Major in Environmental Management

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Environmental management in action

Learn about an Environmental Management student who works towards sustainable food through IU Corps and the Campus Farm.

Description of the video:

my name is Adam deer Singh I'm a second
year student at IU's studying
environmental management through IU
Corps I work with the farm and garden to
help organize volunteers and lead those
work days well the campus farm really
gives back by embedding itself in part
as part of the community so allowing
students to to come and get their hands
dirty and work within their food system
but also we donate a lot of the food
that we produce to local food banks I
think that that feels really important
because I know that we're not only
producing food for people that need it
the most but we're producing food in a
way that is really ethical and
sustainable and that in the end it's
really healthy so it feels especially
good knowing that we're doing good work
for our community but also good work for
our earth so I think any student that
volunteers through I you Corps at the
campus farm will find that educating
themselves on the food system and
becoming a part of that system is a
really challenging but rewarding
experience and that learning about where
your food comes from and even the food
that students will be eating on IU's
campus can be a great opportunity
Study Environmental Management and Environmental Science at O’Neill

Description of the video:

Study Environmental Management & Environmental Science at the O'Neill School!

AUDIO: Light music.

IMAGE: The Indiana University logo and white text that reads “O’NEILL SCHOOL OF PUBLIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS” is shown on a black screen.

AUDIO, SPEAKER 1: Environmental Management is one of those majors that's very unique to O'Neill, and I gravitated toward this major because I was really interested in environmental advocacy, but I wasn't super interested in the nitty-gritty science aspect of it.

AUDIO, SPEAKER 2: My major is Environmental Science, and I chose this major because I've always been fascinated with science my entire life. It is a very heavy science major. There is a lot of chemistry, physics, and biology in that.

AUDIO, SPEAKER 3: I'm majoring in Environmental Management, and I chose that because I really like science. I also really like people. So I really wanted something that would combine those two.

AUDIO, SPEAKER 2: As an Environmental Science student, your classes actually have access to the IU Research and Teaching Preserve. And so you get to go out there to a bunch of acres of protected forest with University Lake, which is an old reservoir.

AUDIO, SPEAKER 1: I would describe Environmental Management as a blend between environmental science and public policy.

AUDIO, SPEAKER 3: So you get that background on how environmental processes like the Greenhouse Effect work, but then you learn how laws and private sector/nonprofit actions interact with those scientific processes.

AUDIO, SPEAKER 1: If you're someone who's interested in helping the environment and doing environmental work, but you're not very interested in doing hard sciences of an Environmental Science degree, then Environmental Management would be a really good option for you.

AUDIO, SPEAKER 3: I just wanted to be involved in these really important environmental issues that we're facing today.

AUDIO: Light music.

IMAGE: The Indiana University logo and white text that reads “O’NEILL SCHOOL OF PUBLIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS” is shown on a black screen.


Program learning goals

Expand for detailed learning outcomes.

1.1 Apply environmental science facts and processes in environmental problem solving

1.2 Assess environmental issues utilizing political ecology demonstrating an understanding of socioeconomic and environmental economics

1.3 Explain governance and regulatory processes, how historical context relates to policy, and how science informs regulation

1.4 Articulate the ethical, cross-cultural, and historical context of environmental issues and the links between humans and natural systems

1.5 Apply ethical principles, specifically including environmental justice, to issues, problems, and professional practices

1.6 Differentiate ethical from unethical behavior in environmental science and management

1.7 Explain the ecological and societal value of biodiversity, sustainability, and environmental stewardship

1.8 Articulate your environmental values and how you apply them

1.9 Identify and explain the connection between environmental conditions and human health

1.10 Recognize and evaluate the multidisciplinary aspect of environmental problem solving by explaining and comparing the perspectives of stakeholders involved in decision making (e.g., resource economists, policy makers, NGOs, government employees, lawyers, etc.) and by demonstrating an ability to work effectively in teams to develop solutions to environmental problems

2.1 Analyze environmental problems in the context of activities, resources, and politics

2.2 Explain the complexities and volatility of environmental problems

2.3 Create strategies to reach environmental management goals, addressing actions, resources needed, and politics

3.1 Identify current theories, models, and techniques and practices of management

3.2 Explain and apply the core elements of organizational behavior

3.3 Demonstrate knowledge of how collaboration is used to produce solutions to environmental problems, including identifying stakeholders and methods of facilitating stakeholder involvement, communicating with and among stakeholders, and working effectively in teams

3.4 Communicate effectively and professionally both orally and in writing

4.1 Analyze and interpret environmental data using appropriate analysis, such as mathematical and statistical skills, GIS modeling, and program evaluation

4.2 Apply analytical evaluation to formulate informed decisions

4.3 Demonstrate proficiency in quantitative methods, qualitative analysis, and critical thinking

4.4 Demonstrate proficiency in critical thinking using written and oral communication to evaluate and interpret the multivariate nature of environmental variables