Faculty: André Franco
Selected Works:
Reports and Publications:
Selected Works:
- “Drought suppresses soil predators and promotes root herbivores in mesic, but not in xeric grasslands,” (with Gherardi, LA; de Tomasel CM; Andriuzzi, WS; Ankrom, KE; Shaw, EA; Bach, EM; Sala, OE; Wall, DH), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). 116, 12883-12888, (2019)
- “Precipitation effects on nematode diversity and carbon footprint across grasslands,” (with Guan, P; Cui, S; de Tomasel, CM; Gherardi, LA; Sala, OE; Wall, DH), Global Change Biology. 28, 2124-2132, (2022)
- “Response of Antarctic soil fauna to climate‐driven changes since the Last Glacial Maximum,” (with Byron J. Adams; Melisa A. Diaz; et al), Global Change Biology, 28 (2) 644-653, (2022)
- “Managing soil biology for multiple human benefits,” (with Fonte, SJ; Wall, DH), Advances in Soil Science – The Soil–Human Health Nexus, Lal, Ratan ed. Taylor & Francis Group, pages 275-302, (2020)
- “Amazonian deforestation and soil biodiversity,” (with Sobral, BW; Silva, ALC; Wall, DH), Conservation Biology, 33, 590-600, (2019)
- “Root herbivory controls the effects of precipitation on the partitioning between above-belowground grass biomass,” (with Gherardi, LA; de Tomasel, CM; Andriuzzi, WS; Ankrom, KE; Bach, EM; Guan, P; Sala, OE; Wall, DH), Functional Ecology, 34, 2403-2410(2020)
- “Linking soil engineers, structural stability, and organic matter allocation to unravel soil carbon responses to land-use change,” (with Cherubin, MR; Cerri, CEP; Six, J; Wall, DH; Cerri, CC), Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 150, 107998 (2020)
Reports and Publications:
- “Short-term modifications of mycorrhizal fungi, glomalin and soil attributes in a tropical agroforestry,” (with Priscila Silva Matos ; Cristiane Figueira da Silva; et al), Acta Oecologica, (May 2022)
- “Global monitoring of soil animal communities using a common methodology,” (with Anton M. Potapov; Xin Sun; et al), Soil Organisms, 94 (1) 55–68, (April 2022)
- “Precipitation effects on nematode diversity and carbon footprint across grasslands,” (with Pingting Guan; Shuyan Cui; et al), Global Change Biology, 28 (6) 2124-2132, (March 2022)
- “Ecological maturity and stability of nematode communities in response to precipitation manipulations in grasslands,” (with Katharine E. Ankrom; Steven J. Fonte; et al), Applied Soil Ecology, (February 2022)
- “Global data on earthworm abundance, biomass, diversity and corresponding environmental properties,” (with Helen R. P. Phillips; Elizabeth M. Bach; et al), Scientific Data, 8 (1) 136, (December 2021)
- “The Ecology Underground coalition : building a collaborative future of belowground ecology and ecologists,” (with Camille E. Defrenne ; Elsa Abs; et al), New Phytologist, (2021)
- Biodiesel de microalgas: avanços e desafios, André Luiz Franco (Author); Ivon Pinheiro Lôbo (Author); Rosenira Serpa Cruz (Author); Cláudia Maria Teixeira (Author); José Adolfo Almeida Neto (Author); Rafael Silva Menezes (Author), Química Nova, 36 (3) 437-448 (2013)