Faculty: Ashlyn Aiko Nelson
Selected Works:
Reports and Publications:
Selected Works:
- “The rise of school-supporting nonprofits,” (with B. Gazley). Education Finance & Policy, 9 (4): 541-566. (2014)
- “Local government responses to fiscal stress: Evidence from the public education sector,” (with R. Balu) Public Administration Review, 74(5): 601-614. (2014)
- “Securitization and loan performance: A contrast of ex ante and ex post relations,” (with W. Jiang and E. Vytlacil). Review of Financial Studies, 27(2): 454-483 (2013)
- “Liar’s loan? Effects of origination channel and information falsification on mortgage delinquency,” (with W. Jiang, W. and E. Vytlacil). Review of Economics and Statistics, 96(1): 1-18. (2014) *Lead article and recipient of the Western Finance Association’s 2010 Analysis Group Award for the Best Paper on Financial Institutions and Markets.
- “Delinquency model predictive power among low-documentation loans,” (with W. Jiang and E. Vytlacil). Economics Letters, 120(2): 171-173 (2013)
- “Credit scores, race, and residential sorting,” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 29(1): 39-68 (2009). Republished: “Home sweet home: Recent research in housing & community development policy,” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management Virtual Issue (2010)
Reports and Publications:
“Establishing a system of public education in which all children achieve at high levels and reach their full potential,” (with B. Smale), The Covenant with Black America, Hay House (2016)
The economic impacts of investing in early childhood education in Indiana, (with N. Brodnax, L. Fischer), Commissioned Report (2016)
- Nelson, A.A. Review of the book "Saving Schools: From Horace Mann to Virtual Learning" by Paul E. Peterson. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 30 (3). 2011.
- Nelson, A.A. Credit scores, race, and residential sorting. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 29(1), 39-68. 2009.
- Nelson, A.A. Inequalities in access to credit for language minorities. In J. Baugh (Ed.), Linguistic profiling: Social science, fair housing, and the law. 2010.
- Nelson, A.A. Is hindsight 20/20? Unpacking the mortgage crisis [Review of the book "Subprime Nation: American Power, Global Capital, and the Housing Bubble" by H.M. Schwartz]. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 30(1). 2011.
- Nelson, A.A. Irrational markets, irrational behavior [Review of the book "Animal Spirits: How Human Psychology Drives the Economy, and Why It Matters for Global Capitalism" by G.A. Akerlof and R.J. Shiller]. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 30(1). 2011.