Major in Policy Analysis

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Recent Alumni


Jennifer Rey, BSPA’17

Project Specialist, Mission Operation

Susan G. Komen

Matthew Eitel, BSPA'22

Chief of Staff

Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA)
Washington, D.C.


Sara Dobbins, BSPA’18

Cybersecurity Consultant

Ernst & Young
New York City

Expert faculty

“In times of crisis, the scope for impact increases—especially for students who think outside the box. Watching our alumni work at the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic, we witnessed how much policy and leadership matter.”

—Kosali Simon, Herman B Wells Endowed Professor, Associate Vice Provost for Health Sciences

Program learning goals

1.1. Differentiate economic and non-economic rationales for government intervention

1.2 Match policy problems with appropriate policy instruments 

1.3 Conduct and interpret results of ex ante cost-benefit analysis to assess expected policy impacts, including distributional impacts modeling

2.1 Understand the policy process cycle and alternative theories of policy making

2.2 Explain the structure of governance, including levels of government from local to global and governance across countries and regions

2.3 Recognize challenges of policy implementation

3.1 Read and extract meaning from institutional documents, academic research, policy briefs, and other policy related documents

3.2 Identify differing perspectives on a policy

3.3 Find appropriate sources for identifying policy context and arguments

4.1 Identify and explain major current government programs

4.2 Describe major historical trends in policy

4.3 Compare and contrast policies addressing similar problems across countries

5.1 Collect, organize, clean, and format data using statistical and data analysis software such as SAS, Stata, and R

5.2 Understand and apply statistical, econometric, and other data modeling techniques

5.3 Produce reader friendly data visualizations

5.4 Explain and interpret results of statistical analysis

5.5 Conduct rigorous evaluations of programs and policies

5.6 Interpret results of someone else’s data analysis

5.7 Identify misuse of data and statistics

6.1 Communicate findings from data analysis clearly in written and oral forms

6.2 Describe and communicate research findings and summarize facts

6.3 Write high-quality, professional policy briefs and papers

6.4 Synthesize findings from background research, theoretical analysis, and statistical analysis

6.5 Identify professional and ethical collection and use of data