- Phone:
- (812) 671-3310
- Email:
- felbravo@iu.edu
- Website:
- https://www.felipebravopena.com/

- Ph.D. School of Public and Environmental Affairs. Indiana University Bloomington (expected 2025)
- MPP. Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, 2019
- GradCert, Public Policies for Agriculture. 2016
- MSc. Veterinary epidemiology, and public health. University of Chile, 2014
- GradCert, Livestock Management, 2012
- DMV. Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. University of Chile, 2011
Courses Taught
- Rural Development and Family Farming
- Introduction to Economics and Management
- Formulation and Evaluation of Projects
Selected Publications and Working Papers
- Peer-reviewed papers:
- BRAVO-PEÑA, F.; YODER, L. 2024. Agrobiodiversity and Smallholder Resilience: A Scoping Review. Journal of Environmental Management. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.119882
- KOBRICH, C.; BRAVO-PEÑA, F.*; BOZA, S. 2019. Perceptions and attitudes of Chilean consumers regarding products of peasant origin: An exploratory study. http://bit.ly/37Rq4W5 RIVAR Vol 6 N°18. Journal. ISSN 0719-4994
- Under Review
- BRAVO-PEÑA, F.* Mapping the Agricultural Knowledge and Resources System: Mixed Impacts of Social Networks on Indigenous Farmers’ Sustainability. Under Review. Journal of Cleaner Production.
- Work in Progress
- BRAVO-PEÑA, F. Limits of Indigenous Institutions in Sustaining Collective Action under Agricultural Intensification in Chile. (Chapter 3, Dissertation)
- BRAVO-PEÑA, F.; A. Beyond Policy Narratives: Institutional Barriers to Translating National Agroecological Policies into Local actions in Chile. (Project as Visiting Scholar at PSU).
- BRAVO-PEÑA, F.*; TAHERI, H.; KÖBRICH, C.; Barriers to the Adoption of Silvopastoralism and Regenerative Livestock Approaches in Chile. (Funded by IDB Call: Speeding the Adoption of Sustainable Cattle Production Technologies in Latin America and the Caribbean)
- BRAVO-PEÑA, F.*; KÖBRICH, C.; M.; RAMÍREZ-PEREIRA, M.; CANO, I.; TORO-LETELIER, J.; ALVIAL-CABRERA, N.; ALFARO, C.; RANJAN, P. Barriers to the adoption of sustainable practices in Livestock: a Scoping review
- Lastest Published Technical Reports
- BRAVO-PENA, F.; TORO-LETELIER, J.; ALVIAL-CABRERA, N.; ALFARO, C.; HARGREAVES, M. 2025. Regenerative Livestock Farming: Definition, Characterization and Policy Recommendations. Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), United Nations (In press).
- SALAS SOTO, R.; BRAVO-PEÑA, F.; OLGUIN RIQUELME, C.; INOSTROZA BARRAZA, F.; DOWD, E. 2024. GIAHS file “Integrated System of Camelid Livestock and High Andean Agriculture of Chile” within the framework of the GCP/CHI/041/GFF project. https://bit.ly/giahs
- BRAVO-PEÑA, F.; SALAS-SOTO, R.; NAVEA, J.; DOWD, E.; ZAMBRANO, V.; MONROY, T. 2024. Project of Regional Climate Change Action Plan (PARCC) for the Tarapacá Region. Ministry of the Environment of Chile and Regional Government. https://bit.ly/parcc_tarapaca
Research Interests
- Agrarian Socioecological Systems
- Institutional dimensions of agri-environmental change
- Agricultural decision-making
- Environmental governance and Climate Change
- Food System
- Mixed Methods
Selected Honors and Awards
- Roy W. Shin Fellowship Award (2024 – 2025)
- Ostrom Fellowship, Ostrom Workshop at IU (2024-2025)
- Ostrom Research Award (2022-2023)
- Sustainability Research Development Grant, IPE at IU (2022-2023)
- Pre-Dissertation Research Grant, Indiana University (2022)
- Fulbright Fellowship (BIO) for PhD (2020-2024)