The the O’Neill School Teaching and Learning Faculty Group is open to all full-time and part-time instructors, and has as its mission to:
- Provide a forum for discussing important teaching-related issues that are applicable to all instructors
- Provide a means for jointly developing policies and advice for the Dean’s Office and faculty on effective teaching
- Develop teaching and learning resources for all the O’Neill full-time and part-time faculty.
We serve as a central venue within the O’Neill School for discussing, exploring, and implementing effective and innovative teaching practices at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. This group provides all faculty, regardless of rank, an institutional home for examining the strengths (and limitations) of teaching practices at the O’Neill School, establishing classroom expectations for both O’Neill faculty and students, learning about available existing resources for O’Neill faculty or developing new resources, researching best practices at other schools at IU and nationally, and proposing to the faculty new policies and procedures.