Turn your interest in law into a career—working in diplomacy, homeland security, social justice advocacy, or government relations—with a major or minor in Law and Public Policy. Explore how legal institutions and their leaders shape public policy, and learn how to work with the law to accomplish your goals. You’ll learn from top faculty across IU, including the Maurer School of Law, and you'll have opportunities to examine global aspects of law and public policy by studying abroad in the United Arab Emirates, Ireland, or France.
Learn how the law works and use it to solve problems and shape policy
Earn your O'Neill degree + a law degree in six years
You may be able to earn your bachelor's degree from O’Neill and a J.D. from the Indiana University Maurer School of Law in six years, rather than the usual seven.
This degree is also good preparation for law school.
Our recent graduates have landed jobs in the law and public policy field including:
- South Exercise Program Manager, Indiana Department of Homeland Security
- Paralegal Specialist, U.S. Small Business Administration
- Financial Crimes Compliance Associate Analyst, Ernst & Young
- Staff Operations Specialist, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
- Law Student, University of Virginia Law School
Connect with O’Neill Admissions
If you are a current high school student, contact us at (812) 855-6774 or

Evan Carnes, BSPA'21, MPA'23
“I care about law and public policy. I care about representative government and about how governments allocate funds to meet the needs of their constituents. But the thing I care about most? Helping people figure out what they like to do and how they should go about achieving it.”
Recent Alumni

Elizabeth Score, BSPA’23
Legislative Assistant, JD Candidate
U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, D.C.

Krishna Pathak, BSPA’19
Knight-Hennessy Scholar and JD Candidate
Stanford Law School, Stanford, CA

Grace Bouton, BSPA’22
Press Secretary
U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, D.C.
Program learning goals
Expand for detailed learning outcomes.
1.1 Describe how and why lawmaking power is distributed in the U.S. among branches and levels of government
1.2 Describe the powers and structure of the American judiciary and their impact on public affairs
1.3 Describe major legal rules and policy considerations that affect civil litigation and criminal proceedings in America
1.4 Evaluate alternative models for conflict resolution
1.5 Describe the legislative process in America and its impact on public affairs
1.6 Describe the major executive lawmaking powers in America and their impact on public affairs
1.7 Describe major legal rules and policy considerations affecting public access and input to government operations
2.1 Describe major stages and events in the development of American law and the forces contributing to them
2.2 Describe the rule of law
2.3 Describe competing concepts of justice, liberty, and the public good that stakeholders use to evaluate law and public administration
2.4 Evaluate how demographic differences have affected or may affect someone’s experience with American law
2.5 Describe major approaches to constitutional and statutory interpretation and their impact on public affairs
2.6 Describe the scope of due process, equal protection, and free expression rights, and their impact on public affairs
2.7 Describe the liability and immunity of government actors for harms caused by government actions
3.1 Describe the reasons given for and against a policy or action
3.2 Explain the context and assumptions contributing to support for and opposition to a policy or action
3.3 Extract and apply principles from case law and other authoritative sources
3.4 Distinguish between fact and opinion
3.5 Assess the impact of a policy or action on key stakeholders, interests, and values
3.6 Evaluate the strength of data supporting and opposing a policy or action
4.1 Explain specific public policy challenges
4.2 Demonstrate active listening to understand stakeholder interests and values
4.3 Assess the impact of a policy or action on key stakeholders, interests, and values
4.4 Analyze a situation to apply relevant principles of law and policy
4.5 Perform efficient and effective legal and policy research
4.6 Generate feasible options to address a problem or resolve a conflict
4.7 Analyze the ethical, legal, economic, and policy strengths and weaknesses of these options
4.8 Propose a reasonable strategy to implement one or more options
4.9 Demonstrate proficiency in using negotiation and alternative dispute resolution methods
5.1 Organize an argument that flows logically and that recognizes its own limitations
5.2 Write and speak clearly, concisely, and accurately using proper grammar, spelling, and legal terminology
5.3 Present information visually in an engaging and effective way
5.4 Differentiate among audiences, appraise which arguments and evidence will be most persuasive, and construct a targeted approach
5.5 Demonstrate reflective listening to the interests and values of diverse stakeholders
5.6 Discuss issues in a civil and constructive manner
5.7 Predict opposing arguments and develop effective responses to them
5.8 Address questions responsively and authoritatively
5.9 Collaborate effectively in diverse paired and group settings
5.10 Create authentic professional work products
6.1 Explain the impact of a specific law or policy on diverse populations
6.2 Describe budgetary and economic factors that significantly affect policy adoption and implementation
6.3 Use appropriate data to evaluate policies and programs
Required coursework
As a student in the O’Neill School, you will complete your degree requirements based on your matriculation date—the date you entered Indiana University Bloomington.
Your Academic Advising Report is your personalized report outlining your progress toward graduation. The requirements below are for advising purposes only and are not official. To discuss your degree requirements and academic goals, make an appointment with your academic advisor academic advisor.
All your degree requirements are based on the semester and year you entered IU Bloomington. If you became an IU Bloomington student in either Fall 2024 or Spring 2025 you are in the right place!
General Education: Select the appropriate academic year based on your entry date at IUB
- SPEA-E 183 Environment & People (3cr)
- SPEA-V 181 US Policy & Administration (3cr)
- SPEA-V 182 Policy-making around the World: Comparative and International Approaches (3cr)
- SPEA-V 184 Law & Public Affairs (3cr)
- SPEA-V 185 Management of Public Problems and Solutions (3cr)
- SPEA-V 186 Introduction to Public Budgeting and Finance for Public Affairs (3cr)
Career Core (15cr)
- ECON-E 251 Fundamentals of Economics I (3cr) or ECON-B 251 Fundamentals of Economics for Business I (3cr)
- SPEA-K 300 Statistical Techniques (3cr) OR equivalent (P: MATH-M 014 or equivalent; R: MATH-M 118)
Oral Communication – One course from:
- SPEA-V 326 Communication for Government and Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.)
- BUS-C 104 Business Presentations (3 cr.)
- BUS-C 300 Business and Professional Communication (3 cr.)
Computer – One course from:
- SPEA-V 261 Using IT in Public Affairs (3 cr.)
- BUS-K 201 The Computer in Business (2-3 cr.)
- CSCI-A 110 Introduction to Computers and Computing (3 cr.) (P: One-year high school algebra or MATH-M 014)
- CSCI-A 201 Introduction to Programming I (4 cr.) (P: Two years high school math or MATH-M 014)
- INFO-I 101 Intro to Informatics and Computing (4 cr.)
Experiential Learning Requirement
- SPEA-V 252 Career Development and Planning (2cr) or exemption
- SPEA-V 381 Professional Experience (1cr) (P: SPEA-V 252) or exemption
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Law and Public Policy Major
Requirements (Fourteen courses)
Note: Courses may be listed in more than one area below. However, significant restrictions apply, see your academic advising report (AAR). It is strongly recommended that students take SPEA-V 184 as the first course for this major.
Students may not “double count” courses within this major.
The following six courses:
- SPEA-V 202 Contemporary Economic Issues in Public Affairs (3 cr.) (P: ECON-E 251 or ECON-B 251)
- SPEA-V 339 Legal History and Public Policy (3 cr.) (P: SPEA-V 184)*
- SPEA-V 370 Research Methods and Statistical Modeling (3 cr.) (P: SPEA-K 300 or equivalent) or SPEA V 491 Honors Research in Public and Environmental Affairs (3 cr.)
- SPEA-V 379 Performance Measurement and Program Evaluation (3 cr.)
- SPEA-V 405 Public Law and the Legislative Process (3 cr.)
- SPEA-V 435 Negotiation and Alternative Dispute Resolution (3 cr.)
*Iterative writing assignment course
Two SPEA-V 456 topics courses offered by Maurer Law School Faculty:
- SPEA-V 456 Topics in Public Law (3 cr.) (P: SPEA-V 184) (approved topics only; consult SPEA advisor; repeatable with different topics)
Six of the following courses (at least five courses must be offered by SPEA):
- SPEA-E 324 Controversies in Environmental Health (3 cr.)
- SPEA-E 476 Environmental Law and Regulation (3 cr.)
- SPEA-H 341 Legal Aspects of Health Care Administration (3 cr.) (P: SPEA-H 124)
- SPEA-V 161 Urban Problems and Solutions (3 cr.)
- SPEA-V 272 Terrorism and Public Policy (3 cr.)
- SPEA-V 275 Introduction to Emergency Management (3 cr.)
- SPEA-V 340 Urban Government Administration (3 cr.)
- SPEA-V 378 Federal Government Processes (3 cr.)
- SPEA-V 404 Advanced Public Management (3 cr.) (P: SPEA-V 185)
- SPEA-V 406 Public Law and the Electoral Process (3 cr.)
- SPEA-V 407 Advocacy, Policy Change, and Government Relations (3 cr.) (P: SPEA-V 184 or SPEA-V 203)
- SPEA-V 409 Federal Policymaking and the Hearing Process (3 cr.)
- SPEA-V 414 National Security Bureaucracy and Policy (3 cr.)
- SPEA-V 415 Data Science in Public and Environmental Affairs (3 cr.)
- SPEA-V 424 Environmental Law, Justice, and Politics (3 cr.)
- SPEA-V 425 Homeland Security: Policy and Practice (3 cr.)
- SPEA-V 450 Contemporary Issues in Public Affairs (1-3 cr.) (approved topics only; consult SPEA advisor; repeatable with different topics)
- SPEA-V 454 Human Resource Management in Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.) (R: SPEA-V 221 or SPEA-V 362)
- SPEA-V 462 Community Development (3 cr.)
- SPEA-V 477 Strategic Human Resource Management (3 cr.) (P: SPEA-V 373)
- SPEA-V 478 Employment Law for Human Resource Management (3 cr.) (P: SPEA-V 184)
- SPEA-V 481 Grant Writing for Public and Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.)
- SPEA-V 482 Overseas Topics in Public Affairs (0-15 cr.) (approved topics only; consult SPEA advisor; repeatable with different topics)
- SPEA-V 499 Honors Thesis (3 cr.)
- AAAD-A 481 Racism and the Law (3 cr.)
- BUS-L 201 Legal Environment of Business (3 cr.) or BUS-L 203 Commercial Law I (3 cr.)
- CJUS-P 370 Criminal Law (3 cr.)
- CJUS-P 371 Criminal Procedure (3 cr.)
- CJUS-P 375 American Juvenile Justice System (3 cr.)
- CJUS-P 414 Adolescents and the Law (3 cr.)
- CLAS-C 308 Roman Law (3 cr.) (P: CLAS-C 102)
- INTL-I 340 Ethics and Decision making in International Politics (3 cr.)
- INTL-L 351 Law and Authoritarianism (3 cr.)
- SOC-S 326 Law and Society (3 cr.) (P: three credit hours of sociology or consent of instructor)
- SPH-R 414 Legal Aspects of Recreation (3 cr.)
All your degree requirements are based on the semester and year you entered IU Bloomington. If you became an IU Bloomington student in either Fall 2023 or Spring 2024 you are in the right place!
General Education: Select the appropriate academic year based on your entry date at IUB
- SPEA-E 183 Environment & People (3cr)
- SPEA-V 181 US Policy & Administration (3cr)
- SPEA-V 182 Policy-making around the World: Comparative and International Approaches (3cr)
- SPEA-V 184 Law & Public Affairs (3cr)
- SPEA-V 185 Management of Public Problems and Solutions (3cr)
- SPEA-V 186 Introduction to Public Budgeting and Finance for Public Affairs (3cr)
Career Core (15cr)
- ECON-E 251 Fundamentals of Economics I (3cr) or ECON-B 251 Fundamentals of Economics for Business I (3cr)
- SPEA-K 300 Statistical Techniques (3cr) OR equivalent (P: MATH-M 014 or equivalent; R: MATH-M 118)
Oral Communication – One course from:
- SPEA-V 326 Communication for Government and Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.)
- BUS-C 104 Business Presentations (3 cr.)
- BUS-C 300 Business and Professional Communication (3 cr.)
Computer – One course from:
- SPEA-V 261 Using IT in Public Affairs (3 cr.)
- BUS-K 201 The Computer in Business (2-3 cr.)
- CSCI-A 110 Introduction to Computers and Computing (3 cr.) (P: One-year high school algebra or MATH-M 014)
- CSCI-A 201 Introduction to Programming I (4 cr.) (P: Two years high school math or MATH-M 014)
- INFO-I 101 Intro to Informatics and Computing (4 cr.)
Experiential Learning Requirement
- SPEA-V 252 Career Development and Planning (2cr) or exemption
- SPEA-V 381 Professional Experience (1cr) (P: SPEA-V 252) or exemption
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Law and Public Policy Major (14 courses)
Courses may be listed in more than one area below. However, no course will count more than once in the major. Additionally, no course used to fulfill the “BSPA Required Courses” above may be used to also fulfill the “Law and Public Policy Major” below. It is strongly recommended that students take SPEA-V 184 as the first course for this major. Additional courses beyond the general education, core, and major requirements are needed to complete the minimum of 120 hours required for the degree.
The following six courses:
- SPEA-V 202 Contemporary Economic Issues in Public Affairs (3cr) (P: ECON-E 251 or ECON-B 251)
- SPEA-V 339 Legal History and Public Policy (3cr) (P: SPEA-V 184)*
- SPEA-V 370 Research Methods and Statistical Modeling (3cr) (P: SPEA-K 300 or equivalent) OR SPEA V491 Honors Research in Public and Environmental Affairs (3cr)
- SPEA-V 379 Performance Measurement and Program Evaluation (3cr)
- SPEA-V 405 Public Law and the Legislative Process (3cr)
- SPEA-V 435 Negotiation and Alternative Dispute Resolution (3cr)
* Iterative writing assignment course
Two courses from the following:
- SPEA-V 456 Topics in Public Law (3cr) (approved courses only; consult O'Neill advisor; repeatable with different topics)
Six courses from the following (at least five courses must be offered by O’Neill):
- SPEA-E 324 Controversies in Environmental Health (3 cr.)
- SPEA-E 476 Environmental Law and Regulation (3 cr.)
- SPEA-H 341 Legal Aspects of Health Care Administration (3 cr.) (P: SPEA-H 124)
- SPEA-V 161 Urban Problems and Solutions (3 cr.)
- SPEA-V 272 Terrorism and Public Policy (3 cr.)
- SPEA-V 275 Introduction to Emergency Management (3 cr.)
- SPEA-V 340 Urban Government Administration (3 cr.)
- SPEA-V 378 Federal Government Processes (3 cr.)
- SPEA-V 404 Advanced Public Management (3 cr.) (P: SPEA-V 185)
- SPEA-V 406 Public Law and the Electoral Process (3 cr.)
- SPEA-V 407 Advocacy, Policy Change, and Government Relations (3 cr.) (P: SPEA-V 184 or SPEA-V 203)
- SPEA-V 409 Federal Policymaking and the Hearing Process (3 cr.)
- SPEA-V 414 National Security Bureaucracy and Policy (3 cr.)
- SPEA-V 415 Data Science in Public and Environmental Affairs (3 cr.)
- SPEA-V 424 Environmental Law, Justice, and Politics (3 cr.)
- SPEA-V 425 Homeland Security: Policy and Practice (3 cr.)
- SPEA-V 450 Contemporary Issues in Public Affairs (1-3 cr.) (approved topics only; consult SPEA advisor; repeatable with different topics)
- SPEA-V 454 Human Resource Management in Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.) (R: SPEA-V 221 or SPEA-V 362)
- SPEA-V 462 Community Development (3 cr.)
- SPEA-V 477 Strategic Human Resource Management (3 cr.) (P: SPEA-V 373)
- SPEA-V 478 Employment Law for Human Resource Management (3 cr.) (P: SPEA-V 184)
- SPEA-V 481 Grant Writing for Public and Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.)
- SPEA-V 482 Overseas Topics in Public Affairs (0-15 cr.) (approved topics only; consult SPEA advisor; repeatable with different topics)
- SPEA-V 499 Honors Thesis (3 cr.)
- AAAD-A 481 Racism and the Law (3 cr.)
- BUS-L 201 Legal Environment of Business (3 cr.) or BUS-L 203 Commercial Law I (3 cr.)
- CJUS-P 370 Criminal Law (3 cr.)
- CJUS-P 371 Criminal Procedure (3 cr.)
- CJUS-P 375 American Juvenile Justice System (3 cr.)
- CJUS-P 414 Adolescents and the Law (3 cr.)
- CLAS-C 308 Roman Law (3 cr.) (P: CLAS-C 102)
- INTL-I 340 Ethics and Decision making in International Politics (3 cr.)
- INTL-L 351 Law and Authoritarianism (3 cr.)
- SOC-S 326 Law and Society (3 cr.) (P: three credit hours of sociology or consent of instructor)
- SPH-R 414 Legal Aspects of Recreation (3 cr.)
Electives are courses that do not meet general education or major requirements and may be used to fulfill the remainder of the 120 credit hours required for this degree. Please meet with your academic advisor to discuss your electives.
All your degree requirements are based on the semester and year you entered IU Bloomington. If you became an IU Bloomington student either Fall 2022 or Spring 2023 you are in the right place!
General Education: Select the appropriate academic year based on your entry date at IUB
- SPEA-E 183 Environment & People (3cr)
- SPEA-V 181 US Policy & Administration (3cr)
- SPEA-V 182 Policy-making around the World: Comparative and International Approaches (3cr)
- SPEA-V 184 Law & Public Affairs (3cr)
- SPEA-V 185 Management of Public Problems and Solutions (3cr)
- SPEA-V 186 Introduction to Public Budgeting and Finance for Public Affairs (3cr)
Other Required Courses (12cr)
- ECON-E 251 Fundamentals of Economics I (3cr) or ECON-B 251 Fundamentals of Economics for Business I (3cr)
- SPEA-K 300 Statistical Techniques (3cr) OR equivalent (P: MATH-M 014 or equivalent; R: MATH-M 118)
Oral Communication – One course from:
- BUS-C 104 Business Presentations (3cr)
- SPEA-V 436 Communication for Government & Nonprofit Organizations (3cr)
Computer – One course from:
- SPEA-V 261 Technology in Public Affairs (3cr)
- BUS-K 201 The Computer in Business (3cr)
- CSCI-A 110 Introduction to Computers and Computing (3cr) (P: One year high school algebra or MATH-M 014)
- CSCI-A 201 Introduction to Programming I (4cr) (P: Two years high school math or MATH-M 014)
Experiential Learning
- SPEA-V 252 Career Development and Planning (2cr) or exemption
- SPEA-V 381 Professional Experience (1cr) (P: SPEA-V 252) or exemption
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Law and Public Policy Major (14 courses)
Courses may be listed in more than one area below. However, no course will count more than once in the major. Additionally, no course used to fulfill the “BSPA Required Courses” above may be used to also fulfill the “Law and Public Policy Major” below. It is strongly recommended that students take SPEA-V 184 as the first course for this major. Additional courses beyond the general education, core, and major requirements are needed to complete the minimum of 120 hours required for the degree.
The following six courses:
- SPEA-V 202 Contemporary Economic Issues in Public Affairs (3cr) (P: ECON-E 201)
- SPEA-V 339 Legal History and Public Policy (3cr) (P: SPEA-V 184)*
- SPEA-V 370 Research Methods and Statistical Modeling (3cr) (P: SPEA-K 300 or equivalent) OR SPEA V491 Honors Research in Public and Environmental Affairs (3cr)
- SPEA-V 379 Performance Measurement and Program Evaluation (3cr)
- SPEA-V 405 Public Law and the Legislative Process (3cr)
- SPEA-V 435 Negotiation and Alternative Dispute Resolution (3cr)
* Iterative writing assignment course
Two courses from the following:
- SPEA-V 456 Topics in Public Law (3cr) (approved courses only; consult O'Neill advisor; repeatable with different topics)
Six courses from the following (at least five courses must be offered by O’Neill):
- SPEA-E 324 Controversies in Environmental Health (3cr)
- SPEA-E 476 Environmental Law and Regulation (3cr)
- SPEA-H 341 Legal Aspects of Health Care Administration (3cr) (P: SPEA-H 124 or permission of instructor)
- SPEA-V 161 Urban Problems and Solutions (3cr)
- SPEA-V 272 Terrorism and Public Policy (3cr)
- SPEA-V 275 Introduction to Emergency Management (3cr)
- SPEA-V 340 Urban Government Administration (3cr)
- SPEA-V 378 Federal Government Processes (3cr)
- SPEA-V404 Advanced Public Management (3cr)
- SPEA-V 406 Public Law and the Electoral Process (3cr)
- SPEA-V 407 Public Law and Government Relations (3cr)
- SPEA-V 409 Federal Policymaking and the Hearing Process (3cr)
- SPEA-V 414 National Security Bureaucracy and Policy (3cr)
- SPEA-V 415 Data Science in Public and Environmental Affairs (3cr)
- SPEA-V 424 Environmental Law, Justice and Politics (3cr)
- SPEA-V 425 Homeland Security: Policy and Practice (3cr)
- SPEA-V 450 Contemporary Issues in Public Affairs (1-3cr) (approved topics only; consult O’Neill Academic Advisor; repeatable with different topics)
- SPEA-V 454 Human Resource Management in Nonprofit Organizations (3cr) (R: SPEA-V 221 or SPEA-V 362)
- SPEA-V 462 Community Development (3cr)
- SPEA-V 477 Strategic Human Resource Management (3cr) (P: SPEA-V 373)
- SPEA-V 478 Employment Law for Human Resource Management (3cr) (P: SPEA-V 184)
- SPEA-V 481 Grant Writing for Public and Nonprofit Organizations (3cr)
- SPEA-V 482 Overseas Topics in Public Affairs (0-15cr) (approved topics only; consult O’Neill Academic Advisor; repeatable with different topics)
- SPEA-V 499 Honors Thesis (3cr)
- AAAD-A 481 Racism and the Law (3cr)
- BUS-L 201 Legal Environment of Business (3cr) OR BUS-L 203 Commercial Law I (3cr)
- CJUS-P 370 Criminal Law (3cr)
- CJUS-P 371 Criminal Procedure (3cr)
- CJUS-P 375 American Juvenile Justice System (3cr)
- CJUS-P 414 Adolescents and the Law (3cr)
- CLAS-C 308 Roman Law (3cr) (R: CLAS-C 102)
- INTL-I 340 Ethics and Decision Making in International Politics (3cr)
- INTL-I 351 Law and Authoritarianism (3cr)
- MSCH-J 300 Communications Law (3cr) (P: sophomore standing)
- MSCH-J 407 Newsgathering and the Law (3cr) (P: MSCH-J 300 or MSCH-H 300 or JOUR-J 300 or JOUR-H 300 with a grade of C- or higher; junior/senior standing; or permission of instructor)
- MSCH-L 424 Telecommunications and the Constitution (3cr) (P: One of MSCH-C 207, MSCH-C 213, TEL-T 205 or TEL-T 207 with a C- or higher, or consent of instructor)
- SOC-S 326 Law and Society (3cr) (P: three credit hours of sociology or consent of instructor)
- SPH-R 414 Legal Aspects of Recreation (3cr)
Electives are courses that do not meet general education or major requirements, and may be used to fulfill the remainder of the 120 credit hours required for this degree. Please meet with your academic advisor to discuss your electives.
All your degree requirements are based on the semester and year you entered IU Bloomington. If you became an IU Bloomington student either Fall 2021 or Spring 2022 you are in the right place!
General Education: Select the appropriate academic year based on your entry date at IUB
- SPEA-E 183 Environment & People (3cr)
- SPEA-V 181 US Policy & Administration (3cr)
- SPEA-V 182 Policy-making around the World: Comparative and International Approaches (3cr)
- SPEA-V 184 Law & Public Affairs (3cr)
- SPEA-V 185 Management of Public Problems and Solutions (3cr)
- SPEA-V 186 Introduction to Public Budgeting and Finance for Public Affairs (3cr)
Other Required Courses (18cr)
- ECON-E 251 Fundamentals of Economics I (3cr) or ECON-B 251 Fundamentals of Economics for Business I (3cr)
- POLS Political Science (any course or an approved non-O'Neill study abroad course, 3cr)
- SPEA-K 300 Statistical Techniques (3cr) OR equivalent (P: MATH-M 014 or equivalent; R: MATH-M 118)
- Anthropology, Geography, Sociology (any course or an approved non-O'Neill study abroad course, 3cr)
Oral Communication – One course from:
- BUS-C 104 Business Presentations (3cr)
- SPEA-V 436 Communication for Government & Nonprofit Organizations (3cr)
Computer – One course from:
- SPEA-V 261 Technology in Public Affairs (3cr)
- BUS-K 201 The Computer in Business (3cr)
- CSCI-A 110 Introduction to Computers and Computing (3cr) (P: One year high school algebra or MATH-M 014)
- CSCI-A 201 Introduction to Programming I (4cr) (P: Two years high school math or MATH-M 014)
Experiential Learning
- SPEA-V 252 Career Development and Planning (2cr) or exemption
- SPEA-V 381 Professional Experience (1cr) (P: SPEA-V 252) or exemption
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Law and Public Policy Major (12 courses)
Courses may be listed in more than one area below. However, no course will count more than once in the major. Additionally, no course used to fulfill the “BSPA Required Courses” above may be used to also fulfill the “Law and Public Policy Major” below. It is strongly recommended that students take SPEA-V 184 as the first course for this major. Additional courses beyond the general education, core, and major requirements are needed to complete the minimum of 120 hours required for the degree.
The following five courses:
- SPEA-V 202 Contemporary Economic Issues in Public Affairs (3cr) (P: ECON-E 201)
- SPEA-V 339 Legal History and Public Policy (3cr) (P: SPEA-V 184)*
- SPEA-V 370 Research Methods and Statistical Modeling (3cr) (P: SPEA-K 300 or equivalent) OR SPEA V491 Honors Research in Public and Environmental Affairs (3cr)
- SPEA-V 379 Performance Measurement and Program Evaluation (3cr)
- SPEA-V 435 Negotiation and Alternative Dispute Resolution (3cr)
* Iterative writing assignment course
One course from the following:
- SPEA-V 405 Public Law and the Legislative Process (3cr)
- SPEA-V 407 Public Law and Government Relations (3cr) (P: SPEA-V 184)
Two courses from the following:
- SPEA-V 456 Topics in Public Law (3cr) (approved courses only; consult O'Neill advisor; repeatable with different topics)
Four courses from the following (at least three courses must be offered by O’Neill):
- SPEA-E 324 Controversies in Environmental Health (3cr)
- SPEA-E 476 Environmental Law and Regulation (3cr)
- SPEA-H 341 Legal Aspects of Health Care Administration (3cr) (P: SPEA-H 124 or permission of instructor)
- SPEA-V 161 Urban Problems and Solutions (3cr)
- SPEA-V 272 Terrorism and Public Policy (3cr)
- SPEA-V 275 Introduction to Emergency Management (3cr)
- SPEA-V 340 Urban Government Administration (3cr)
- SPEA-V 377 Legal Processes and Contemporary Issues in America (3cr)
- SPEA-V 378 Federal Government Processes (3cr)
- SPEA-V 405 Public Law and the Legislative Process (3cr)
- SPEA-V 406 Public Law and the Electoral Process (3cr)
- SPEA-V 407 Public Law and Government Relations (3cr)
- SPEA-V 409 Federal Policymaking and the Hearing Process (3cr)
- SPEA-V 415 Data Science in Public and Environmental Affairs (3cr)
- SPEA-V 424 Environmental Law, Justice and Politics (3cr)
- SPEA-V 425 Homeland Security: Policy and Practice (3cr)
- SPEA-V 450 Contemporary Issues in Public Affairs (1-3cr) (approved topics only; consult O’Neill Academic Advisor; repeatable with different topics)
- SPEA-V 454 Human Resource Management in Nonprofit Organizations (3cr) (R: SPEA-V 221 or SPEA-V 362)
- SPEA-V 462 Community Development (3cr)
- SPEA-V 476 Compensation Strategy and Systems (3cr) (P: SPEA-V 373)
- SPEA-V 477 Strategic Human Resource Management (3cr) (P: SPEA-V 373)
- SPEA-V 478 Employment Law for Human Resource Management (3cr) (P: SPEA-V 184)
- SPEA-V 479 Employee Recruitment and Selection (3cr) (P: SPEA-V 373)
- SPEA-V 481 Grant Writing for Public and Nonprofit Organizations (3cr)
- SPEA-V 482 Overseas Topics in Public Affairs (0-15cr) (approved topics only; consult O’Neill Academic Advisor; repeatable with different topics)
- SPEA-V 499 Honors Thesis (3cr)
- AAAD-A 481 Racism and the Law (3cr)
- ANTH-E 475 Law and Culture (3cr)
- BUS-L 201 Legal Environment of Business (3cr) OR BUS-L 203 Commercial Law I (3cr)
- BUS-L 303 Commercial Law II (3cr)
- BUS-L 406 Employment Problems and the Law (3cr)
- CJUS-P 370 Criminal Law (3cr)
- CJUS-P 371 Criminal Procedure (3cr)
- CLAS-C 308 Roman Law (3cr) (R: CLAS-C 102)
- MSCH-J 300 Communications Law (3cr) (P: sophomore standing)
- MSCH-J 407 Newsgathering and the Law (3cr) (P: MSCH-J 300 or MSCH-H 300 or JOUR-J 300 or JOUR-H 300 with a grade of C- or higher; junior/senior standing; or permission of instructor)
- MSCH-L 424 Telecommunications and the Constitution (3cr) (P: One of MSCH-C 207, MSCH-C 213, TEL-T 205 or TEL-T 207 with a C- or higher, or consent of instructor)
- PHIL-P 375 Philosophy of Law (3cr) (P: three credit hours of philosophy)
- POLS-Y 304 Constitutional Law (3cr)
- POLS-Y 305 Constitutional Rights and Liberties (3cr)
- POLS-Y 367 International Law (3cr)
- SOC-S 326 Law and Society (3cr) (P: three credit hours of sociology or consent of instructor)
- SPH-R 414 Legal Aspects of Recreation (3cr)
Electives are courses that do not meet general education or major requirements, and may be used to fulfill the remainder of the 120 credit hours required for this degree. Please meet with your academic advisor to discuss your electives.
All your degree requirements are based on the semester and year you entered IU Bloomington. If you became an IU Bloomington student either Fall 2020 or Spring 2021 you are in the right place!
General Education: Select the appropriate academic year based on your entry date at IUB
- SPEA-E 183 Environment & People (3cr)
- SPEA-V 181 US Policy & Administration (3cr)
- SPEA-V 182 Policy-making around the World: Comparative and International Approaches (3cr)
- SPEA-V 184 Law & Public Affairs (3cr)
- SPEA-V 185 Management of Public Problems and Solutions (3cr)
- SPEA-V 186 Introduction to Public Budgeting and Finance for Public Affairs (3cr)
Other Required Courses (18cr)
- ECON-E 251 Fundamentals of Economics I (3cr) or ECON-B 251 Fundamentals of Economics for Business I (3cr)
- POLS Political Science (any course or an approved non-O'Neill study abroad course, 3cr)
- SPEA-K 300 Statistical Techniques (3cr) OR equivalent (P: MATH-M 014 or equivalent; R: MATH-M 118)
- Anthropology, Geography, Sociology (any course or an approved non-O'Neill study abroad course, 3cr)
Oral Communication – One course from:
- ANTH-A 122 Interpersonal Communication (3cr)
- ANTH-L 208 Ways of Speaking (3cr)
- BUS-C 104 Business Presentations (3cr)
- COLL-P 155 Public Oral Communication (3cr)
- ENG-R 228 Argumentation and Public Advocacy (3cr)
- SPEA-V 436 Communication for Government & Nonprofit Organizations (3cr)
- THTR-T 120 Acting I: Fundamentals of Acting (3cr) or O'Neill equivalent
Computer – One course from:
- SPEA-V 261 Computers in Public Affairs (3cr)
- BUS-K 201 The Computer in Business (3cr)
- CSCI-A 110 Introduction to Computers and Computing (3cr) (P: One year high school algebra or MATH-M 014)
- CSCI-A 201 Introduction to Programming I (4cr) (P: Two years high school math or MATH-M 014)
Experiential Learning
- SPEA-V 252 Career Development and Planning (2cr) or exemption
- SPEA-V 381 Professional Experience (1cr) (P: SPEA-V 252) or exemption
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Law and Public Policy Major (12 courses)
Courses may be listed in more than one area below. However, no course will count more than once in the major. Additionally, no course used to fulfill the “BSPA Required Courses” above may be used to also fulfill the “Law and Public Policy Major” below. It is strongly recommended that students take SPEA-V 184 as the first course for this major. Additional courses beyond the general education, core, and major requirements are needed to complete the minimum of 120 hours required for the degree.
The following five courses:
- SPEA-V 202 Contemporary Economic Issues in Public Affairs (3cr) (P: ECON-E 251 or ECON-B 251)
- SPEA-V 339 Legal History and Public Policy (3cr) (P: SPEA-V 184)*
- SPEA-V 370 Research Methods and Statistical Modeling (3cr) (P: SPEA-K 300 or equivalent) OR SPEA V491 Honors Research in Public and Environmental Affairs (3cr)
- SPEA-V 379 Performance Measurement and Program Evaluation (3cr)
- SPEA-V 435 Negotiation and Alternative Dispute Resolution (3cr)
* Iterative writing assignment course
One course from the following:
- SPEA-V 405 Public Law and the Legislative Process (3cr)
- SPEA-V 407 Public Law and Government Relations (3cr) (P: SPEA-V 184)
Two courses from the following:
- SPEA-V 456 Topics in Public Law (3cr) (approved courses only; consult O'Neill advisor; repeatable with different topics)
Four courses from the following (at least three courses must be offered by O’Neill):
- SPEA-E 324 Controversies in Environmental Health (3cr)
- SPEA-E 476 Environmental Law and Regulation (3cr)
- SPEA-H 341 Legal Aspects of Health Care Administration (3cr) (P: SPEA-H 124 or permission of instructor)
- SPEA-V 161 Urban Problems and Solutions (3cr)
- SPEA-V 272 Terrorism and Public Policy (3cr)
- SPEA-V 275 Introduction to Emergency Management (3cr)
- SPEA-V 340 Urban Government Administration (3cr)
- SPEA-V 377 Legal Processes and Contemporary Issues in America (3cr)
- SPEA-V 378 Federal Government Processes (3cr)
- SPEA-V 405 Public Law and the Legislative Process (3cr)
- SPEA-V 406 Public Law and the Electoral Process (3cr)
- SPEA-V 407 Public Law and Government Relations (3cr)
- SPEA-V 409 Federal Policymaking and the Hearing Process (3cr)
- SPEA-V 415 Data Science in Public and Environmental Affairs (3cr)
- SPEA-V 424 Environmental Law, Justice and Politics (3cr)
- SPEA-V 425 Homeland Security: Policy and Practice (3cr)
- SPEA-V 450 Contemporary Issues in Public Affairs (1-3cr) (approved topics only; consult O’Neill Academic Advisor; repeatable with different topics)
- SPEA-V 454 Human Resource Management in Nonprofit Organizations (3cr) (R: SPEA-V 221 or SPEA-V 362)
- SPEA-V 462 Community Development (3cr)
- SPEA-V 476 Compensation Strategy and Systems (3cr) (P: SPEA-V 373)
- SPEA-V 477 Strategic Human Resource Management (3cr) (P: SPEA-V 373)
- SPEA-V 478 Employment Law for Human Resource Management (3cr) (P: SPEA-V 184)
- SPEA-V 479 Employee Recruitment and Selection (3cr) (P: SPEA-V 373)
- SPEA-V 481 Grant Writing for Public and Nonprofit Organizations (3cr)
- SPEA-V 482 Overseas Topics in Public Affairs (0-15cr) (approved topics only; consult O’Neill Academic Advisor; repeatable with different topics)
- SPEA-V 499 Honors Thesis (3cr)
- AAAD-A 481 Racism and the Law (3cr)
- ANTH-E 475 Law and Culture (3cr)
- BUS-L 201 Legal Environment of Business (3cr) OR BUS-L 203 Commercial Law I (3cr)
- BUS-L 203 Commercial Law I (3cr)
- BUS-L 303 Commercial Law II (3cr)
- BUS-L 406 Employment Problems and the Law (3cr)
- CJUS-P 370 Criminal Law (3cr)
- CJUS-P 371 Criminal Procedure (3cr)
- CLAS-C 308 Roman Law (3cr) (R: CLAS-C 102)
- MSCH-J 300 Communications Law (3cr) (P: sophomore standing)
- MSCH-J 407 Newsgathering and the Law (3cr) (P: MSCH-J 300 or MSCH-H 300 or JOUR-J 300 or JOUR-H 300 with a grade of C- or higher; junior/senior standing; or permission of instructor)
- MSCH-L 424 Telecommunications and the Constitution (3cr) (P: One of MSCH-C 207, MSCH-C 213, TEL-T 205 or TEL-T 207 with a C- or higher, or consent of instructor)
- PHIL-P 375 Philosophy of Law (3cr) (P: three credit hours of philosophy)
- POLS-Y 304 Constitutional Law (3cr)
- POLS-Y 305 Constitutional Rights and Liberties (3cr)
- POLS-Y 367 International Law (3cr)
- SOC-S 326 Law and Society (3cr) (P: three credit hours of sociology or consent of instructor)
- SPH-R 414 Legal Aspects of Recreation (3cr)
Electives are courses that do not meet general education or major requirements, and may be used to fulfill the remainder of the 120 credit hours required for this degree. Please meet with your academic advisor to discuss your electives.
All your degree requirements are based on the semester and year you entered IU Bloomington. If you became an IU Bloomington student either Fall 2019 or Spring 2020 you are in the right place!
General Education: Select the appropriate academic year based on your entry date at IUB
- SPEA-E 183 Environment & People (3cr)
- SPEA-V 181 US Policy & Administration (3cr)
- SPEA-V 182 Policy-making around the World: Comparative and International Approaches (3cr)
- SPEA-V 184 Law & Public Affairs (3cr)
- SPEA-V 185 Management of Public Problems and Solutions (3cr)
- SPEA-V 186 Introduction to Public Budgeting and Finance for Public Affairs (3cr)
Other Required Courses (18cr)
- ECON-E 201 Introduction to Microeconomics (3cr)
- POLS Political Science (any course or an approved non-O'Neill study abroad course, 3cr)
- SPEA-K 300 Statistical Techniques (3cr) OR equivalent (P: MATH-M 014 or equivalent; R: MATH-M 118)
- Anthropology, Geography, Sociology (any course or an approved non-O'Neill study abroad course, 3cr)
Oral Communication – One course from:
- ANTH-A 122 Interpersonal Communication (3cr)
- ANTH-L 208 Ways of Speaking (3cr)
- BUS-C 104 Business Presentations (3cr)
- COLL-P 155 Public Oral Communication (3cr)
- ENG-R 228 Argumentation and Public Advocacy (3cr)
- SPEA-V 436 Communication for Government & Nonprofit Organizations (3cr)
- THTR-T 120 Acting I: Foundations of Acting (3cr)
Computer – One course from:
- SPEA-V 261 Computers in Public Affairs (3cr)
- BUS-K 201 The Computer in Business (3cr)
- CSCI-A 110 Introduction to Computers and Computing (3cr) (P: One year high school algebra or MATH-M 014)
- CSCI-A 201 Introduction to Programming I (4cr) (P: Two years high school math or MATH-M 014)
Experiential Learning
- SPEA-V 252 Career Development and Planning (2cr)
- SPEA-V 381 Professional Experience (1cr) (P: SPEA-V 252)
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Law and Public Policy Major (12 courses)
Courses may be listed in more than one area below. However, no course will count more than once in the major. Additionally, no course used to fulfill the “BSPA Required Courses” above may be used to also fulfill the “Law and Public Policy Major” below. It is strongly recommended that students take SPEA-V 184 as the first course for this major. Additional courses beyond the general education, core, and major requirements are needed to complete the minimum of 120 hours required for the degree.
The following five courses:
- SPEA-V 202 Contemporary Economic Issues in Public Affairs (3cr) (P: ECON-E201)
- SPEA-V 339 Legal History and Public Policy (3cr) (P: SPEA-V 184)*
- SPEA-V 370 Research Methods and Statistical Modeling (3cr) (P: SPEA-K 300 or equivalent) OR SPEA V491 Honors Research in Public and Environmental Affairs (3cr)
- SPEA-V 379 Performance Measurement and Program Evaluation (3cr)
- SPEA-V 435 Negotiation and Alternative Dispute Resolution (3cr)
* Iterative writing assignment course
One course from the following:
- SPEA-V 405 Public Law and the Legislative Process (3cr)
- SPEA-V 407 Public Law and Government Relations (3cr) (P: SPEA-V 184)
Two courses from the following:
- SPEA-V 456 Topics in Public Law (3cr) (approved courses only; consult O'Neill advisor; repeatable with different topics)
Four courses from the following (at least three courses must be offered by O’Neill):
- SPEA-E 324 Controversies in Environmental Health (3cr)
- SPEA-E 476 Environmental Law and Regulation (3cr)
- SPEA-H 341 Legal Aspects of Health Care Administration (3cr) (P: SPEA-H 124 or permission of instructor)
- SPEA-V 161 Urban Problems and Solutions (3cr)
- SPEA-V 272 Terrorism and Public Policy (3cr)
- SPEA-V 275 Introduction to Emergency Management (3cr)
- SPEA-V 340 Urban Government Administration (3cr)
- SPEA-V 377 Legal Processes and Contemporary Issues in America (3cr)
- SPEA-V 405 Public Law and the Legislative Process (3cr) (if not used above)
- SPEA-V 406 Public Law and the Electoral Process (3cr) (if not used above)
- SPEA-V 407 Public Law and Government Relations (3cr) (P: SPEA-V 184)
- SPEA-V 424 Environmental Law, Justice and Politics (3cr)
- SPEA-V 425 Homeland Security: Policy and Practice (3cr)
- SPEA-V 450 Contemporary Issues in Public Affairs (1-3cr) (approved topics only; consult O’Neill Academic Advisor; repeatable with different topics)
- SPEA-V 462 Community Development (3cr)
- SPEA-V 476 Compensation Strategy and Systems (3cr) (P: SPEA-V 373)
- SPEA-V 477 Strategic Human Resource Management (3cr) (P: SPEA-V 373)
- SPEA-V 478 Employment Law for Human Resource Management (3cr) (P: SPEA-V 184)
- SPEA-V 479 Employee Recruitment and Selection (3cr) (P: SPEA-V 373)
- SPEA-V 482 Overseas Topics in Public Affairs (0-15cr) (approved topics only; consult O’Neill Academic Advisor; repeatable with different topics)
- SPEA-V 499 Honors Thesis (3cr)
- AAAD-A 481 Racism and the Law (3cr)
- ANTH-E 475 Law and Culture (3cr)
- BUS-L 201 Legal Environment of Business (3cr) OR BUS-L 203 Commercial Law I (3cr) (discontinued)
- BUS-L 302 Sustainability Law and Policy (3cr)
- BUS-L 303 Commercial Law II (3cr)
- BUS-L 406 Employment Problems and the Law (3cr)
- CJUS-P 370 Criminal Law (3cr)
- CJUS-P 371 Criminal Procedure (3cr)
- CLAS-C 308 Roman Law (3cr) (R: CLAS-C 102)
- MSCH-J 300 Communications Law (3cr) (P: sophomore standing)
- MSCH-J 407 Newsgathering and the Law (3cr) (P: MSCH-J 300 or MSCH-H 300 or JOUR-J 300 or JOUR-H 300 with a grade of C- or higher; junior/senior standing; or permission of instructor)
- MSCH-L 424 Telecommunications and the Constitution (3cr) (P: One of MSCH-C 207, MSCH-C 213, TEL-T 205 or TEL-T 207 with a C- or higher, or consent of instructor)
- PHIL-P 375 Philosophy of Law (3cr) (P: three credit hours of philosophy)
- POLS-Y 304 Constitutional Law (3cr)
- POLS-Y 305 Constitutional Rights and Liberties (3cr)
- POLS-Y 367 International Law (3cr)
- SOC-S 326 Law and Society (3cr) (P: three credit hours of sociology or consent of instructor)
- SPH-R 414 Legal Aspects of Recreation (3cr)
Electives are courses that do not meet general education or major requirements, and may be used to fulfill the remainder of the 120 credit hours required for this degree. Please meet with your academic advisor to discuss your electives.
All your degree requirements are based on the semester and year you entered IU Bloomington. If you became an IU Bloomington student either Fall 2018 or Spring 2019 you are in the right place!
General Education: Select the appropriate academic year based on your entry date at IUB
SPEA-V 181 US Policy & Administration (3cr)
SPEA-V 182 Policy-making around the World: Comparative and International Approaches (3cr)
SPEA-E 183 Environment & People (3cr)
SPEA-V 184 Law & Public Affairs (3cr)
SPEA-V 185 Management of Public Problems and Solutions (3cr)
SPEA-V 186 Introduction to Public Budgeting and Finance for Public Affairs (3cr)
Other Required Courses (18cr)
- ECON-E 201 Introduction to Microeconomics (3cr)
- POLS Political Science (any course, 3cr)
- SPEA-K 300 Statistical Techniques (3cr) OR equivalent (P: MATH-M 014 or equivalent; R: MATH-M 118)
- Geography, Sociology, Anthropology (any course, 3cr)
Oral Communication – One course from:
- SPEA-V 436 Communication for Government & Nonprofit Organizations (3cr)
- ANTH-A 122 Interpersonal Communication (3cr)
- ANTH-L 208 Ways of Speaking (3cr)
- BUS-C 104 Business Presentations (3cr)
- COLL-P 155 Public Oral Communication (3cr)
- ENG-R 228 Argumentation and Public Advocacy (3cr)
- THTR-T 120 Acting I: Foundations of Acting (3cr)
Computer – One course from:
- SPEA-V 261 Computers in Public Affairs (3cr)
- BUS-K 201 The Computer in Business (3cr)
- CSCI-A 110 Introduction to Computers and Computing (3cr) (P: One year high school algebra or MATH-M 014)
- CSCI-A 201 Introduction to Programming I (4cr) (P: Two years high school math or MATH-M 014)
Experiential Learning
- SPEA-V 252 Career Development and Planning (2cr)
- OR exemption
- SPEA-V 381 Professional Experience (1cr) (P: SPEA-V 252)
- OR exemption
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Law and Public Policy Major (11 courses)
Courses may be listed in more than one area below. However, no course will count more than once in the major. Additionally, no course used to fulfill the “BSPA Required Courses” above may be used to also fulfill the “Law and Public Policy Major” below. It is strongly recommended that students take SPEA-V 184 as the first course for this major. Additional courses beyond the general education, core, and major requirements are needed to complete the minimum of 120 hours required for the degree.
The following five courses:
- SPEA-V 202 Contemporary Economic Issues in Public Affairs (3cr) (P: ECON-E201)
- SPEA-V 339 Legal History and Public Policy (3cr) (P: SPEA-V 184)*
- SPEA-V 370 Research Methods and Statistical Modeling (3cr) (P: SPEA-K 300 or equivalent)
- OR SPEA V491 Honors Research in Public and Environmental Affairs (3cr)
- SPEA-V 379 Performance Management and Program Evaluation (3cr)
- SPEA-V 435 Negotiation and Alternative Dispute Resolution (3cr)
* Iterative writing assignment course
One course from the following:
- SPEA-V 405 Public Law and the Legislative Process (3cr)
- SPEA-V 407 Public Law and Government Relations (3cr) (P: SPEA-V 184)
Two courses from the following:
- SPEA-V 456 Topics in Public Law (3cr) (repeatable with different topics)
Four courses from the following (at least three courses must be offered by O’Neill ):
- SPEA-E 324 Controversies in Environmental Health (3cr)
- SPEA-E 476 Environmental Law and Regulation (3cr)
- SPEA-H 341 Legal Aspects of Health Care Administration (3cr)
- SPEA-V 161 Urban Problems and Solutions (3cr)
- SPEA-V 272 Terrorism and Public Policy (3cr)
- SPEA-V 275 Introduction to Emergency Management (3cr)
- SPEA-V 340 Urban Government Administration (3cr)
- SPEA-V 377 Legal Process and Contemporary Issues in America (3cr) (SPEA-V 184)
- SPEA-V 405 Public Law and the Legislative Process (3cr)
- SPEA-V 406 Public Law and the Electoral Process (3cr)
- SPEA-V 407 Public Law and Government Relations (3cr) (P: SPEA-V 184)
- SPEA-V 450 Contemporary Issues in Public Affairs (3cr) (approved topics only; consult O’Neill Academic Advisor; repeatable with different topics)
- SPEA-V 462 Community Development (3cr)
- SPEA-V 476 Compensation Strategy and Systems (3cr) (P: SPEA-V 373)
- SPEA-V 477 Strategic Human Resource Management (3cr) (P: SPEA-V 373)
- SPEA-V 478 Employment Law for Human Resource Management (3cr) (P: SPEA-V 184)
- SPEA-V 479 Employee Recruitment and Selection (3cr) (P: SPEA-V 373)
- SPEA-V 482 Overseas Topics in Public Affairs (0-15cr) (approved topics only; consult O’Neill Academic Advisor; repeatable with different topics)
- SPEA-V 499 Honors Thesis (3cr)
- AAAD-A 481 Racism and the Law (3cr)
- ANTH-E 475 Law and Culture (3cr)
- BUS-L 201 Legal Environment of Business (3cr) (P: sophomore standing)
- OR BUS-L 203 Commercial Law I (3cr) (discontinued)
- BUS-L 302 Sustainability Law and Policy (3cr)
- BUS-L 303 Commercial Law II (3cr)
- BUS-L 406 Employment Problems and the Law (3cr)
- CJUS-P 370 Criminal Law (3cr)
- CJUS-P 371 Criminal Procedure (3cr)
- CLAS-C 308 Roman Law (3cr) (R: CLAS-C 102)
- MSCH-J 300 Communications Law (3cr) (P: sophomore standing)
- MSCH-J 407 Newsgathering and the Law (3cr) (P: JOUR-J 300 and junior/senior standing or consent of instructor)
- MSCH-L 424 Telecommunications and the Constitution (3cr) (P: One of MSCH-C 207, MSCH-C 213, Tel-T 205 or TEL-T 207 with a C- or higher, or consent of instructor)
- PHIL-P 375 Philosophy of Law (3cr) (P: three credit hours of philosophy)
- POLS-Y 304 Constitutional Law (3cr)
- POLS-Y 305 Constitutional Rights and Liberties (3cr)
- POLS-Y 367 International Law (3cr)
- SOC-S 326 Law and Society (3cr) (P: three credit hours of sociology or consent of instructor)
- SPH-R 414 Legal Aspects of Recreation (3cr)
Electives are courses that do not meet general education or major requirements, and may be used to fulfill the remainder of the 120 credit hours required for this degree. Please meet with your academic advisor to discuss your electives.