Selected Works:
- "The impact of recentralization on public services: A difference-in-differences analysis of the abolition of elected councils in Vietnam," (with C. Nguyen and E. Malesky), American Political Science Review, 108 (1): 1-25 (2014)
- "The adverse effects of sunshine: A field experiment on legislative transparency in an authoritarian assembly," (with E. Malesky and P. Schuler), American Political Science Review, 106(4): 762‐786 (2012)
- "Importing corruption culture from overseas: Evidence from corporate tax evasion in the United States," Journal of Financial Economics, (forthcoming)
- "Rank as an incentive: Evidence from a field experiment," (with R. Zeckhauser), Journal of Public Economics, 96 (9–10): 645–650 (2012)
Reports and Publications:
"Can Elections Motivate Responsiveness in a Single-Party Regime? Experimental Evidence from Vietnam," American Political Science Review, (2022)
“Testing Legislator Responsiveness to Citizens and Firms in Single-Party Regimes: A Field Experiment in the Vietnamese National Assembly,” Journal of Politics, (August 2021)
- "Are Children an Incentive or Disincentive for Migration? Evidence from Vietnam," Economics of Transition and Institutional Change, (2019)
- "Do Good Governance and Public Administration Improve Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction? The Case of Vietnam," International Public Management Journal, (2019)
- "Improving Outcomes in the Trust Game: The Games People Choose in Oman, the United States, and Vietnam," chapter in Social Dilemmas: New Perspectives on Trust, (July 2017)
“One Mandarin Benefits the Whole Clan: Hometown Favoritism in an Autocracy,” (with Q. Do, K. Nguyen), American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, (Autumn 2017)
“Does PAPI monitoring improve local governance? Evidence from a natural experiment in Vietnam,” (with L. Giang, C. Nguyen) International Journal of Development Issues, (1) 85-106 (January 2017)
“The Effect of Having Children on Women’s Marital Status,” ( with C. Nguyen), Journal of Development Studies (January 2017)
- Tran, Anh. "Corruption, Political Systems and Human Development", in Perspectives on Corruption and Human Development, pp. 268-320, Macmillan. 2010.
- Tran, Anh. "Four Stages to Analyze and Prevent Corruption" (with R MacLean), Kennedy School Review. 2007.
- Tran, Anh. "The ASEAN Economies", Economics, Economics and Business Edu. New South Wales, 36 (1). 2000.
- Tran, Anh. "Vietnam: An Arduous Path to Development", Economics, Economics and Business Edu. 36 (1). 2000.
- Tran, Anh. "Fiscal Options in the Future" (with Anh Dinh Vu), in Binh Tran-Nam and Chi Do-Pham (Eds.) Vietnam Economy: the Dormant Dragon, pp. 74-88, Routledge. 2002.