Environmental Policy Seminar Speaker Series

An interdisciplinary seminar series

The Environmental Policy Seminar is an interdisciplinary seminar series created in 2015 to allow O’Neill faculty, external speakers, and graduate students to share their research ideas, perspectives of their research field, and preliminary findings through semi-formal presentations in a warm intellectual setting.

Questions? Contact tayturco@iu.edu

Environmental Policy Seminar Speaker Series Schedule

 All members of the IU community are welcome to attend. 

See upcoming events

Explore our past seminars

  • January 11: Denvil Duncan, O’Neill School: “Consumer Responses to the Electric VAT”
  • February 1: Manuel Prieto, Dept of Historical and Geographical Sciences, University of Tarapaca, Chile: “Cultivating High-Altitude Peatlands (Bofedales) in the Atacama Desert: Unveiling the Consequences of Water Extraction, Neoliberalism, and Drought”
  • February 16: Robert Mendelsohn, Yale University: “The Economics of Coastal Resilience”
  • August 20: Danae Hernandez Cortes-Arizona State University-“The Effects of Renewable Energy Projects on Employment: Evidence from Brazil”
  • September 12: Diana Ojeda - Department of Geography, Indiana University Bloomington - “Climate change and mangrove restoration in Cartagena, Colombia”
  • October 4: Mary Evans - Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, University of Texas at Austin - Temperature and Maltreatment of Young Children
  • October 10: Owen Wu - Kelley School of Business, Indiana University Bloomington - Title: Renewable, Flexible, and Storage Capacities: Friends or Foes?
  • October 24: Nikolaos Zirogiannis - Paul H. O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University Bloomington - The power of reading: How in-class pedagogy and out-of-class environment affect academic performance
  • November 7: David Konisky - Paul H. O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University Bloomington - Screening for Justice: How EJ Mapping Tools can Remedy Disparities in Clean Air Act Enforcement
  • November 14: Sungha Jo, PhD Student at the O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs: “The Effects of Risk-Based Flood Insurance Pricing on Policyholder’s Flood Insurance Purchase Decisions: Coverage, Deductibles, and New Entries”
  • December 5: Madeline Yozwiak - O’Neill School - Grid hardening and the effectiveness of climate adaptation in the US electricity sector

  • February 3: Corbett A. Granger, University of Wisconsin- Madison: Grandfathering with Anticipation, hosted by Nikos Zirogiannis. Seminar is jointly hosted with PA/PF series.
  • February 9: Nathan Cook, Indiana University Indianapolis: Experimental Evidence on Minority Participation and the Design of Community-Based Natural Resource Management Programs, hosted by David Konisky
  • February 16: Pete Maniloff, Environmental Protection Agency, Households Underestimate Their Exposure to Locally Undesirable Land Uses, hosted by Nikos Zirogiannis
  • February 23: Marta Venier, O’Neill School: Toxic chemicals around us: from analysis to policy, hosted by Nikos Zirogiannis
  • March 9: Srinivas Parinandi, University of Colorado Boulder: State Renewable Energy Policy Invention: Existing Findings and Future Research Directions, hosted by David Konisky
  • March 23: Chien-fei Chen, University of Tennessee, Knoxville: Energy Justice: Exploring the Multidimensionality of Energy and Internet Insecurity by Using a Mixed-method Approach, hosted by Sanya Carley
  • April 6: Joe Bozeman, Georgia Institute of Technology: A Path Toward Systemic Equity in Engineering Applications for Transdisciplinary Effect, hosted by David Konisky
  • August 24: Wesley Zebrowski, O’Neill School: The Impact of Discretionary Rental Rate Adjustments in the Conservation Reserve Program
  • September 7: Trevor Memmott, O’Neill School: Inequalities at the Crossroads: Unpacking the Role of Intersectionality in Material Hardship
  • November 2: Maddy Yozwiak, O’Neill School: Delay and Damages: Identifying the Optimal Decarbonization Path for the U.S. Electricity Sector
  • November 30: Dana Habeeb, Luddy School of Informatics, Computing and Engineering: A Community Preparedness Framework: Helping Communities Plan and Prepare for Extreme Heat, hosted by David Konisky

  • September 22: Adam Lazri, O’Neill School: A Comprehensive Causal Analysis of the Dilemmas Facing Environmental Justice Today, hosted by David Konisky
  • October 13: Nives Dolsak, University of Washington: Comparing Public Support for Nuclear and Wind Energy in Washington State, hosted by David Konisky
  • October 20: Shellye Suttles, O’Neill School: Understanding the Long-term Impact of U.S. Specialty Crop Policy, hosted by Nikos Zirogiannis
  • October 28: Catherine Kling, Cornell University: The Social Cost of Water Pollution, hosted by Nikos Zirogiannis. Seminar is jointly hosted with PA/PF series.
  • November 3: Steve Cicala, Tufts University: Adverse Selection as a Policy Instrument: Unraveling Climate Change, hosted by Nikos Zirogiannis. Seminar is jointly hosted with Health Policy Workshop.
  • December 1: Andrew Platinga, University of California Santa Barbara: Climate Change Adaptation and Insurance Market Regulation, hosted by Ken Richards
  • February 3: Sara Gregg: The Slippery Slope of US Land Policy, 1862-1976
  • February 25: Environmental Resilience Speaker Series: Dorceta Taylor, jointly hosted with IPE, ERI and CRES. 
  • March 25: David Keiser, Department of Resource Economics, UMass Amherst
  • April 7: Drew Marcantonio: Toxic Diplomacy for Environmental Peacebuilding
  • April 21: Ann Bowman: Texas A+M

  • February 4:  Revolutionary Power: An Activist’s Guide to the Energy Transition
  • February 11: How the Corona crisis can lead us to a climate-neutral economy
  • February 25: Silvia Secchi, University of Iowa
  • March 18: Ana Iglesias, Technical University of Madrid (UMP)
  • March 25: Mona Hanna-Attisha, Hurley Children’s Hospital
  • April 1: Bakeyah Nelson-Director of Air Alliance Houston
  • April 8: Neha Khanna-Binghamton University
  • April 29:  Adam Lazri, Indiana University: The New Great Migration: Black Segregation and Causal Inference in Environmental Justice,
  • September 23: Emitting Under the Radar: Environmental Justice and Health Impacts of Concrete Batch Plants in Houston
  • October 14: Shadi Atallah: Individual Environmental Preferences and Aggregate Outcomes: 
  • October 21: Destenie Nock: Energy Poverty: Measuring and Planning
  • November 4: Tiffany Morrison: Political Dynamics and Governance of World Heritage Ecosystems:
  • December 9: Catherine Hausman: Who Will Pay for Legacy Utility Costs?

  • January 17: Michael Ash, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • January 31: Shelley Welton, University of South Carolina
  • February 7: Mark Lubell, University of California - Davis
  • February 21: Aaron Deslatte
  • March 6: Joseph Kantenbacher
  • March 27: Jackson Dorsey
  • April 3: Leah Stokes, University of California – Santa Barbara
  • September 17: Trevor Memmott, O’Neill School
  • October 1: Michelle Graff, O’Neill School, “Categorically Reducing Administrative Burdens to Help Households Keep Their Lights On.”
  • October 8: Leah Stokes, University of California, Santa Barbara
  • October 15: Benjamin Sovacool, University of Sussex, hosted by Shahzeen Attari
  • October 22: Sheila Olmstead, University of Texas at Austin
  • October 29: Jennie Stephens, Northeastern University, hosted by Sanya Carley
  • November 5: Simanti Banerjee, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, hosted by Landon Yoder
  • November 19: Deidra Miniard, O’Neill School
  • December 3: Jackson Dorsey, IU Kelley School

  • September 20: Zhengyan Li, IU O’Neill School: Information Disclosure and Regulatory Activities: Impacts of the Toxics Release Inventory on the Implementation of the Clean Air Act
  • October 18: Spencer Banzhaf, Georgia State University, Non-Parametric Tests of the Tragedy of the Commons
  • November 1: Eric Zou, University of Oregon: From Fog to Smog: The Value of Pollution Information
  • November 15: Zoya Atiq and Laura Helmke-Long, O’Neill School: Assessing the Effects of Flood Insurance Reforms on Housing Markets in the Mid-Atlantic Coast
  • November 22: Sara Hughes, University of Michigan: Repowering Cities: Governing Climate Change Mitigation in New York City, Los Angeles, and Toronto
  • December 6: Kurt Waldman, IU Geography: Indiana Farmer Well-being and Resilience in the Face of Persistent Uncertainty

  • January 19: John Graham, O’Neill School: Solving the Federalism Dilemma: The Unusual Role of California in Spurring
  • January 26: Adam Ward and Riley Walsh, O’Neill School: The Evolving Jurisdiction of the Clean Water Act: Past Expansions and Current Challenges
  • February 8: Daniel Raimi, University of Michigan: The Fracking Debate: The Risks, Benefits, and Uncertainties of the Shale Revolution
  • February 23: Jay Shimshack, University of Virginia: Does Mandatory Labeling of Outfall Points Influence Pollution and Compliance? Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Ohio. Joint with PAPF.
  • March 2: David Molitor, University of Illinois: Long-Run Health Dynamics in the Wake of Disaster: Evidence from Hurricane Katrina. Joint with Health Policy.
  • March 23: Kerry Ard, Ohio State University: The Effect of Public Opinion on Environmental Policy in the Face of the Environmental Countermovement
  • March 28: Seth Blumsack, Pennsylvania State University: Can Electricity Markets be Designed by Democracy. Joint with PAPF.
  • April 13: Doug Noonan, O’Neill School: Justice Implications of Clean Energy Policies: Using Data in a Multi-Level Analysis in the United States to Inform Policy Choices
  • April 20: Zhengyan Li, O’Neill School: Coercion or Cooperation? Federal Response to State Implementation of Clean Water Act and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
  • April 27: Andrea Gerlak, University of Arizona: Governing Transboundary Rivers - The Intersection between Science, Policy, and Institutional Design. Joint with Ostrom Workshop.