Selected Works:
- Creating and Restoring Wetlands: From Theory to Practice, Second Edition, Elsevier (2022)
- “Urban-soil pedogenesis drives contrasting legacies of lead from pain and gasoline in city soil,” (with A. Wade, D. Richter, N. Bao, P. Heine, M. Ostein, and K. Tan), Environmental Science and Technology, 55:7981-7989 (2021)
- “Microbial community composition is affected by press, but not pulse, seawater intrusion,” (with C. Mobilian, N.I. Wisnoski, J.T. Lennon, M. Alber, S. Widney), Limnology and Oceanography Letters, (2020)
- “Declines in plant productivity drive loss of soil elevation in a tidal freshwater marsh exposed to saltwater intrusion,” (with E. Solohin, S. Widney), Ecology (2020)
- “Sea level rise and the emergence of a keystone grazer drive rapid ecological change and geomorphic evolution of southeast US salt marshes,” (with S.M. Crotty, C. Ortals, T.M. Pettengill, E. Morrison, T.S. Bianchi, M.D. Bertness, A.H. Altieri, and C. Angelini), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, (2020)
- “Effects of ten years of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization in tidal freshwater marshes,” (with E.R. Herbert, J. Schubauer-berigan), Limnology and Oceanography (2020)
- “A comparison of coastal habitat restoration projects in China and the United States,” (with S. Li, T. Xie, S.C. Pennings, Y. Wang, and M Hu), Scientific Reports, 9:14388, (2019)
- “Chronic but not acute saltwater intrusion leads to large release of inorganic N in a tidal freshwater marsh,” (with S. Widney, D. Smith, E. Herbert, J. Schubauer-berigan, F. Li, S.C. Pennings), Science of the Total Environment, (2019)
- “Differential effects of chronic and acute seawater intrusion on tidal freshwater marsh carbon cycling,” (with E.R. Herbert, J. Schubauer-berigan), Biogeochemistry 138:137-154 (2018)
- Wetland Soils: Genesis, Hydrology, Landscapes, and Classification, Second Edition, 2016. ed. (with Michael J. Vepraskas), CRC Press
- “Differential effects of chronic and acute seawater intrusion on tidal freshwater marsh carbon cycling,” (with E.R. Herbert, J. Schubauer-berigan), Biogeochemistry 138:137-154 (2018)
Reports and Publications:
Bansal, S., Creed, I.F., Tangen, B.A. et al. Practical Guide to Measuring Wetland Carbon Pools and Fluxes. Wetlands 43, 105 (2023)
Weston, N. B., Rodriguez, E., Donnelly, B., Solohin, E., Jezycki, K., Demberger, S., et al. (2023). Recent acceleration of wetland accretion and carbon accumulation along the U.S. East Coast. Earth's Future, 11
“From the headwaters to the sea: The role of riparian, alluvial, and tidal wetlands to filter nutrients and ameliorate eutrophication,” (with S. Li; T. Xie), River, (December 2022)
“Tidal Marsh Restoration on Sapelo Island: A Legacy of R.J. Reynolds, Jr., Eugene Odum and the University of Georgia Marine Institute,” Ecological Engineering, (February 2023)
“Wetland soils: Physical and chemical properties and biogeochemical processes,” (with C. Mobilian) Encyclopedia of Inland Waters, Elsevier Oxford, (2022)
“Responses of a tidal freshwater marsh plant community to constant and pulsed saline intrusion,” (with Fan Li; Christine Angelini; Jeb Byers; Steve Pennings), Journal of Ecology, (July 2022)
“Gene families in global phage genomes,” (with Brayon Fremin; Courtney Mobilian; et al.), Cell Reports, (April 2022)
“Annual lateral carbon exchange between salt marsh and adjacent water: A case study of east headlands marshes at Yangtze estuary,” (with Y Yuan; X Li; L Xue), Frontiers in Marine Science, (January 2022)
“Patterns and trends of organic matter processing and transport: Insights from the US Long-Term Ecological Research network,” (with T. Harms; P. Groffman; L. Aluwihare; W Wieder, et al), Climate Change Ecology, (August 2021)
“A century-long record of plan evolution reconstructed from a coastal marsh seed bank,” (with M. Blum; C. Saunders; J. McLachlan; J. Summers; J. Herrick), Evolution Letters, 5 (4) 422-431, (July 2021)
Creating and Restoring Wetlands: From Theory to Practice, Second Edition, Elsevier (2022)
Wade, A., D. Richter, C. Craft, N. Bao, P. Heine, M. Ostein, and K. Tan. 2021. Urban-soil pedogenesis drives contrasting legacies of lead from pain and gasoline in city soil. Environmental Science and Technology 55:7981-7989.
- “Microbial community composition is affected by press, but not pulse, seawater intrusion,” (with Courtney Mobilian Nate Wisnoski; Jay Lennon; Merryl Alber; Sarah Widney), Limnology and Oceanography Letters, (September 2020)
- “Declines in plant productivity drive loss of soil elevation in a tidal freshwater marsh exposed to saltwater intrusion,” (with Elena Solohin; Sarah Widney), Ecology, (July 30, 2020)
- “Sea level rise and the emergence of a keystone grazer drive rapid ecological change and geomorphic evolution of southeast US salt marshes,” (with S Crotty; C Ortals; T Pettengill; E Morrison; T Bianchi; M Bertness; A Altieri; C Angelini), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, (July 13, 2020)
- “Distribution of organic carbon storage in different salt-marsh plant communities: A case study at the Yangtze Estuary,” (with Y. Yuan; X. Li; J. Jiang; L. Xue), Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, v. 243 (Sept. 30, 2020)
- “Mentors: Or How I Came to Live on the Edge,” Legends of Wetland Science, Amazon Print on Demand, (April 2020)
Herbert, E.R., J. Schubauer-berigan, and C. Craft. 2020. Effects of ten years of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization in tidal freshwater marshes. Limnology and Oceanography. doi 10.1002/lno.11411.
- ”Tracking 50 years of soil development of a constructed tidal salt marsh, NC, USA,” (with A. Noll, C. Mobilian), Ecological Restoration, 37, 163-170 (2019)
- ”A comparison of coastal habitat restoration projects in China and the United States,” (with S. Li, T. Xie, S. Pennings, Y. Wang, and M. Hu), Scientific Reports, 9:14388, (2019)
- ”Chronic but not acute saltwater intrusion leads to large release of inorganic N in a tidal freshwater marsh,” (with S. Widnaey, D. Smith, E. Herbert, J. Schubauer-Berigan, F. Li, and S. Pennings), Science of the Total Environment, 695 (2019)
- ”Future trajectories for ecosystems in the Long Term Ecological Research Network: The importance of state changes,” (with J. Zinnert, J. Nipper, J. Rudgers, S. Pennings, G. Gonzalez, M. Alber, S. Baer, J. Blair, A. Burd, S. Collins, and 12 other authors), Ecosphere
Herbert, E.R., J. Schubauer-berigan, and C. Craft. 2018. Differential effects of chronic and acute seawater intrusion on tidal freshwater marsh carbon cycling. Biogeochemistry 138:137-154.
- “Carbon sequestration and nutrient accumulation in floodplain-, depressional- and bog-wetlands of the old- and new-world,” (with J. Vymazal, L. Kropfelova), Ecological Engineering, (30 June 2017)
- “The value of wetlands for water quality improvement: An example from the St. Johns River Watershed, Florida,” (with S. Widney, A.Kanabrocki, J.Ehman, C. Hackney), Wetlands Ecology and Management, (30 June 2017)
- “Differential effects of chronic and acute simulated seawater intrusion on tidal freshwater marsh carbon cycling,” (with E.R. Herbert, J. Schubauer-Berigan) Biogeochemistry 138 (2) 137-154 (April 2018)
- “Tidal freshwater forests: Sentinels for climate change,” Ecological Engineering, (with M.Stahl, S. Widney), (116) 104-109 (June 2018)
- "Enhancing protection of vulnerable waters," (with 24 co-authors) Nature Geoscience, (10) 809–815 (2017)
- "Marsh vulnerability to sea-level rise," (letter, with R.W. Parkinson, R.D. DeLaune, J.F. Donoghue, M. Kearney, J.F. Meeder, J. Morris, and R.E. Turner), Nature Climate Change, (7) 756 (2017)
- "Geographically Isolated Wetlands are Important Biogeochemical Reactors on the Landscape," (with J.M. Marton, I.F. Creed, D.B. Lewis, C.R. Lane, N.B. Basu, and M.J. Cohen) BioScience, doi:10.1093/biosci/biv009 (February 25, 2015)
- "USDA conservation practices increase carbon storage and water quality improvement functions: An example from Ohio," (with M.S. Fennessy and J. M. Marton), Restoration Ecology, 22(1): 117-124 (2014)
- "Functional differences between natural and restored wetlands in the Glaciated Interior Plains," (with S. Fennessy and J. J. Marton), Journal of Environmental Quality, 43(1): 409-417 (2014)
- "The impact of the change in vegetation structure on the ecological functions of salt marshes: The example of the Yangtze estuary," (with X. Li, Y. Liu, U. Mander, L. Ren and S. Tang), Regional Environmental Change, 14: 623-632 (2013)
- "Managed disturbance enhances biodiversity of restored wetlands in the agricultural Midwest," (with A. Hopple), Ecological Engineering, 61: 505-510 (2012)
- "Tidal freshwater forest accretion does not keep pace with sea level rise," Global Change Biology 18:3615-3623 (2012)
- "Estimating global 'blue carbon' emissions from conversion and degradation of coastal ecosystems," (with L. Pendleton, D.C. Donato, B.C. Murray, S. Crooks, W.A. Jenkins, S. Sifleet, J.W. Fourequrean, J.B. Kaufman, N. Marba, P. Megonigal, E. Pidgeon, D. Herr, D. Gordon and A. Baldera), PLoS-ONE. 7 (9) e43542 (2012)
- Craft, C.B. Testing Vegetation-Based Indicators Of Eutrophication Using Freshwater Wetlands Of Indiana. Semi-Annual Report To US EPA Region 5, Chicago, Illinois. 2002.
- Craft, C.B., And C. Chiang. Forms And Amounts Of Soil Nitrogen And Phosphorus Across A Longleaf Pine-Depressional Wetland Landscape. Soil Science Society Of America Journal 66:1713-1721. 2002.
- Craft, C.B., S.W. Broome And C.L. Campbell. Fifteen Years Of Vegetation And Soil Development Following Brackish-Water Marsh Creation. Restoration Ecology 10:248-258. 2002.
- Markewitz, D., F. Sartori, And C. Craft. Soil Change And Carbon Storage In Longleaf Pine Planted On Marginal Agricultural Land. Ecological Applications 12: 1276-1285. 2002.
- Craft, C.B., J.P. Megonigal, S.W. Broome, and R.J. Stevenson. Wetland Restoration In Urbanizing Coastal Watersheds: Applying Ecological Succession Theory To Evaluate Indicators And Predict The Development Of Wetland Structure/Function Over Time. 2002.
- Craft, C.B., and A. Sturdevant. Baseline Ecological Characterization Of An Estuarine Marsh Restoration Site And Reference Marshes Along Woodbridge River, New Jersey. Report To New Jersey Department Of Environmental Protection. 2002.
- Craft, C.B. Vegetation-Based Indicators Of Nutrient Condition Of Freshwater Wetlands, Northeastern Indiana. Final Technical Report To Usepa, Region 5- Chicago.
- Craft, C.B. Soil-Based Indicators Of Nutrient Condition Of Freshwater Wetlands, Northeastern Indiana. Final Technical Report To Usepa, Headquarters - Washington, DC. 2003.
- Craft, C.B. And J.N. Sacco. Long-Term Succession Of Benthic Infauna Communities On Constructed Spartina Alterniflora Marshes. Marine Ecology - Progress Series 257:45-58. 2003.
- Craft, C.B., J.P. Megonigal, S.W. Broome, J. Cornell, R. Freese, R.J. Stevenson, L. Zheng, And J. Sacco. The Pace Of Ecosystem Development Of Constructed Spartina Alterniflora Marshes. Ecological Applications 13:1417-1432. 2003.
- Craft, C.B., S. Sturdevant, and J.N. Sacco. Effects Of Impoundment On Ecological Functions Of Estuarine Marshes Along Woodbridge River, NY/NJ Harbor. Urban Ecosystems 6:163-181. 2003.
- Craft, C.B. Natural and Constructed Wetlands. In M.G. Anderson (ed.), Encyclopedia of Hydrologic Sciences. John Wiley and Sons: New York: 1639-1655. 2005.
- Graham, S.A., C.B. Craft, P. McCormick, and A. Aldous. Forms and Accumulation of Soil P in Natural and Recently Restored Peatlands - Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon. Wetlands 25:594-606. 2005.
- Aldous, A., P. McCormick, C. Ferguson, S. Graham and C.B. Craft. Hydrologic Regime Controls Soil Phosphorus Fluxes in Restoration and Undisturbed Wetlands. Restoration Ecology 13:341-347. 2005.
- Struck, S.D., C.B. Craft, S.W. Broome, M. SanClements and J.N. Sacco. Effects of Bridge Shading on Estuarine Marsh Benthic Invertebrate Community Structure and Function. Environmental Management 34:99-111. 2004.
- Zheng, L., R.J. Stevenson and C.B. Craft. Changes in Benthic Algal Attributes During Salt Marsh Restoration. Wetlands 24:309-323. 2004.
- Craft, C.B. Vegetation and Soil-based Indicators of Nutrient Condition of Freshwater Wetlands in Nutrient Ecoregions VI, VII and IX, Indiana. Final Technical Report to USEPA (HQ - Washington). August 22, 2005. 54 pp. 2005.
- C.B. Craft (one of 14 Contributors). Nutrient Criteria Technical Guidance Manual: Wetlands. EPA-823-B-05-003. USEPA Office of Water and Office of Science and Technology. Washington, DC. 165 pp. 2005.
- Craft, C.B. Freshwater Input Structures Soil Properties, Fertical Accretion and Nutrient Accumulation of Georgia and United States (U.S.) Tidal Marshes. Limnology and Oceanography 52:1220-1230. 2007.
- Craft, C., K. Krull, and S. Graham. Ecological Indicators of Nutrient Condition, Freshwater Wetlands, Midwestern United States (U.S.). Ecological Indicators 7:733-750. 2007.
- Aldous, A.R., C.B. Craft, C.J. Stevens, M.J. Barry, and L.B. Bach. Soil Phosphorus Release from a Restoration Wetland, Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon. Wetlands 27:1025-1035. 2007.
- Cornell, J.A., C. Craft and J.P. Megonigal. Ecosystem Gas Exchange Across a Created Salt Marsh Chronosequence. Wetlands 27:240-250. 2007.
- Craft, C.B. et al. Nutrient Criteria Technical Guidance Manual: Wetlands. Washington, D.C.: USEPA Office of Water and Office of Science and Technology: EPA-823-B-05-003. 2007.
- Craft, C. and J. Schubauer-Berigan. The Role of Freshwater Wetlands in a Water Quality Trading Program. In D. Wichelns (ed.), Proceedings: Innovations in Reducing Nonpoint Source Pollution: Methods, Policies, Programs, and Measurements. Indianapolis. 2006.
- Craft, C., J. Clough, J. Ehman, S. Joye, D. Park, S. Pennings, H. Guo and M. Machmuller. "Forecasting the effects of accelerated sea level rise on tidal marsh ecosystem services." Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 7:73-78. 2009.
- Krull, K. and C.B. Craft. "Ecosystem development of a sandbar emergent tidal marsh, Altamaha River estuary, Georgia USA." Wetlands 29:314-322. 2009.
- Frost, J.W., T. Schleicher, and C. Craft. "Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus additions on primary production and invertebrate densities in a Georgia (USA) tidal freshwater marsh." Wetlands 29:196-203. 2009.
- Neubauer, S.C. and C.B. Craft. "Global change and tidal freshwater wetlands: Scenarios and impacts." Pp. 253-310. In, A. Barendregt, D.F. Whigham and A.H. Baldwin (ed.), Tidal freshwater Wetlands. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands. 2009.
- Craft, C.B. Soils of the Everglades Peatlands. Pp. 59-72. In, C.J. Richardson (ed.), The Everglades Experiments. Springer-Verlag. New York. 2008.
- Craft, C., J. Bertram and S. Broome. Restoration of coastal zones. Pp. 637-644. In, S.E. Jorgensen and B. Fath (ed.), Ecological Engineering. 1st edition. Elsevier, New York.
- Webb, K., C. Craft and E. Elswick. The evaluation of western freshwater pearl mussel, Margaritiferea falcata (Gould 1985) as a bioindicator through the analysis of metal partitioning and bioaccumulation. Northwest Science 82:163-173. 2008.
- Craft, C., C. Washburn and A. Parker. Latitudinal trends in organic carbon accumulation of temperate freshwater peatlands. Pp. 23-31. In, J. Vyamazal (ed.), Nutrient Cycling and retention in Natural and Constructed Wetlands. Springer Science + Busin. 2008.
- Brittain, R.A. and C.B. Craft. Effects of sea-level rise and anthropogenic development on priority bird species habitats in coastal Georgia, USA. Environmental Management. (In press)
- Fagherazzi, S., M. Kirwan, S. Mudd, S. Temmerman, A. DAlpaos, J. van de Koppel, J. Rybczyk, E. Reyes, C. Craft, J. Clough and G. Guntenspergen. Numerical models of salt marsh evolution. Reviews in Geophysics. (In press.)
- Hopple, A. and C. Craft. Managed disturbance enhances biodiversity of restored wetlands in the agricultural Midwest. Ecological Engineering. (In review.)
- Fennessy, S. and C. Craft. Effects of agricultural conservation practices on wetland ecosystem services in the Interior Glaciated Plains. Ecological Applications (Supplement) 21:S49-S64. 2011.
- He, Y, X. Li, C. Craft, Z. Ma, Z. and Y Sun. Relationships between vegetation and environmental factors in newly formed tidal marshes of the Yangtze River estuary. Wetlands Ecology and Management. 19:341-349. 2011.
- Craft, C., J. Clough, J. Ehman, S. Joye, D. Park, S. Pennings, H. Guo and M. Machmuller. SLR and ecosystem services: a response to Kirwan and Guntenspergen. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 7:127-128. 2009.
- Brittain, R.A., C.B. Craft and V. Meretsky. Breeding densities and habitat relationships of avian species in coastal georgia, USA, using distance sampling and indicator species abalysis. Journal of Field Ornithology 122:532-544. 2010.
- Loomis, M.J., and C.B. Craft. Carbon sequestration and nutrient (N,P) accumulation in river-dominated tidal marshes. Soil Science Society of America Journal 74:1027-1038. 2010.
- Wieski, K., H. Guo, C. Craft and S. Pennings. Ecosystem functions of tidal fresh, brackish and salt marshes on the georgia coast. Estuaries and Coasts 33:161-169. 2010.
- Tackett, N.W. and C.B. Craft. Ecosystem development on a coastal barrier island dune chronosequence. Journal of Coastal Research 26:736-742. 2010.
- Pendleton, L. et al. Global blue carbon emissions from conversion of coastal ecosystems. Global Environmental Change - Human and Policy Dimensions. In review.
- Brittain, R.A., A. Schimmelmann and C.B. Craft. Food webs of coastal birds inferred from carbpon and nitrogen stable isotopes. Estuaries and Coasts. DOI 10 1007/s12237-011-9446-y. 2011.
- Ket, W.A., J. P. Schubauer, and C. B. Craft. Effects of Five Years of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Additions on a Zizaniopsis miliacea Tidal Freshwater Marsh, Georgia (USA) Aquatic Botany 95:17-23. 2011.