- Phone:
- (405) 763-8180
- Email:
- edmee@iu.edu

- BA, Political Science, University of Oklahoma
- MPA, University of Oklahoma
Courses Taught
- Instructor of Record: V-185, Managing Public Problems and Solutions, Fall 2022, Spring 2023, Fall 2023, Spring 2024, Indiana University
Selected Publications
- Rutherford, Amanda and Emily Mee. 2023. “What Explains Variation in Representation in the Public Sector? Predicting the Presence of Female Officers in US College Police Departments.” Public Administration Review, 83(4), pp. 895-910.
- Perry, James and Emily Mee. 2022. “The Evolution of Organizational Forms for Public Service Education.” Journal of Public Affairs Education, 28(1), pp. 3-34.
Research Interests
- Representative Bureaucracy
- Street Level Bureaucrats
- Administrative Burden
- Higher Education Policy
Selected Honors and Awards
- O’Neill Fellowship to Attend ICPSR Summer Program Course in Quantitative Methods of Social Research: Empirical Modeling of Theory.