- Phone:
- (812) 855-4168
- Email:
- jeldon@iu.edu
- Research areas:
- Ecology and Conservation
- International Affairs and Development
- Sustainability and Sustainable Development
- Areas of Interest:
- Agricultural ecology
- Soil science
- Farmer adaptation
- Forestry
Dr. Jon Eldon worked in ecology and conservation biology before moving into more applied questions related to ecosystem management, with a focus on agricultural systems and farmer adaptation. He has conducted research in intensive production systems in the United States, as well as low-input smallholder systems in the South Pacific and West Africa.
Prior to joining O'Neill in 2018, he spent three years in Senegal and The Gambia, where he partnered with local and international non-government organizations to manage a large network of on-farm research trials.
Current projects include community forest management in a post-conflict zone, experimental methods in agronomic research, adaptive management options for smallholder low-input systems, and alternative production strategies for vegetables in the Midwestern United States.
“On-farm trials identify adaptive management options for rainfed agriculture in West Africa. Agricultural Systems,” (with G. Baird, S. Sidibeh, D. Dobasin, P. Rapaport, W. Cheng, C. Shennan), Agricultural Systems, 182, 102819 (2020)
“Hawaiian picture winged Drosophila exhibit adaptive population divergence along a narrow climatic gradient on Hawaii Island,” (with M.R. Bellinger, D. Price), Ecology and Evolution, 9 (5) 2436 (2019)
“Processes, patterns, practices, and perspectives: what we talk about when we talk about ‘development,’”Cogent Social Sciences, 3(1), 1336855 (2017)
A rural livelihood atlas of Senegal, The Gambia, and Guinea Bissau, (with P. Rapaport) United Purpose, Hartford, UK (2017)
“The effects of cultivation and alternative vineyard management practices on soil carbon storage in diverse Mediterranean landscapes: A review of the literature,” (with A. Gershenson), Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 39(5), 516-550 (2015)
“Patterns and processes in complex landscapes: testing alternative biogeographical hypotheses through integrated analysis of phylogeography and community ecology in Hawai'i,” (with J.P. Price, K. Magnacca, and D.K. Price), Molecular ecology, 22(13), 3613-3628 (2013)