Faculty: Kerry Krutilla
Reports and Publications:
Reports and Publications:
Krutilla, K. and J.D Graham, “Benefit-Cost Analysis of Air, Energy, and Environmental Regulations,” Cambridge Core Elements in Public Economics. Cambridge Press. 2023
- Barnes, D., K. Krutilla, and W.F. Hyde. The Urban Household Energy Transition: Social and Environmental Impacts in the Developing World. Washington D.C.: Resource for the Future Press, 2010.
Refereed Journal Articles
- Fraas, A., Graham, J., Krutilla, K., Lutter, R., Shogren, J., Thunström, L., & Viscusi, W. (2023). “Seven Recommendations for Pricing Greenhouse Gas Emissions.” Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, 14(2), 191-204. doi:10.1017/bca.2023.3
- Krutilla, K. Alexeev, A., Jardine,E., and Good, D. “The Benefits and Costs of Cybersecurity Risk Reduction: A Dynamic Extension of the Gordon and Loeb Model.” Risk Analysis, 2021.
- Krutilla, K., Good, D., Toman, M., and Arin, T. “Addressing Fundamental Uncertainty in Benefit–Cost Analysis: The Case of Deep Seabed Mining.” Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis 11(4): 1–30, 2020.
- Zirogiannis, N., Krutilla, K., Tripodis, Y. and Fledderman, K., “Human Development Over Time: An Empirical Comparison of a Dynamic Index and the Standard HDI.” Social Indicators Research, 1-26, 2018.
- Belton, K.B., Krutilla, K. and Graham, J.D., 2017. Regulatory reform in the Trump era. Public Administration Review, 77(5), pp.643-644.
- Susan Dudley, Richard Belzer, Glenn Blomquist, Timothy Brennan, Christopher Carrigan, Joseph Cordes, Louis A. Cox, Arthur Fraas, John Graham, George Gray, James Hammitt, Kerry Krutilla, Peter Linquiti, Randall Lutter, Brian Mannix, Stuart Shapiro, Anne Smith, W. Kip Viscusi and Richard Zerbe. “Consumer’s Guide to Regulatory Impact Analysis: Ten Tips for Being an Informed Policymaker.” Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis 8(2):187–204, 2017.
- Alexeev, A., D. H. Good, and K. Krutilla. “Environmental Taxation and the Double Dividend in Decentralized Jurisdictions.” Ecological Economics, 122: 90–100, 2016.
- Krutilla, K., D. H. Good, and J. D. Graham. “Uncertainty in the Cost-effectiveness of Federal Air Quality Regulations.” Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, 6(1): 66-111, 2015.
- Krutilla, K., and A. Alexeev. “The Political Transaction Costs and Uncertainties of Establishing Environmental Rights.” Ecological Economics, 107, 299-309, 2014.
- Krutilla, K., and J. D. Graham. “Are Green Vehicles Worth The Extra Cost? The Case of Diesel-Electric Hybrid Technology for Urban Delivery Vehicles.” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 31(3): 501-532, 2012.
- Krutilla, K., and A. Alexeev. “The Normative Implications of Political Decision-Making for Benefit-Cost Analysis.” Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, 3(2): 1-36, 2012.
- Krutilla, K., and R. Krause. “Transaction Costs and Environmental Policy: An Assessment Framework and Literature Review.” International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics, 4 (3/4): 261-354, 2011.
- Krutilla, K., and K. Logan. “Surface Water Quality in the Carpathian Basin: Current Status and Future Directions.” Hungarian Studies, 23(2): 153–173, 2009.
- Aubourg, R., D. H. Good, and K. Krutilla. "Debt, Democratization, and Development in Latin America: How Policy Can Affect Global Warming." Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 27(1): 7-19, 2008.
- Krutilla, K., and R. Reuveny. “The Systems Dynamics of Endogenous Population Growth in a Renewable Resource-Based Growth Model.” Ecological Economics, 56: 256-267, 2006.
- Krutilla, K. “Using the Kaldor-Hicks Tableau Format for the Teaching and Practice of Project Appraisal and Policy Analysis.” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 864-875, 2005.
- Krutilla, K., and R. Reuveny. “A Renewable Resource Model with Costly-Resource Extraction.” Environmental and Resource Economics, 27: 165-184, 2004.
- Krutilla, K., and R. Reuveny. “The Quality of Life in the Dynamics of Economic Development.” Environment and Development Economics, 7: 23-45, 2002.
- Boyd, R.G., C. Jung, and K. Krutilla. "Aggregation Bias in Natural Resource Price Composites: The Forestry Case." Resource and Energy Economics, 20(1): 65-73, 1998.
- Prakash, A., K. Krutilla, and P. Karamanos. “Multinational Corporations and International Environmental Policy.” Business and the Contemporary World, 8: 119-144, 1996.
- Boyd, R.G., C. Jung, and K. Krutilla. "Incentives for Advanced Pollution Abatement Technology at the Industry Level: An Evaluation of Policy Alternatives." Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 30: 95-111, 1996.
- Jung, C., K. Krutilla, W. K. Viscusi, and R. G. Boyd. "The Coase Theorem in a Rent-Seeking Society." International Review of Law and Economics, 15(3): 259-268, 1995.
- Krutilla, K., W. K. Viscusi, and R.G. Boyd. "Environmental Regulation with Revenue Effects: An Analysis of a Clinton-Type BTU Tax." Journal of Regulatory Economics, 8: 5-22, 1995.
- Boyd, R.G., K. Krutilla, and W. K. Viscusi. "Energy Taxation as a Policy Instrument to Reduce CO2 Emissions; A Net Benefit Analysis." Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 29: 1-24, 1995.
- Krutilla, K., W. F. Hyde, and D. Barnes. “Periurban deforestation in developing countries.” Forest Ecology and Management, 74, 181-195, 1995.
- Krutilla K., and C. Breidenich. "The GATT and Environmental Policy: An Analysis of Potential Conflicts and Policy Reforms." Policy Studies Journal, 12: 211-225, 1994.
- Rubin, B., C. Oster, K. Krutilla, and M. Hilton. "A Framework for Assessing the Regional Ecological, Economic, and Energy Impacts of Global Climate Change." World Resources Review, 6,131-147, 1994.
- Boyd, R.G., K. Krutilla, and J. McKinney. "The Impact of Tariff Liberalization Between the United States and Mexico: An Empirical Analysis." Applied Economics, 25: 81-89, 1993.
- Boyd, R.G., and K. Krutilla. "Controlling Acid Deposition: A General Equilibrium Assessment." Environmental and Resource Economics, 2: 307-322, 1992.
- Boyd, R.G., and K. Krutilla. "The Impact of the Free Trade Agreement on the U.S. Forestry Sector: A General Equilibrium Analysis." Journal of Business Administration, 20: 236-245, 1991/92.
- Krutilla, K. "Unilateral Environmental Policy in the Global Commons." Policy Studies Journal, 19: 126-139, 1991.
- Krutilla, K. "Transportation Specification in Forest Products Trade Models." Forest Science, 37: 284-295, 1991.
- Krutilla, K. "Environmental Regulation in an Open Economy." Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 20: 127-142, 1991.
- Krutilla, K. "Tariff Burdens and Optimal Tariffs Under Alternative Transport Costs and Market Structures." Economics Letters, 31: 381-386, 1989.
- Boyd, R.G., and K. Krutilla. "The Politics and Consequences of Protectionism: A Case Study in the North American Lumber Market." Journal of Policy Modeling, 10: 601-609, 1988.
- Boyd, R.G., and K. Krutilla. "The Welfare Impacts of Trade Restrictions on the Canadian/U.S. Lumber Trade: A Spatial Equilibrium Analysis." Canadian Journal of Economics, 20: 17-35, 1987.
Published Conference Proceedings/Research Bulletins
- Evans, A., Leslie, N., Muñoz-González, L., French, W., Krutilla, K., Joyce A . “Dynamic Defense in a Cyber Resilient System.” Chapter in A. Kott (ed.), “Critical Issues for Cyber Resilience.” Bulletin from US Army Research Laboratory, 2018.
- Alexeev A., Jardine E., Krutilla K. Cybersecurity Investment as a Differential Game. In A. Kott (ed.), Proceedings of the IST-153-RWS Workshop on Cyber Resilience. US Army Research Laboratory, 2018.
- Good, D.H., K. Krutilla, S. Chien, L. Li, and Y. Chen. “Preliminary Benefit Analysis for Pedestrian Crash Imminent Braking Systems. Proceedings of the Intelligent Transportation System Conference,” v18, pp. 1123-1128, 2015. (Print ISBN: 978-1-4673-6595-6; doi 10.1109/ITSC.2015.186).
- Alexeev, A., and K. Krutilla. “Cyber-Attack as a Contest Game.” In A.Kott (ed.) Proceedings of the NATO IST-128 Workshop: Assessing Mission Impact of Cyberattacks. US Army Research Laboratory, ARL-SR-0349, pp. 66-74, 2015.
Book Chapters
- Krutilla, K. “Using the Kaldor-Hicks Tableau Format for the Teaching and Practice of Project Appraisal and Policy Analysis.” Reprinted from Journal of Policy Analysis and Management (864-875, 2005) in Cost Benefit Analysis and Public Policy, Journal of Policy and Analysis Classics Series, David Weimer (ed.). Blackstone Publishing, 2008.
- Krutilla, K., J. Xu, D. Barnes, and W. Hyde. “Estimates of Economic Supply from Physical Measures of Forest Stock: An Example from Eight Developing Countries.” Economics of Forestry and Rural Development: an Empirical Introduction from Asia, W. F. Hyde and G.S. Amacher, and Colleagues (University of Michigan Press, 2000).
- Krutilla, K. “Partial Equilibrium Models of Trade and the Environment.” The Handbook of Environmental and Resource Economics, Jeroen van den Bergh, ed., Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 1999.
- Krutilla, K. “Environmental Policy and Transactions Costs.” The Handbook of Environmental and Resource Economics, Jeroen van den Bergh, ed., Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 1999.
- Krutilla, K. “World Trade, GATT, and National Policy.” Environmental Policy: Transnational Issues and Environmental Trends, L. K Caldwell and R.V. Bartlett, ed., Greenwood, CT: Greenwood Publishing, 1997.
- Boyd, R.G., and K. Krutilla. "The Impact of the Free Trade Agreement on the U.S. Forestry Sector: A General Equilibrium Analysis." Emerging Issues in Forest Policy. P. Nemetz ed., Vancouver: UBC Press, 1992. (Reprinted from Journal of Business Administration 20: 236-245, 1991/1992).
Technical Reports and Papers
- Krutilla, K., Good, D., Toman, M., and Arin, T . “Implementing Precaution in Benefit-Cost Analysis: The Case of Deep Seabed Mining.” Policy Research Working Paper 9307. The World Bank, 2020
- “Alternative Frameworks for Evaluating Deep Sea Mining Projects”. Report Sponsored by the World Bank, 2018.
- Krutilla, K. “Cost‐Benefit Analysis of Waste Management Strategies For the Adjara AR and the Kakheti Region of Georgia.” Waste Management Technologies in Regions, Georgia; US Agency for International Development. 2016.
- Graham, J., and K. Krutilla. “Final project report: Benefit Cost Comparison of Propulsion Systems for Urban Delivery Vehicles.” Prepared for the Navistar Corp, September 2009.
- Nuzum, E., R.G. Boyd, and K. Krutilla. "Opportunity Cost of Carbon Sequestration on Agricultural Land Set-Asides: A General Equilibrium Analysis.” Research Report prepared for USDA-ERS under Cooperative Agreement No. 43-3AM-3-80117, July 20, 1994.
- Krutilla, K. "The Economic Consequences and CO2 Emissions Impact of Energy Taxation." Report for the National Institute for Global Environmental Change, U.S. Department of Energy, December 1992.
- Boyd, R.G., K. Krutilla, and J. McKinney. "The Impact of Tariff Liberalization between the United States and Mexico." School of Business, Baylor University, 1992.