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2008.04.024, 2008.
- “The effect of warm summer 2012 on seasonal and annual methane dynamics in adjacent small lakes on the ice-free margin of Greenland,” (J.R. White with S.B. Cadieux and L.M. Pratt), Biogeosciences (2016) doi: 10.5194/bg-2016-293.
- "Combined Flux Chamber and Genomics Approach Links Nitrous Acid Emissions to Ammonia Oxidizing Bacteria and Archaea in Urban and Agricultural Soil," (J.R. White with N.K. Scharko, U.M.E. Schuette, A.E. Berke, L. Banina, H.R. Peel, M.A. Donaldson, C. Hemmerich, and J.D. Raff), Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 49, 13825−13834 (2015)
- "Quantifying wetland methane emissions with process-based models of different complexities" (J.R. White with R. D. Shannon, J. Tang, and Q. Zhuang), Biogeosciences, 7: 3817-3837 (2010)
- "Effects of Soil Warming and Drying on Methane Cycling in a Northern Peatland Mesocosm Study," (J.R. White with S. D. Bridgham, J. Pastor, R. D. Shannon, and J. F. Weltzin), Geophysical Research, 113(G3), (2008)
- "Denitrification in a Constructed Wetland: Comparison of Mass Balance and Stable Isotopic Methods," (J.R. White with K. S. Herrman), Applied Geochemistry, (2008)
- "Climate Change Effects on Carbon and Nitrogen Mineralization in Peatlands through Changes in Soil Quality," (J.R. White with J. K. Keller, S. D. Bridgham, and J. Pastor), Global Change Biology, 10 (7): 1053-1064 (2004)