Selected Works:
“How trust in government relates to public attitudes toward shale gas development in China,” (with Y. Zhang, J.A. Rupp, J.D. Graham), Journal of Risk Research, 26(9), 895-910, (2023)
“Active curation of large longitudinal surveys: A case study,” (with I. Kouper, K.L. Tucker, K. Tharp, and M.E. van Booven), Journal of eScience Librarianship, 10(3): 11 (2021)
“A comparative study of Chinese and American public perceptions of shale gas development,” (with Y. Zhang, J.A. Rupp, and J.D. Graham). Journal of Risk Research, 1-23 (2021)
“Partisanship does not tell the full story: The complexities of public opinion and fracking in the United States,” (with M H-W. Lee), Energy Research & Social Science, 70, 101686, (2020)
“How do incentives influence local public support for the siting of shale gas projects in China?” (with Y. Zhang, J.A. Rupp, and J.D. Graham), Journal of Risk Research, 23(3) 330-348 (2020)
“Public opinion toward hydraulic fracturing: The effect of beyond compliance and voluntary third-party certification,” (with M H-W Lee, J.A. Rupp, D.C. Wietelman, and J.D. Graham). Energy Policy, 128, 306-315 (2019)
“The road mileage user fee: Level, intensity, and predictors of public support,” (with D. Duncan, V. Nadella, S. Giroux, and J.D. Graham), Transport Policy, 53, 70-78 (2017)
“Searching for a tolerable tax: Public attitudes toward roadway financing alternatives,” (with D. Duncan, V. Nadella, S. Giroux and J.D. Graham), Public Finance Review, 1-23 (June 21, 2016)
“Survey quality,” (with S.E. Hansen, G. Benson, B-E Pennell, B. Duffey, M. Hu, and K. Cibelli Hibben). In Cross-Cultural Survey Guidelines (2016)
“Searching for a tolerable tax: Public attitudes toward roadway financing alternatives,” (with D. Duncan, V. Nadella, S. Giroux, and J.D. Graham), Public Finance Review, 1-23 (June 21, 2016)
“Fee disbursements and the local acceptance of unconventional gas development: Insights from Pennsylvania,” (with N.H. Paydar, J.A. Rupp, and J.D. Graham). Energy Research & Social Science, 20, 31-44 (2016)
Reports and Publications:
PEER REVIEWED JOURNALS: (* are co-authored with O’Neill students)
- Kouper, I., Tucker, K. L., Tharp, K., van Booven, M. E., and A. Clark. (2021). Active Curation of Large Longitudinal Surveys: A Case Study. Journal of eScience Librarianship, 10(3), 11.
- *Zhang, Y., Clark, A., Rupp, J. A., and J. D. Graham. (2021). A comparative study of Chinese and American public perceptions of shale gas development. Journal of Risk Research, 1-23.
- *Lee, Michelle H-W. and A. Clark. (2020). “Partisanship does not tell the full story: The complexities of public opinion and fracking in the United States.” Energy Research & Social Science, 70, 101686. doi: 10.1016/j.erss.2020.101686.
- *Zhang, Y., Clark, A., Rupp, J. A., and J. D. Graham. (2020). How do incentives influence local public support for the siting of shale gas projects in China?. Journal of Risk Research, 23(3), 330-348.
- *Lee, Michelle H-W., Clark, A., Rupp, J. A., Wietelman, D. C., and J. D. Graham. (2019). “Public opinion toward hydraulic fracturing: The Effect of beyond compliance and voluntary third-party certification.” Energy Policy, 128, 306-315. doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2018.12.034.
- *Duncan, D., Nadella, V., Giroux, S., Bowers, A., and J. D. Graham. (2017). “The road mileage user fee: Level, intensity, and predictors of public support.” Transport Policy, 53, 70-78.
- *Duncan, D., Nadella, V., Giroux, S., Bowers, A., and J. D. Graham. (2016). Searching for a tolerable tax: Public attitudes toward roadway financing alternatives. Public Finance Review. doi: 10.1177/1091142116653818.
- *Paydar, N. H., Clark, A., Rupp, J. A., and J. D. Graham. (2016). “Fee disbursements and the local acceptance of unconventional gas development: Insights from Pennsylvania.” Energy Research & Social Science, 20, 31-44.
- *Paydar, N., Schenk, O., Clark, A., Carley, S., Rupp, J., and J. D. Graham. (2016). “The effect of community reinvestment funds on local acceptance of unconventional gas development.” Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy, 5(1).
- *Duncan, D., Graham, J., Nadella, V., Bowers, A., and S. Giroux (2014). “Demand for benefit taxation: Evidence from public opinion on road financing.” Public Budgeting and Finance, 34(4), 120-142.
- *Duncan, D., Nadella, V., Graham, J., Bowers, A., and S. Giroux. (2014). “Bumpy designs: Impact of privacy and technology costs on support for road mileage user fees.” National Tax Journal, 67(3), 505-530.
- Pennell, B., Bowers, A., Carr, D., Chardoul, S., Cheung, G., Dinkelmann, K., Gebler, N., Hansen, S.E., Pennell, S., and M. Torres. (2004). "The Development and Implementation of the National Comorbidity Survey Replication, the National Survey of American Life, and the National Latino and Asian American Survey." International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 13(4): 241-269.
- Groves, R.M., Singer, E., Corning, A., and A. Bowers. (1999). "A Laboratory Approach to
- Measuring the Effects on Survey Participation of Interview Length, Incentives, Differential Incentives, and Refusal Conversion." Journal of Official Statistics, 15: 251-268.
- Hansen, S.E., Benson, G., Bowers, A., Pennell, B-E., Lin, Y., Duffey, B., Hu, M., and K. Cibelli Hibben. (2016). “Survey Quality.” In Cross-Cultural Survey Guidelines. Retrieved from
- Gazley, B. and A. Bowers. (2013). What Makes High-Performing Boards: Effective Governance Practices in Member-Serving Organizations. Washington, DC: American Society of Association Executives.
- Alcser, K., Antoun, C., Bowers, A., Clemens, J., and C. Lien. (2010). “Ethical Considerations in Surveys.” In Cross-Cultural Survey Guidelines.
- Pennell, B.E., Mneimneh, Z., Bowers, A., Chardoul, S., Wells, E., Viana, M.C., Dinkelmann, K., Gebler, N., Florescu, S., He, Y., Huang, Y., Tomov, T., and G. Vilagut. (2008). “Implementation of the World Mental Health Survey Initiative.” In Kessler, RC & Ustun, TB (eds). The World Mental Health Survey Initiative Volume One: Patterns of Mental Illness in the WMH Surveys. New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Bowers, A. (2008). Field survey. In P. Lavrakas (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Survey Research Methods (pp. 280-282). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.
- Kromer, M. (Contributors: Ashley Clark, Rich Clark, Heidi Grunwald, Tim Johnson, Andy Smith, Jolene Smyth). “Survey Centers and the Academy.” Inside Higher Ed, August 22, 2017.
- Groves, R.M., Brick, J.M., Couper, M., Kalsbeek, W., Harris-Kojetin, B., Kreuter, F., Pennell, B., Raghunathan, T., Schouten, B., Smith, T., Tourangeau, R., Bowers, A., Jans, M., Kennedy, C., Levenstein, R., Olson, J., Peytcheva, E., Ziniel, S., and J. Wagner. “Issues Facing the Field: Alternative Practical Measures of Representativeness of Survey Respondent Pools.” Survey Practice, October 2008.
- Berner, M., Bowers, A., and L. Heyman. (2002). "So You Want to Do a Survey..." Popular Government, 67: 23-32.
- Bowers, A. and B. Vaughn. (2000). "Making the Transition to a Windows-Based CATI System." National Network of State Polls Newsletter, 40: 1-4.