Faculty: Adrian Sargeant
Selected Works:
Reports and Publications:
Books and/or Book Chapters
Selected Works:
- Sargeant A (2010) Essentials of Donor Loyalty, White Lion Press, London
- Sargeant A, Shang J & Associates (2010) Fundraising: Principles and Practice, Jossey Bass, San Francisco
- Sargeant A and Jay E (2010) Fundraising Management, Analysis Planning and Practice, 2nd edition, Routledge, London
Reports and Publications:
Books and/or Book Chapters
- Sargeant A (2010) Essentials of Donor Loyalty, White Lion Press, London
- Sargeant A, Shang J & Associates (2010) Fundraising: Principles and Practice, Jossey Bass, San Francisco
- Sargeant A and Jay E (2010) Fundraising Management, Analysis Planning and Practice, 2nd edition, Routledge, London
- Sargeant A (2009) Marketing Management for Nonprofit Organizations, (3rd edtn) Oxford University Press, Oxford
- Sargeant A (2008) Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations in Baker M.J. and Hart S.J. The Marketing Book, 6th Edition, Butterworth Heinemann, London, 526-550
- Sargeant A and Shang J (2008) National Occupational Standards for Fundraising, UK Workforce Hub, London
- Sargeant A and Woodliffe L (2007) Individual Giving Behavior: A Multidisciplin ary Review, in Sargeant A and Wymer W (Eds) The Routledge Companion To Nonprofit Marketing, Routledge, London, pp 111-144
- Sargeant A and Wymer W (2007) The Routledge Companion To Nonprofit Marketing, Routledge London
- Sargeant A and Jay E (2007) Measuring and Managing Donor Value, in Mordaunt J and Paton R (eds) Thoughtful Fundraising, Routledge, London
- Lee, Z. and Sargeant, A. (2011) ‘Dealing with social desirability bias: an application to charitable giving’ European Journal of Marketing, 45(5), 703-719.
- Sargeant A., Shang J and Shabbir H (2010) ‘The Social Marketing of Giving: A Framework for Public Policy Intervention, Public Management Review 12(5), 635-662.
- Merchant A., Ford J.B and Sargeant A (2010)) ''Don't forget to say thank you': The effect of an acknowledgement on donor relationships', Journal of Marketing Management, 26: 7, 593—611
- Merchant A., Ford J.B and Sargeant A (2010) ‘Charitable Organizations’ Storytelling Influence on Donors’ Emotions and Intentions.’ Journal of Business Research, 63(2010) 754-762
- Sargeant A (2009) ‘Reflections on the Emergence of a Field,’ International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 14(4), 311-316
- Shang J and Sargeant A (2009) Clear Insights: Philanthropic Psychology, Advancing Philanthropy, May/June, pp28-33
- Sargeant A., Lee, S. and Jay E (2009) 'Communicating the Realities of Charity Costs: An Institute of Fundraising Initiative,' Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 38(2), 333-342
- Routley C., Sargeant A and Scaife W (2009) ‘Bequests to Educational Institutions: Who Gives and Why?’ International Journal of Educational Advancement, 7(3), 193-204
- Wymer W., Sargeant A and Scaife W (2008) ‘Curricular Content of the Marketing Component for Nonprofit Management Programs: The Practitioner Perspective,’ Journal of Public Affairs Education, 14(2), 271-283
- Sargeant, A, Hudson J and West, D.C. (2008) "Conceptualizing Brand Values in the Charity Sector: The Relationship between Sector, Cause and Organisation,” Service Industries Journal, 28 (5), pp. 615-632
- Sargeant, A. Ford J.B and Hudson J (2008) 'Charity Brand Personality: The Relationship With Giving Behavior', Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 37(3), 468-491
- Sargeant A., Jay, E and Lee, S. (2008) The True Cost of Fundraising: Should Donor’s Care? Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practice. 9(4), 340-353
- Sargeant A and Hudson J (2008) ‘Donor Retention: An Exploratory Study of Door-to-Door Recruits’, International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 13, pp89-101
- Sargeant A, West D.C, and Jay E (2007) ‘The Relational Determinants of Nonprofit Web Site Fundraising Effectiveness: An Exploratory Study’, Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 18(2), 141-156
- Sargeant A and Woodliffe L (2007) ‘Gift Giving: An Interdisciplinary Review,’ International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 12, 275-307
- Sargeant A and Woodliffe L (2007) ‘Building Donor Loyalty: The Antecedents and Role of Commitment in the Context of Charity Giving,’ Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing, 18(2), 47-68
- Sargeant A., Routley C and Scaife W (2007) ‘Successful Bequest Fundraising: Lessons From Research’ Journal of Gift Planning, pp11-15/29-39
- Polonsky M and Sargeant A (2007) ‘Managing The Donation Service Experience’, Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 17(4), 459-476
- Sargeant A and Crissman K (2007) ‘Corporate Giving in Australia: An Analysis of Motives and Barriers,’ Australian Journal of Social Issues, 41(4), 477-492
- Sargeant A and Ford J.B. (2006) ‘The Power of Brands’, Stanford Social Innovation Review, Winter, pp41-47
- Sargeant A, Wymer W and Hilton T (2006) ‘Marketing Bequest Club Membership: An Exploratory Study of Legacy Pledgers’, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 35(3), pp384-404
- Sargeant A, Hilton T and Wymer W (2006) ‘Bequest Motives and Barriers To Giving: The Case of Direct Mail Donors’, Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 17(1), pp49-66
- Wymer, W. W. and Sargeant A (2006), ‘Insights From a Review of the Literature on Cause Marketing, International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, 3 (1) pp9-21
- Sargeant A, Ford J B and West D.C. (2006) ‘Perceptual Determinants of Nonprofit Giving Behavior,’ Journal of Business Research, 59(2), pp155-165
- Sargeant A, Jay E and Lee S (2006) ‘Benchmarking Charity Performance: Returns From Direct Marketing In Fundraising,’ Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing, 16 (1/2), pp77-94