Faculty: Vicky Meretsky
Selected Works:
Reports and Publications:
Peer–Reviewed Research Publications
Selected Works:
- “Recognizing Indigenous peoples’ and local communities’ rights and agency in the post-2020 Biodiversity Agenda,” (with V. Reyes-García, A. Fernández-Llamazares, Y. Aumeeruddy-Thomas, et al.), Ambio (2021)
- “Collaborative Governance under the Endangered Species Act: an empirical analysis of protective regulations,” (with R.L. Fischman, M. Castelli), Yale Journal of Regulation, 38:976-1058 (2021)
- “State Imperiled Species Legislation," (with R. Fischman, W. Drews, K. Stephani, and J. Teson), Environmental Law, Issue 48, Volume 1 (2018)
- Comment on “Terrestrial Scavenging of Marine Mammals: Cross-Ecosystem Contaminant Transfer and Potential Risks to Endangered California Condors (Gymnogyps californianus),” (with N.F.R. Snyder), Environmental Science and Technology, 51:5347-5348 (2017)
- “An Evaluation of U.S. National Wildlife Refuge Planning for Off-road Vehicle Use,” (with R.L. Fischman, K. Freeman, A. Lamm, L. Missik, S. Salmon), Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management, 8:283-300; e1944-687X, (2017)
- “Human Dimensions of Private Land Conservation: Placing Conservation Easements,” (with J. Farmer, D. Knapp, C. Chancellor, B. Fischer), Landscape and Urban Planning, 138:11-19 (2015)
- "Learning from Conservation Planning for the U.S. National Wildlife Refuges," (with R. L. Fischman), Conservation Biology (2014)
- "A Novel Approach for Practitioners in Training: A Blended-learning Seminar Combining Experts, Students and Practitioners," (with T.A. N. Wood), Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 13: 48-62 (2013)
- "A State-Based National Network for Effective Wildlife Conservation," (with F.W. Davis, D. Figg, D. Goble, D.B. Griffith, S.E. Henke, L.A. Maguire, J.M. Scott, D.M. Stoms, J. Vaughn, and S.L. Yaffee) BioScience, 62: 970-976 (2012)
- "Strategies for reducing extinction risk under a changing climate (Chapter 17)," (with J.H. Hellman and J.S. McLachlan), Saving a Million Species: Extinction Risk From Climate Change (L. Hannah, Ed.). Washington, DC: Island Press (2012)
Reports and Publications:
Peer–Reviewed Research Publications
- “Performing gas exchange measurements on excised branches – evaluation and recommendations,” (with Justine E.C. Missik; A C Oishi; M. C. Benson; Richard P Phillips; Kimberly Ann Novick), Photosynthetica, 59 (61-73) 13 (2021)
- Fischman, R.L. and V.J. Meretsky. In press. Planning for adaptation to climate change: Lessons from the US National Wildlife Refuge System. BioScience
- Meretsky, V.J., and R.L. Fischman. 2014. Learning from conservation planning for the U.S. National Wildlife Refuges. Conservation Biology DOI: 10.1111/cobi.12292.
- Meretsky, V.J., L.A. Maguire, F.W. Davis, D.M. Stoms, J.M. Scott, D. Figg, D. Goble, D.B. Griffith, S.E. Henke, J. Vaughn, and S.L. Yaffee. 2012. A state-based national network for effective wildlife conservation. BioScience 62:970-976.
- Hellman, J.H., V.J. Meretsky, and J.S. McLachlan. 2012. Strategies for reducing extinction risk under a changing climate. Chapter 17 in Hannah, L. (ed). Saving a Million Species: Extinction Risk From Climate Change. Island Press.
- Farmer, J.R., D. Knapp, V.J. Meretsky, C. Chancellor, and B.C. Fischer. 2011. Motivations influencing the adoption of conservation easements. Conservation Biology 25:827-834.
- Meretsky, V.J., J.W. Atwell, and J.B. Hyman. 2011. Migration and conservation: frameworks, gaps, and synergies in science, law, and management. Environmental Law 41:447-534.
- Tepe, T.L., and V.J. Meretsky. 2011. Forward-looking restoration under climate change: are US nurseries ready? Restoration Ecology 19:295-298.
- Meretsky, V.J., V. Brack, Jr., T.C. Carter, R. Clawson, R.R. Currie, T.A. Hemberger, C.J. Herzog, A.C.
Hicks, J.A. Kath, J.R. MacGregor, R.A. King, and D.H. Good. 2010. Digital photography improves consistency and accuracy of bat counts in hibernacula. Journal of Wildlife Management 74(1):166-173. - Brittain, R.A., V.J. Meretsky, and C.B. Craft. 2010. Avian communities of the Altamaha River Estuary in Georgia, USA. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 122(3):532-544
- Brittain, R, V. Meretsky, J. Gwinn, J. Hammond, and J. Riegel. 2009. Northern saw-whet owl (Aegolius acadicus) autumn migration magnitude and demographics in south-central Indiana. Journal of Raptor Research 43(3):199-209.
- Meretsky, V.J. 2008. Mechanisms of change in seep/spring plant communities on the Colorado Plateau. Pp. 211-299 in L.E. Stevens and V.J. Meretsky, eds. Aridland springs in North America: ecology, and conservation. University of Arizona Press, Tucson, AZ.
- L.E. Stevens and V.J. Meretsky. 2008. Aridland springs in North America: ecology, and conservation. University of Arizona Press, Tucson, AZ.
- L.E. Stevens and V.J. Meretsky. 2008. Springs ecosystem ecology and conservation. Pp. 3-10 in L.E. Stevens and V.J. Meretsky, eds. Aridland springs in North America: ecology, and conservation. University of Arizona Press, Tucson, AZ.
- Meretsky, V.J., R.L. Fischman, J.R. Karr, D.M. Ashe, J.M. Scott, R.F. Noss, and R.L. Schroeder. 2006. New directions in conservation for the National Wildlife Refuge System. BioScience 55(2)131-139.
- Meretsky, V. 2005. Biodiversity conservation: risk assessment and management. In Proceedings of the Azerbaijan National Man and the Biosphere Committee. UNESCO.
- VanWey, L.K., E. Ostrom, and V. Meretsky.2005. Theories underlying the study of human-environment interactions. Pp. 23-56 in E.F. Moran and E. Ostrom (eds.) Seeing the Forest and the Trees: HumanEnvironment Interactions in Forest Ecosystems. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
- Fischman, R.L., and V.J. Meretsky. 2004. Managing biological integrity, diversity, and environmental health in the National Wildlife Refuges: an introduction to the symposium. Natural Resources Journal 44(4): 931-942.
- Parker, Dawn C., and Vicky J. Meretsky. 2004. Measuring pattern outcomes of an agent-based model of edge-effect externalities using spatial metrics. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment 101:233-250.
- Timm, A. and V.J. Meretsky. 2004. Anuran habitat use on abandoned and reclaimed mining areas of Southwestern Indiana. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science 113(2): 140-146.
- Snyder, N.F.R., and V.J. Meretsky. 2003.California condors and DDE -- a reevaluation. Ibis 145:136-151
- Meretsky, V.J., E.G. North, and L.E. Stevens. 2002. Kanab ambersnail and other terrestrial snails in southcentral Utah. Western North American Naturalist 62:307-316.
- Stevens, L.E., T.J. Ayers, J.B. Bennett, K. Christiansen, M.J.C. Kearsley, V.J. Meretsky, A.M. Phillips III, R.A. Parnell, J. Spence, M.K. Sogge, A.E. Springer, and D.L. Wegner. 2001. Planned flooding and riparian trade-offs: the regulated Colorado River Corridor in Grand Canyon. Ecological Applications 11: 701-710.
- Burcsu, T.K., S.M. Robeson, and V.J. Meretsky. 2001. Identifying the distance of vegetative edge effects using Landsat TM data and geostatistical methods. Geocarto International 16:59-68.
- Fischman, R.L., and V.J. Meretsky. 2001. Endangered species information: access and control. Washburn Law Journal 41: 90-113.
- Meretsky, V.J., N.F.R. Snyder, S.R. Beissinger, D.A. Clendenen, and J.W. Wiley. 2000a. Demography of the California Condor: implications for reestablishment. Conservation Biology:14:957-967. See Responses to Comments section.
- Meretsky, V.J., L.E. Stevens, and D.L. Wegner. 2000b. Balancing endangered species and ecosystems: a case study of adaptive management in Grand Canyon. Environmental Management 25:579-586.
- Meretsky, V.J., R.A. Valdez, M.E. Douglas, M.J. Brouder, O.T. Gorman, and P.C. Marsh. 2000c.
Spatiotemporal variation in length-weight relationships of endangered humpback chub: implications for conservation and management. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 129:613-637. - Meretsky, V.J. and R.W. Mannan. 1999. Supplemental feeding regimes for Egyptian vultures. Journal of Wildlife Management 63(1): 107-115.
- Meretsky, V.J. and T.S. Melis. 1997. Integration of Grand Canyon physical and biological information. Pp. 192-213 in C. van Riper, III, and E.T. Deshler, eds. Proceedings of the 3rd Biennial Conference on Research in the Colorado Plateau National Parks. National Park Service Transaction and Proceedings Series NPS/NRNAU/NRTP-97/12.
- Zengel, S.A., V.J. Meretsky, E.P. Glenn, R.S. Felger and D. Ortiz. 1995. Cienega de Santa Clara, a remnant wetland in the Rio Colorado delta (Mexico): vegetation distribution and the effects of water flow reduction. Ecological Engineering 4:19-36.
- Meretsky, V.J., and N.F.R. Snyder. 1992. Range use and movements of California condors. Condor 94:313-335.
- Meretsky, V.J. 1987. Basic techniques for analyzing movement and home-range data. Pp. 135-137 in: Meretsky, V.J., tech. ed. Experimental design and data analysis for telemetry projects: summary of a workshop. Raptor Research 21:125-146.
- Meretsky, V.J., tech. ed. 1987. Experimental design and data analysis for telemetry projects: summary of a workshop. Raptor Research 21:125-146.
- Gutierrez, R.J., A.B. Franklin, W. LaHaye, V.J. Meretsky, and J.P. Ward. 1985. Juvenile spotted owl dispersal in northwestern California: preliminary results. Pp. 60-65 in Gutierrez, R.J. and A.B. Carey, tech. eds. Ecology and management of the spotted owl in the Pacific Northwest. Gen. Tech. Rept. PNW-185. U.S. Forest Service Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station.
- Marcot, B.G., and V.J. Meretsky. 1983. Shaping stands to enhance habitat diversity. J. Forestry 81: 526-528.
Responses to comments - research
- Meretsky, V.J., N.F.R. Snyder, S.R. Beissinger; D.A. Clendenen, J.W. Wiley. 2001. Quantity versus quality in California Condor reintroduction: reply to Beres and Starfield. Conservation Biology 15:1449-1451.
Teaching Publications
- Meretsky, V.J., and T.A.N. Wood. 2013. A novel approach for practitioners in training: a blended-learning seminar combining experts, students and practitioners. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 13:48-62.
- Meretsky, Vicky J. 2013. Anonymous online student surveys anywhere. Journal of Teaching and Learning with Technology 2:66-68.
- Meretsky, V.J. Teaching outdoors. 2010. Chapter 14 in H.L. Reynolds, E.S. Brondizio, J.M. Robinson (eds). Teaching environmental literacy: across campus and across the curriculum. Indiana University Press, Bloomington, IN.
Recent Public Service Publications, and Blogs
- Meretsky, V.J. and R.L. Fischman. 2014. Con: Ceding land to states is short-sighted economically; historically and legally wrong. Editorial for McClatchy-Tribune Information Services (picked up by >30 US newspapers).
- Meretsky, V.J. 2012. A coordinated national strategy for wildlife conservation – starting and maintaining the conservation. Ecotone, the Ecological Society of America’s blog.
- Meretsky, V.J., and L.A. Maguire. 2012. Scientists propose national conservation support network. Society for Conservation Biology News Blog.