- Phone:
- (843) 343-7731
- Email:
- asbrad@iu.edu
- Website:
- https://ashleycbradford.com/
- Master of Public Administration, Department of Public Administration and Policy, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia
- B.A., Department of Sociology, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia
Courses Taught
- Instructor of Record: 2022 V379 - Performance Measurement & Program Evaluation (Undergraduate Level) School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University
- Teaching Assistant 2021 V525: Health Economics for Policy and Management (Masters Level) School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University
Selected Honors and Awards
- Marijuana Laws and Opioid Mitigation Policies: Better Together than Apart?
- Role: Principal Investigator
- Amount: $19,000
- Funding Agency: National Institute on Drug Abuse, OPTIC Duration: 2021
- Paul H. O’Neill School Summer Merit-Based Fellowship ($1,000), 2022
- Best Conference Paper in Policy Analysis Section, Association of SPEA Ph.D. Student Annual Conference, 2019
- Winner of 2016 Cannabist Award in Medical Advancements - Research Breakthrough (The Cannabist Awards, given by the Denver Post, recognize the world’s top marijuana and hemp businesses, researchers, technologists, thought leaders, products, influencers and philanthropists.)
Selected Publications
- Hollingsworth, Alex, Coady Wing, and Ashley C. Bradford. “Comparative Effects of Recreational and Medical Marijuana Laws On Drug Use Among Adults and Adolescents.” Journal of Law and Economics (Forthcoming).
- Raman, Shyam, Ashley C. Bradford “Recreational Cannabis Legalizations Associated with Reductions in Prescription Drug Utilization Among Medicaid Enrollees.” Health Economics. (2022): 1– 17.
- Bradford, Ashley C., and W. David Bradford. “The Effect of Evictions on Accidental Drug and Alcohol Mortality.” Health Services Research. 55, no. 1 (2020): 9-17.
- Bradford, Ashley C., W. David Bradford, Amanda Abraham, and Grace Bagwell
- Adams. "Association between US state medical cannabis laws and opioid prescribing in the Medicare Part D population." JAMA internal medicine 178, no. 5 (2018): 667-672.
- Bradford, Ashley C., and W. David Bradford. "Medical marijuana laws reduce prescription medication use in Medicare Part D." Health Affairs 35, no. 7 (2016): 1230-1236.
Research Interests
- Public Policy
- Health Policy
- Housing Policy
- Substance Use
- Risky Behaviors